
Had a bad experience at work. I would like your opinions.

This was my grievance letter I sent to my union. On September 20th, I was terminated by the management from my employment as a telecommunications operator with the (provincial government) Communication Center located at the (old crappy government building) My dismissal was due to not being “successful” in my probationary period. It is my contention that I was not given enough training by management, provided the materials I requested to assist in my training, was refused assistance by coworkers, and was discriminated by management and staff due to age and gender. I offer the following narrative to support these claims. The training period for the position was eight days of 12 hours. During these eight days I was bombarded with waves of information that were crucial to success in the center. Each day I went home mentally exhausted from trying to take in, digest and conceptualize this information. It was…


I’m going to join the workforce soon, what is your advice?

I am a trans female computer science student who lives is Eastern Europe (but still in EU). Because I feel that I'm getting ready to work, I've been looking for jobs, but the problem is that I don't want to be exploited more than it is necessary. There are no discrimination protections for trans people, basically we have no rights here. Even in America there are federal protections for trans people that are still holding up better than in my shithole country, however, generally, there are still way more worker's rights than in the US. What advice are you going to share with me?


I took a low paying job because I was desperate to get a job after being fired from my previous one, I literally started working for this new one the following week, but now I regret not negotiating the initial hourly salary, is it ok to request a small increase with only 1 month working for them?

I was afraid to get turned down for requesting a higher hourly rate because I was jobless and needed something real quick. What can I do? It’s a WFH.


Is There A Productive Alternative To Calling Out Discrimination?

It seems that unless you have the time and a good lawyer and/or responsive HR you almost have to suffer in silence. It seems that if you don’t have the resources for the situation to be rectified, all you gain is getting it off your chest I guess. People don’t change overnight if they change at all. Sometimes it’s not deliberate discrimination, they were just raised that way and don’t know much else. How do you guys handle it or you just quit? It seems most people quit and/or move to cities that are more progressive which is what I plan to do eventually.


How do people actually cope with working?


My work just released a website to buy company merchandise.

Really? Pretty sure if we work 5 days a week, ya'll should be giving us 5 work shirts, as well as cold weather gear. Especially if you demand we be in uniform.


The job market is insane

I've been jobless for over a month now (got fired for “attendance issues” despite always getting time off approved & always bringing in a doctor's note when needed) and have applied to at least 30 jobs in the last 2 weeks now. I can't believe the amount of work these people want you to do just for pennies. The only job that's gotten back to me is over an hour drive away into the city commuting during rush hour both ways for just $10 an hour. I'd be lucky if I made enough to cover rent and gas if I took it, not even enough for groceries. And don't even get me started on the amount of “entry level” jobs that want at least 5 year's experience and an associate's degree. Feeling really discouraged and honestly a little scared for the future. Good luck to all of those out there…


I resigned and got a priceless satisfaction

Company hired me for 8 months at a subsistence salary as an accountant. I accepted cos I was in a needy situation. Asked for 30% increase on August, they refused since believed I would not have been gone anywhere. They didn't know I had 2 offers parked and I resigned. They found themself suddenly without accountant, struggled to find new one (losing time and energy) and they get new one on emergency, paying him 180% more than me and losing even more time for training. What I learned: Taking your revenge is priceless!!


How to demotivate your employee 101

I am the perfect employee for soul sucking American jobs. I tie my self worth to my job, I have an extreme fear of “getting in trouble”, I have zero boundaries, I’m a workaholic, and I think (or I guess thought) it was important to make genuine friendships at work. So the perfect employee in the corporate hellhole of a society we live in. Up to this point, this has worked out as you would expect – I’m taken advantage of and burnt out and my personal life is struggling, but hey, I’m “succeeding” at work under terrible conditions so that means something right? Well, I’ve been radicalized. Sometime last week I don’t know what happened but my computer got flagged for a harmful file. Our out of office IT quarantined my computer and have been analyzing it while cutting me off from everything for the past 4 work days.…


Don’t follow advice from this sub

If you do the bare minimum at work, that is a great way to get stuck in a dead end job forever. Don't do it take it from me