
My jobs “occurrence policy” is making me want to look elsewhere

I've been with my job for a couple of years but lately they've been setting up new rules regarding being late and absent and it's starting to piss me off. People at my job took advantage of covid for sure when it came to calling out. But I think I've called out once in the last year and am never late. So today I had an issue with my car and came in 20 minutes late and was told that it counts as an occurrence against me. Two more and I will be reviewed for termination. Seriously fuck that shit. So if I call in sick, it counts as an occurrence. So basically I can't get sick. We can only use PTO if it's scheduled in advance. I'm so done with this company.


Is that all the same?

Working in IT 5 days a week, barely afford a new apartment. And it's all the same. Work is repetitive. Agile, sprints, the same projects. Development of software became all the same. I can't imagine doing that in my 40s, 50s. Running sprints, making “interfaces”, back-end systems for the platforms. And profits to the employer. I can afford a holiday, but it looks like last 5 years the cost of holiday increased 2x. Annual salary increase is like 2-3% in average. Mortgage – fake game I need to commit for 20-30 years. Sounds like a slavery.


How to ever want to work again after toxic jobs?

How do you ever find the will to work again after toxic jobs? Especially in the same field? I sort of gave up after multiple highly toxic jobs in the legal field. Think excluding, bullying, belittling and bad management. I'm now suffering because of this because I have what I think will be life long depression and burnout. I just don't see anymore why I went to school til age 28 for this. I go from temp job to temp job, preferably C level and part time so I have the least amount of contact with a job. And even that is usually too mentally tough for me, especially if anyone at work triggers memories from the past. I think my lack of motivation is harming my performance and is causing a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm currently looking for yet another temp job and I am just petrified of starting…


I thought I hated the government before

I now officially have a reason to get sterilised (if they will actually do it rather than keep telling me I’m too young as they have been doing so far). There are new plans in the UK government which I have been reading up on to essentially force even disabled people to work. IMO this is pure evil. I have both mental disabilities as well as a very poorly functioning spine due to an injury. Guess I’ll go fuck myself


Boss looked at my computer and found out about my company

So I was at work doing my stuff while the boss was late to the office for about 4 hours. No big deal, because it's the end of the season and there isn't much work to do. I had already gone to get lunch and was working on my side project. Then I took a small smoke break. To my horror, when I returned and opened the office door, my boss was staring at my open laptop screen. He then asked me what company X is? And asked me if I started my own company. I answered that I was just putting my skills into practice. He then gave me a lecture about not doing this at work. That statement was amusing because I know for a fact, that he himself occasionally works in a different company while working here. So I'm sitting here baffled about what to do. I…


‘Competitive salary’ and ‘28k’ do not belong in the same sentence for a graduate position


It’s that time of year again!

Why can't they just fill it out themselves? I have enough work to do.


Denied a raise, took a job at the hospital down the street for 3x the pay

I work in a small city with two hospitals. My field is very specialized and in demand. I was making 26 an hour which I thought was fair but then a market survey came out and it turns out the next city over, people in my field were pulling 50+ an hour. It was me and another guy who worked in my city in my field and he retired from the other hospital. I asked for a raise of 35 an hour and was denied. Applied to the other hospital and was offered 74 an hour Didn't give my two weeks. Stopped showing up to work and spent two weeks with my family and my newborn niece.


How do you deal with being in the office minute to minute?

After nearly 4 blissful years I am finally being called back to the office, unexplained decision by top brass. I've been to the office a good number of times throughout the year and as an introvert it's always mind-numbing. Like most office jobs, I get my work done in about 3-4 hours total across the day, leaving a lot of downtime and pretending to be busy but I find this to be more mentally exhausting than actually working. The commute is frustrating and hurts my wallet, the loss of free time to commuting hurts too, having to socialise and make small talk I don't want to is draining but it's the slow crawl of time as I sit there pretending to be hard at work that absolutely kills me. It's not for a lack of trying, I offer to help others where I can, I take on extra projects, etc.…


Recruitment ad, requirement: “Good attitude towards working in general.” – What do they want from me?

As a proud member of r/antiwork I don't think I can apply for this job. Can't I just do my job and feel whatever?