
Thanks, I hate it.


Should I ghost this job I just got hired at

Been looking around and trying to get a decent paying job, something to do while I am in college, I live in Texas and was interviewed at a local mall store. I however realized after I was onboarded that I am only getting $8.25 an hour, I work in the back and fix and organize the stock, move boxes, unload crates stuff like that. Although this pay is so extremely bad that I don' know what to do, should I ghost them and simply look elsewhere (which I have been doing). Just wanna know is it worth it do all this strenuous work for $8.25 an hour?


Not mine, found on twitter. Daughter received this rule list on her first day of work (place mostly employs 16 year-olds)


Corpos are horrible and all…but…

You what grinds my gears…when you act your wage and you let pettiness affect how you treat new hires. Its not the poor kid's fault the boss hired him at 3 dollars more even you got more experience. Story time ya bunch of goblins… I saw an 18 year old kid get hired making more than me without experience (back in the day)…You know what I did? I took that little shit under my wing and I showed him how it was done because he wanted to make a living and learn a trade. You know what I didnt do? Barely train the kid because I was petty and didnt give a shit because Im an old fart stuck in my ways who only watches old shows cause he likes to edge to nostalgia of perceived better times. I dont remember if this was a rant or a story….whatever….old people…


i give up on everything

im not suicidal or anything like that I'm just burnt out mentally. All day, everyday, i either work, do university work, house work and everywork in between. Bit of a backstory I'll keep it short. My mum fell for a scam, giving away around 15-20k during covid (the money was from her and my dad's super account, super is basically australia retirement money). She realized what she did was wrong and that's that. Few weeks later she left, saying that she doesn't love my dad and left, 100% agreeing on her therapist but not her family lol. Now the family is kinda half and half. I am on my dad's side here 100%. She wanted to do better post scam but ran away after, using said scam as a scapegoat to leave. My young brother on the other hand is on her side somehow. Saying that we're too harsh on…


Employer forcing PTO to be taken in week chunks

My partners employer has recently demanded that time off from work is no longer taken is whatever amount the employee wants, it has to be taken has a full week, my assumption is their justification is to help with planning peoples absence. But it's really effected my partners mental health with know that next year she basically has on 4 times off work (PTO 20~ days) I am basically just looking for advice on the legality of such a demand, I feel it's crossing the line. FYI we live in the UK and she works in the veterinary industry


my boss had the audacity

…to say my ONE DAY OF PTO was “terrible timing” ​


How to get out of work for interview

I haven't been working at my current company long and I want to move already. Its a bunch of air heads with pie in the sky ideas. Not for me and if you want loyalty, hire a dog. Anyway, interview is tomorrow (yes I know) at 11am, what's a good excuse for getting out of work?


Shouldn’t you be in the office?

Um, I should be foraging & hunting for mushrooms and other organic, unprocessed foods in a walkable community of 100-150 people who all know each other by name and share the burdens of infrastructure, child rearing, and healthcare based on abundance, not scarcity, and so should you babeeeeee


Let’s boycott companies that exploits their workers!

Makes sense, we benefit from having some extra cash in our pockets and they lose profits if we all do it together. People if Antiwork, I call upon you to namedrip companies that we will boycott. The art of war says win without fighting is the best way to do this. Least try or have an attempt on this. I say neslte and all chocolate companies because they exploit us Africans as slave labour for their product's, also never failing to mention Latin America too. What's your thoughts on this?