
Working at an extremely vague company

So I’m currently working at such a vague company that I’m not even sure if I’m doing my work right. Nobody communicates, nobody sets deadlines, but has a deadline in their mind. Like, “there’s no deadline to this” and two days later they’d go “so how much longer is this gonna take because I need this done soon” with no explanation of what soon is. The other day someone asked me what I do for a living and I have no idea what my job title even is. I applied for something completely different as to what they’re making me do. I’m looking for a new job, but I don’t even know what to say on my cv for this. It’s just odd.


I want to leave my current job

I want to leave my current job since I have lost my peace of mind and feel angry and let down every day in current job. What are the things to consider before I put in my resignation? I am new here – so if there is already a list- feel free to point me towards it. I don’t have any new opportunity lined up for now.


If something is bothering you at work, and you decide to do the right thing and tell your supervisor – rest assured, you will come to regret it.

One of the biggest lies ever said at work is, “come Forward”, “talk to me”, “tell me what's wrong”, “feel free to speak up at anytime”. In some cases further vetting an issue yourself, could save you the trouble of bringing it up. In other cases, you may be decided on bringing it forward. I honestly don't put anything beneath anyone at this point. I once heard a quote, “Being good at stuff is just hiding when you're bad at stuff”. This is great for Sport, Art and Entertainment but in technical work environments it often means hiding, manipulating, and gaslighting the bearer of bad news.


The only moment when colleagues truly appreciate you and your time being at the company is when you leave it


Being slowly phased off schedule

I’m a lifeguard. I only recently started with a new pools company early summer and it was going great! I was working almost as much as 50 hours during the summer. Starting mid September all guards switched to solely indoor pools. The way my company works they post a bunch of shifts all at once and then you can request to pick up whatever works for you. I’ve never been assigned a shift since working at the company. Usually my picking up shifts has never been a problem and I almost always got accepted and when it didn’t they have a reason. Once the summer season ended there were a lot less options for shifts. During summer I had the option to rotate work at up to 7 pools and indoor pools i now only have 3 Pool options and shifts are a bit competitive but I’m always the first…


Assaulted at work – sketchy HR investigation

I got assaulted at work: After leaving a work event, a colleague came from behind me and put his hands around my neck (as if to strangle me). He put enough pressure on my neck to cause physical pain which lasted the evening. I had to physically pry his hand off my neck – there was resistance on his end – which is really scary. I was walking in a group of 12 other colleagues when this occurred. There was 1 witness (my boss) that reported the event to HR. The individual who assaulted me was a colleague in a position of authority (has been working for the company for 20+years, likely in his 50's). That same evening, he grabbed another female colleague (late 20's) by the neck and kissed her on the head (without consent). This event was also reported and had multiple witnesses. Both events were reported to…


My Lil story •••

bit of a back story. I was working for a mob for almost 2 years. Couldn't for the life of me gel with my co workers. Tried initiating conversation, offering my coffee as a substitute to the cheap stuff work provided. Listening to the bickering and back stabbing while trying not to drag myself into it. Eventually (around july) I started pulling back, withdrawing ( in a healthy way) and focusing on the work itself. I was easily clocking upto 20k steps a day and coming home to find myself mentally more exhausted than physically. Anywho, ended up in a disciplinary meeting and didn't budge an inch. It got to the point where I made them an offer, let me go or keep me on. They couldn't even pull the trigger so I quit. Best feeling ever. Remember, trust your gut


Quit without another job or slack off?

I'm a contractor (no benefits) at a horrible company with a toxic work environment and no work life balance. My manager is manipulative and erratic and I've spent six months trying to make this work because the prospect of being unemployed is scary. But I can't keep doing what I'm doing. I'm losing sleep, my hair is falling out from stress, I feel sick all the time. I have applied to 20+ jobs in the past few months and not even gotten an interview. I'm a highly skilled candidate with good experience but this job market scares me. I've seen people give the advice to stay in your current crappy job but just start phoning it in and barely do any work while you seek other employment. But I'm a “star” employee rn who is constantly told I'm the MVP of the team and they'd give me a glowing review…


I love my job is it bad??

Please comment


Acting/faking to be a professional at work for 35 hours a week is absolutely tiring, draining and ridiculous! It’s all a drama show with fake people acting as if it was a soap serious!

Anyone else tired of acting different to your normal self?