
How are people content with not doing anything all day?

I have autism, I am fully employed, I have my tasks, I do them very well/efficiently/properly/correctly. I can assure you they don't take the entire day to do, I start everyday at 11am (even though I start work at 8:30am) I am done by 11:20-11:30, on a good day I have 6 hours to kill on a bad day about 4. I am still getting paid full time hours, but I have nothing to do. I have seen multiple posts on here, assuring me that I am not the only person, in this situation. I am grateful for having a job, (a lot of people are struggling at this time) but I live in constant fear of my job finding out that a monkey can do my job, hiring the monkey and paying it less to do my job, thus getting rid of me. I don't have a side hustle,…


Got my partner a job but she may quit soon – will this jeapordize me?

my partner is transitioning out of a manager position where she is working 50-60 hour work weeks. I am getting her a job at my workplace for 30 hours a week at the same rate so she can have more time to relax. They've already asked her to come do a working interview. She is also applying for a gig in something she loves to do: photography. If she gets that job, I'm wondering if her leaving will affect my standing at the job. Will it make me seem like I am not reliable? In that I recommended her for a position she couldn't keep? I want this for her and I want her to go for this other gig that it what she is passionate about.


Is anyone else “that one guy” who everyone relies on to overwork themselves to death?

I understand being a faithful and dedicated employee, but it comes with the caveat of being overworked into a fatigued and broken mess. I simply can't put out multiple metaphorical fires every day. I shouldn't feel this beaten down at 40. I'm not a machine, I am not a workaholic.


Give me some of your most cynical ideas on how to ruin your bosses life without them knowing it was you?

I am asking this purely for scientific reasons and all contributions will be attributed to research. I am only asking for a friend…


Just Quit…Didn’t Recognize myself in the mirror!

I was working as a housekeeper at a Hilton Hotel. I thought I could continue dealing with the disorganization, taunting, and bullying. I was even threatened by a former employee. People say that I have an attitude with my tone. I don’t understand that. I’m always direct and honest. If I’m stressed out I will raise my voice like any other human I thought. But I’ve never used foul language or called anyone out of their name. Also I don’t want to do everyone’s job. But my department manager basically said I will have to. Not blatantly but in the conversation that basically what it came down to. I can’t raise my voice, I can’t have a “tone”. And I might have to do other people’s job. The department manager also said she understands me and doesn’t really have a problem. I think it’s just gaslighting or something. All in…


Boss trying to force me to work Christmas.

I am currently a college student working two jobs to pay for tuition, so I can avoid loans. My mom got me a ticket to visit family overseas, from dec 23rd-Jan3rd, but my boss denied my request, along with anyone else who tried requesting time off. I don’t really care about this job, but ill struggle severely trying to pay for the the spring semester. Any tips for how i can get it approved without quitting. Side note: The way it was denied was by her writing on the note I made, to tell her i wasn’t going to be there, and sending me a picture of it, which I thought was hella rude, especially considering I texted her as well.


Question on posting reviews on Indeed, Glassdoor, etc: how would I post without breaking non-solicitation rules?

By this question, you can safely assume I'm asking about posting negative reviews? For those are more legally fluent, how would I post them without breaking any non-solicitation rules?


How Do You Act Your Wage?

How do you act your wage, practically speaking? Examples? Tips? I know people have said just do work according to your contract, but what if you’re not a contract employee? Has anyone been in a position where your boss won’t “let” you act your wage? After years of hard work, I didn’t get a promotion even after doing all the extras and helping anyone I could. The person I split work with got promoted instead and I got a lousy 1% raise. I decided from then on I would act my wage and just do the bare minimum. Since then my boss let us know they wouldn’t be replacing my coworker and reworked assigned tasks so I now have to cover my coworker’s old workload. He also took the tasks that were split by the entire team and put those on me too. All the things I did to help…


Remember about this. Red fash is as bad as capitalism. Read about human rights violations in China and Soviet union.


New job couple of months ago

Started a new job a little ago and everything was going meh at first other than hours. but I figured id look past it because i needed a job and it pays well. But a few things have me contemplating quitting. is my shop manager seems to like hugging me when he talks to me. Its a side hug so its not as bad as a full hug. But i don’t like people touching me. At all. It wouldn’t be a big deal to just tell him not to. But i am already the new “weird guy” and get odd stares from coworkers. And i feel like telling him this will really secure that spot. Not to mention him trying to guilt be to come in on a Saturday after the Friday I requested off to go out of town. And after already being bullshitted to about hours, it left…