
I told my boss my mom was diagnosed with another cancer and I need to come in late the next day to take her to her oncologist and all he said is ok. Literally nothing else but ‘ok’. Is it stupid of me to expect some empathy?


Arby’s Takeout

Holy crap, I just needed a quick fix for lunch so I stopped at Arby’s and tried this new “Arbinator”. I used to love Arby’s, what happened? That was the worst thing I’ve ever eaten in my life. It was put together by a staff who while asking for 24% tips, also missed putting 80% of the meat in the bun. It was also weirdly soggy making me think it was put together well before hand. Big thumbs down! Put some pride in what you do, everyone wants to do less work, but doing a shit job is what gets you laughed at.


Why shouldn’t we work

Work can lead to a sense of alienation, where individuals feel disconnected from the product of their labor and the broader purpose of their work. Critics argue that in certain work structures, employees may be exploited by employers seeking to maximize profits, leading to unfair compensation and working conditions. The stress and pressure associated with work can contribute to mental health issues. Some argue that the constant demand for productivity can lead to burnout and other psychological challenges. Workplaces may perpetuate or contribute to societal inequalities, with issues such as gender pay gaps and discrimination persisting in many industries. Antiwork proponents may emphasize the importance of leisure and free time for personal development, arguing that excessive work hours can limit individuals' opportunities for self-discovery and fulfillment. Advances in technology could potentially replace certain jobs, leading to unemployment and challenging the traditional notion of the necessity of work. Some argue that…


My Cousins company just required all their employees to sign an agreement to personally pay up to $3,000 per year for any internal travel expenses. What is the appropriate response here?

Their reasoning is that all in-office employees will spend $3,000 per year on average commuting to the office in the tri-state area so it’s only fair to make remote employees pay. Seems pretty stupid to me, would love to hear some thoughts.


Seeking a creative outlet?

Been in Corporate America for 25 years, my soul has officially been sucked out of my body. Yes, working pays that bills and I am so lucky to be currently employed. With my million years of work experience I have seen a ton of crazy things. So, while this is a shot in the dark but I am looking for connect with people seeking a creative outlet. My goal is to develop funny, intelligent, parodies about corporate life. Being a female, executive, and in HR I would like to create funny and kindhearted perspectives on work.


Night Shift is killing me. HELP!

I have been working night shift from 6pm to 2am for about a year now. I'm feeling down all the time and I can get nothing done. It seems like I'm in a vicious circle–work, sleep, work, sleep. I'm sleeping (trying to sleep) all the time but still I'm feeling like I need more sleep. I was already very non-social and this night shift has given me an excuse. Now I've zero social life. I already sucked at verbal communication but now I feel like, i suck even more. I have forgotten how to disagree with someone–either i nod along even if i don't agree with them or I blurt my disagreement in a loud, shaky, angry voice. It gives others the message that I want to fight (I'm doing it unconsciously, i guess). I'm distanced from my parents and siblings as well. and I guess, it is also affecting…


Lawyer referral needed.

I worked for Berkeley Unified School District (California) and experienced harassment and retaliation. I filed with the department of labor and received the right to sue. I have 90 days to sue. Thanks in advance for any referrals.


Misguided unemployment.

I had eleven years with a company and was making a great wage, then got laid off. Then I was making a fair wage at a job I loved, then got laid off. I’ve been unemployed since last December. I got a few job offers, then a few jobs that just didn’t work out. I just took the plunge and applied and subsequently got a job offer with the postal service. I’ll be making 59% what I was making at that career job. The benefits might not even be as good as many of the private sector jobs I’ve applied for. But I wasn’t applying for jobs in that pay range. I was looking to move up. Make more money. Now I’m conflicted: do I find a job that pays commensurate with the post office but in a field I’m more interested in or do I submit to a life…


Let go on my day off

Yes, that happened to me on Friday. I was on an approved day off to travel out of town to spend time with friends. An hour after I checked into my hotel, I got the call that Friday was my last day with the company. No advance warning, no nothing. I admit that the job was getting progressively tougher and I did struggle at times, but I felt like I was blindsided. I'm glad that I still went on and enjoyed my weekend. Spending time with good people made me realize that I deserve better than a callous employer.


Why can’t society just admit that 40 hour work week is unnecessary to perform well in most jobs that a person is qualified for

Using GPT to make this more articulate and concise: In our rapidly evolving world, where technology and remote work have become the norm, it's worth questioning the continued relevance of the traditional 40-hour work week. Despite significant advancements that have streamlined many tasks, we still adhere to a work model established decades ago. This often leads to unnecessary “busy work” just to fulfill these time requirements. As someone who has navigated the professional landscape successfully for over a decade, I've observed that actual productive work doesn't always equate to a strict eight-hour day. Yet, there's a pervasive sense of guilt or obligation to adhere to this time frame. Remote work, in particular, has highlighted the inefficiencies of office-bound routines. The truth is, many of us are achieving our objectives in less time, thanks to our proficiency with modern tools and methods. Take my experience in the oil and gas industry,…