
Former higher ups from devilcorps, what made you decide to finally leave the circle?


In another world…


Just found out I am paid less than my peers.

I am fuming and feel like a complete fool. I found out that my peers are making more than me, at least 5K+. I left for a better paying job and then was laid off, and my boss really wanted me to come back and told me they really needed me. They have told me endless times that I was extremely valuable and very good at my job. So I went back, since the job market is garbage shit right now. I took a 20K pay cut to return to this place. And only to find out that they lowballed me. I left once, do they not think that I can and will leave again? I am tired of corporations playing games and being complete jerks to save a buck. I’m tired of working my ass off for a company that will never be loyal back to me, even if…


Laid off unexpectedly

So I was hired over 6 months ago, full time permanent. Just got laid off today because a girl on Maternity leave is coming back and they don't have enough work for us both. The first time I found this out was today! I was not hired as a mat leave temp person. I'm beyond pissed because if they had told me I would have started looking, but that's why they didn't. the turn over in the position was a revolving door so they stopped mentioning it was mat leave coverage. It's the end if the year and as we all know not many places hire or advertise in December. Just so frustrating. Just needed to vent.


Remote for new hires, but not for me

So my company has hired lots of new remote staff, but those of us on Hybrid are not allowed to change. I give up


Pay Thousands to Quit Your Job? Some Employers Say So.


Work is late with our payments

Okay so I work in hospitality and we used to get our tips with our paycheck via banking during the summer they decided to start giving us our tips in cash as it costs them less money, I have a feeling it’s slightly illegal though as I’ve heard them talking to my coworkers about things like it helps with tax or saves them money if they don’t have to bank it because they need to pay to put it in our bank accounts? None of my business to be honest but they keep giving our tips days after our payday which is fine every now and again but it’s every month and it’s due to them being lazy (they have actually said they were lazy) I’m getting a bit impatient now as I’m missing out on £100+ tips for days due to their laziness, any idea on what to do?


I’ve been in sales my whole life and I feel miserable and stuck.

Right out of college I got my first sales job, which was at spectrum (formerly time warner cable). I was making a decent living and it wasn’t really a sales intensive job so I liked the concept of sales and decided to pursue further. Fast forward 8 years, after multiple jobs in the car business, and in call center like jobs(cold calling), I feel like I’m stuck and miserable at every sales job I get. For the past 3 years I’ve been hopping around from remote job to remote job ( realistically only 3 jobs because it takes 2-3 months to land one) I’ve been laid off from every single one due to “budget cuts” even though I’m usually a high performer. Now I’m 30, I feel like I’ll never be able to love a job. I always search for careers I can transition to as an entry level employee…


Bribery happening in the workplace and the company doesn’t care

Two people give drugs and probably other things to my bosses in order to get whatever they want at work. I work my ass off to the point of burnout and get nothing, these people offer the boss a bump and can get away with murder. This is a corporation, not a small business. And yet I have reported this with proof to HR and nobody cares. They say, mind your own business. Is this normal? Am I supposed to expect bribery at any job I get? Am I crazy for being pissed off?


update to holiday bonus

original post: apparently i DO get a bonus, i got a notification that my pay statement was posted for tmrw and it clearly said holiday bonus, woo!! guess my coworker didn’t realize we do (or maybe since she’s under 18 she can’t get one? idk) it was $100 but after taxes i get $69.10. super greatful for this company