
Anyone else having a mandatory Work Christmas Party?

I work inside sales for this company. I am the only hourly worker, no commission, no OT. Everyone else is salary with 3% commission on all sales. My coworker informed me that if you're employed longer than 6 months, but less than 12, you receive a $100 visa vanilla gift card as a bonus. Salary workers receive a minimum of $700 added to their checks before Christmas. Today we received an email from higher-up stating we'll be having a a mandatory Christmas party. Everyone must bring food, enough to go around 15 employees and their families, along with a “$25-$50” Dirty Santa Gift. Has anyone else gotten their BS work party invites yet? I look forward to my extra $50 fake debit card.


To get an MBA or to not get an MBA? Looking at WGU or the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Thoughts, Advice, and Wisdom Welcomed.


To get an MBA or to not get an MBA? Looking at WGU or the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Thoughts, Advice, and Wisdom Welcomed.


Was this inappropriate ?

My boss had me and my coworkers in a meeting about someone who wasnt present. The girl who wasn’t present, Abby, has been feeling like she doesn’t belong and that none of her coworkers like her. Shes been going through a lot with her family and been under a loot of stress. Her and my boss have not been on the best terms lately, same with my coworkers. The other day she walked out because my boss said that she wasn’t pulling her weight with opening the store. Abby replied “if my work isn’t enough for you then maybe i should take it elsewhere” but came back later with coffee to apologize. During the meeting my boss told us that we should be more friendly towards her because she wants to make sure that she feels welcome amidst whats going on here and at home. It felt inappropriate because none…


The pandemic has accelerated the divide between white collar workers and blue collar workers to very concerning levels

Quick disclaimer: I am not writing this post to brag about how good I have it vs. the rest. I sincerely apologize if it comes off that way and I will delete this post if that ends up being the case. I just want to know how people feel about the growing inequity between the various groups of working classes we are currently experiencing, especially in the USA. Anyways, Before covid, there was still a divide between people that worked in traditional white collar jobs and people that worked in traditional blue collar jobs (especially those around the minimum wage level like food service, retail, etc..). The main sources of this divide were the differences in pay and the slightly better working conditions (on average an office was a bit more cushy than a factory, warehouse, grocery store, etc..). What still existed though was a level of empathy between the…


PSA – If you protest online / offline a war from a different part of the world, be prepared for the worst, when it comes to your employment

The company I work for doesn't take lightly any form of threats of violence made against any identifiable groups of people. There is a code of conduct that all employees must sign and agree to abide by EVEN when they are not at work. The idea being that employees are not allowed to in / directly or un / intentionally defame the company, in any way when they are in public. They don't care what its employees do privately. Their only concern is the company's public image. So, once a date/time/place was set in our city for a planned public protest in favor of “X” population (i.e. the ones being massacred now in retaliation for what happened last month) regarding the current Middle Eastern war, HR (probably at the instruction of upper management) retained private investigators to attend the protest and see if any of the company's employees decided to…


AITA for not giving money to get a manager a gift?

I’ve been working for this company for about 2 months and just learned everyone in the shop, about 20 people, are expected to give $25 towards a gift for one of the managers in the front office. I’m sure they’re a hard worker but $500 sounds like a lot for a gift for one person. We all work for the same company and get the same fringe benefits x-mas party, free lunch, random raffle giveaways, etc… unlike the front office though us shop guys are on forced OT (50hrs a week) and we ren’t getting anything just for us except a thank you email. Am I the asshole blowing this outta proportion or should I just give up the little money that I make so I don’t make waves?


Closed all week but still required to show up

It just makes no sense. I work as an instructor/counselor. We’re closed to all clients for the entire week, but I only get Thursday and Friday off. There’s no staff development or anything like that. I’m just sitting in my office scrolling Reddit. Might play some video games or take a nap and try not to get caught. I don’t have to wake up at 7:00 AM or sit in a desk chair for this. I’m actually mad that I have to be here right now. No work to do, but they still own me. Let me go home!


Huel Meal Replacement ads glamorizing not having enough time to eat due to work

I keep getting targeted ads on YouTube for Huel, the meal replacement product. I take huge issue with these ads because the guy in them basically says “I'm too busy with work to cook actual meals, so Huel is a great solution”. I mean, who the hell thought this was a positive way to sell a product!?!? “My job works me so hard I don't have time to eat, so this instant garbage is a great way to not waste time”. It doesn't help that Huel is misleading consumers into thinking their products are a healthy option when in fact they are far from it. Huel's products contain thickeners, emulsifiers, sugar, sweeteners, food additives (such as maltodextrin) and highly refined vegetable oils – hardly the healthy ingredients it claims to contain. In the UK they've already been sanctioned by the trading authority for breaking advertising rules, and yet they think…


I have had the worst day at work today and I can’t stop thinking about killing myself

After reading this, you can call me sensitive and that people have had it worse at workplaces and I completely agree. But I am who I am and I can't change it. I have nowhere to go which is why I am here, although I have no idea what I am trying to achieve by posting this experience here but I am just desparate to find some solace…I am crying profusely as I am typing this right now. I am a 25yo Indian woman from a below-middle class family, who somehow made it through college through loan. And then right after my graduation, I was diagnosed with TB. Couldn't work, couldn't pay my loan. My interest got higher! Right after my remission, I managed to find a job. Moved out of the city. My first job was horrible to say the least. All kinds of bad stuff starting from bullying…