
Meanwhile the CEO of that “brand” will have 200% profit for the half of the effort that worker has put.


Wells Fargo Workers File for First-Ever Big Bank Union Votes


2k upvotes and I’ll quit job

Just need some support. Hate my job and been looking to pursue my passions. Just need a little push and motivation from others. Will update


Did not receive back pay after waiting 6 months for promotion pay increase.

Advice needed. Tl;dr at the end. I was promoted in February and I foolishly agreed to accept the promotion and wait for my raise. My boss (VP) explained that since I just received my annual increase the powers that be would be less inclined to approve a significant increase for my promotion. So waiting would be in my favor. She strongly suggested that I would receive back pay and even cited her own experience of being promoted and receiving back pay. It wasn’t until August that I received my increase. My boss (VP) and her boss (SVP) were in the room at the time. The amount was lower than a previous estimate I was given. But I accepted as I did not want to deal with it anymore. Before wrapping the discussion I asked about back pay. The SVP quickly stated “we don’t do that”. So, at this point, I’ve…


Dollar Stores – Last Week Tonight


Am I supposed to feel better after this?

I work for a small business in a high crime area. This morning I was the first one in and a panhandler was waiting in the parking lot. It's a little scary sometimes because people get mad if you don't have anything to give and at my workplace we're not allowed to. This guy walked right up to the driver side window and kept his right hand at his waistband. I told him I didn't have anything and he looked angry and I was hoping he didn't have a weapon. I put the car jn reverse and started backing out, then he took off down the alley away from the building. So when I saw my boss this morning they asked how I was and I told them I felt uncomfortable. I explained what happened and get a lecture on how I shouldn't have focused on the negative or reacted…


Months to see a doctor in America!

This isn’t exactly “antiwork”, but I need a place to vent about this experience. My wife has a chronic medical condition and I was laid off a few months ago. We lost our health insurance and her doctor discharged her as a patient. After three months, I was able to get a new job and the insurance is active but when she calls around to become a new patient, it’s going to take 3 to 6 months to get in anywhere! She has enough refills to make it three month, but if the doctor she signs up for suddenly decides they’re no longer taking new patients, she’ll be totally screwed. And I guess if she runs out of meds we’re expected to just go to the ER when her condition flares up so they can stabilize her and tell her to “follow up with your primary care doc”. Separately, another…


New study finds stressed employees become too depleted to properly recover



Can anyone relate to being moved away from co-workers, to “focus”?

Having a really hard time staying sane, at my job. I feel sorta abused. As I've been moved to focus on my job. While I get that chatting can be unproductive, it feels inhumane to deny my ability to talk to people by moving me away from everyone. Despite my best effort. I maybe get an hour of conversation per 40 hour work week. That's 5 to 10 minutes here and there. I would honestly bet I get to talk even less than I think I do. I know it's not a right of mine, but I just feel depressed going to work everyday. I feel stripped of my autonomy, and more or less like a machine.


False Profits

Last night I wrote a vent piece and posted it here. Nothing too serious but just wanted to get my thoughts out. Got alot of good advice and an abundance of ideas. To spark my interest back into life I wrote a poem to reflect my thoughts Pray to the Tower of Infinite Growth, Where devotion bestows your soul, Rewarded to indulge in scraps of echelons above. Feed the beast of avarice, and let the world invest in nothing. As the unchaperoned seek a divine fault, Unable to teach that through each atom's dance, Is found connection of interlaced cosmic flow. Designed faith bargained around wealth's illusion, Festering boundless to a finite scale, As Cults seance for entangled visions, Calculating algorithmic charts. Unraveling the spectre of humanity. Crusading for a final number, to call God, Primal alarms ingrained our souls, Indulging in disreality, surely it can be satiated. False profits…