
Airline Unions Aim To Preserve Sky-High Credit Card Fees

To safeguard airline reward programs, some industry unions are splitting with their labor colleagues and teaming up with big banks. This post IS NOT giving y'all to greenlight shitting on airline unions!! Make your own posts for that.


Can I get benefits from my job then leave?

It's absolutely ridiculous that our health is tied to work, but that's the country right now. I've been at this job for a couple months, and I'm finally benefits eligible starting next month. I'm interviewing for other jobs, so is there any reason I can't use all my insurance benefits, then jump ship?


Best way to break mic/PC system working from home for paid time off?

What’s the best way to break my mic or mess up my work PC in some way that IT won’t detect? I can’t download anything. My colleagues often break their audio driver or snap their headset wire but I’m wondering if there’s any less obvious way and I’m also unsure how to cause audio driver issues. Is there a way to cause the soundbar to show sound coming through but when talking there’s no sound or anything like that? A few have had this issue but I don’t know if it can be replicated. Apparently IT fix it in 5 mins but it takes days or weeks for them to respond so that’s fine. All my colleagues keep taking 1-2 weeks off due to tech issues and I’ve never had any and it causes me to do 2-3x the work and I’m sick of it.


I love taking a dump on company time

Only way to save up for that porcelain crusie. Boss makes a dollar we make a dime so make sure you shit on company time.


Why do we have to work on a planet none of us asked to live on?

The concept of money is made up, everything is made up we did this to try to understand the world through our lense a little better. We know the government doesn't give af about us an they hide secrets. a bunch of baby adults allow themselves to be controlled by other selfish baby adults on a planet that holds absolutely no meaning. No matter religion you believe in, you have no proof it's just your faith not a fact. You have to find meaning to give it meaning which makes the whole experience on earth pointless because no one ever asked to be here to give it meaning. So when we be hungry bro.. an we barely got money .. an we go in stores an the prices get higher an higher for absolutely no real reason (remember everything's made up) we gotta leave because we don't have enough money..…


New office a construction zone. Is this legal?

We are moving into a new office next week but the new office is still in the middle of a remodel. It doesn’t seem safe for employees to be working in the middle of a construction zone. Is this against OSHA or something?


I Called Out an HR Manager for Thinking People Want Office Parties (and Not Just Better Pay)

Sometimes on Reddit, I might see a commenter complain about worthless office pizza parties that don't do anything for work morale. People just want better pay and reasonable workload. For 2 months, I have been dating the head of HR at a medium sized company. The company has a mix of white collar and manual labor workers. The guy sometimes brings up how well the company treats its employees. Examples include snacks, water, extra rest breaks (umm good for you?). Over dinner, he bragged about organizing a huge holiday party complete with buses to an extravagantly decorated resort event space. There will be prizes, such as iPads. I commented that they should just pay their employees better. I told him people would prefer to have more money that they could spend as they wish. He replied raising pay would cost too much, and anyway, they have great retention. It turns…


“Get to know you day”

So long story short, I interviewed for a position with a company and they called me back. however, they did not offer me the job right away and want to do a day where they get to know me better and give me a rundown of what the job will be before offering me the position. i was told it would be about a 3 hour process, which i think is a bit wasteful of my time if they don't actually end up hiring me. however i hate the current job im at and this place is closer to me and offering me more pay, so i dont want to lose the opportunity but i also am considering not even going to this get to know you day and just looking for something else. am i being robbed in this situation, like is this normal or what? should i not…


6 days a week but still under 40 hours

I have been a prep cook at the company with the big red lobster (if you know you know) for about 3 months now. I can 100% say i hate my job and would rather be doing 50 million other positions than my current one. I spoke to my manager when i first started because my hours were based on when the prep list was done; which means on any given day i work 9-4, 9-3, sometimes we'd even get done at 1 or earlier. I'd come in expecting to do 7+ hours and leave with less than 5 under my belt. I've talked to him about my schedule twice now. The first time, manager started scheduling me for other positions and i got more hours, too much in fact. I was working severeal split shifts a week. Then they decreased again for whatever reason so i spoke to him…


I can’t find any information if his employees get 4 day work week too.