
If you are celebrating 50 years at a company is that a win or lose?

I think it's disgusting. What do you think?


There was a glitch and the company sent out emails asking for interviews

I’ve been applying to new jobs for a few weeks. I currently work in a hybrid setting doing operations work but pay is low and I have previously worked at a remote call center. After hundreds of rejections I get an email last night for a hybrid remote call center job at a finance company that’s paying a livable wage. The emails asks me what time I’m available for an interview and I list a few emails. I get an email back at midnight saying that was an “auto:email error” that was mass sent out to applicants and they are “currently reviewing applicants” and will let us know if we’re actually going to get an interview…I should’ve known a livable wage and a hybrid environment wasn’t gonna happen.


No sympathy and over this job

I have been working for a small family owned franchise of a home care company for almost a year now. My nephew was in an accident that made national news last week and was having a hard time dealing with the trama that he experienced. I asked if I would be able to work from home for a few days to be with him because I moved 2 hours away a few years ago but have been involved in their lives very much since my move. I was told that working from home was a privilege that only the people who saw them through covid got and I would have to take leave if I wanted to be with them. I have been looking for another job already and want to find something else that will be more flexible than this job. I just needed to rant to someone other…


How to get loyal employees

My father worked for his company for I believe 35ish years. The salary wasn't the best but wasn't too bad either. My father was from the generation of “you do what your boss says while keeping your head down”. For 35 years, he did just that. No complaints. He kept teaching me to do the same. Then it happened. My mother got cancer around 1999. The company stepped up and paid for EVERYTHING for my mother. The company owner himself (this was a BIG company) came and said “I don't want you to worry about a single invoice for your wife's treatment. You want to do it here or your home country, upto you. Just send me the invoice” and he was true to his words. We brought our mother to our home country and got her the treatment for her breast cancer. She got chemo and was cured. But…


I absolutely fucking hate that fake corporate “kindness”

This has probably been talked about several times on this subreddit but i really just wanna vent. I despise that fake ass “friendly behaviour”managers have with their employees and customers. Like when your manager is giving those fake smiles or fake laughs when talking with customers or employees, or when they say something obvious that you know how to do it in that tone that nake it sound like they're treating you like a child, like when you ask a customer if they need help, and they say no, but then the manager comes, asks them the smae thing, they answer no, and then tells you you gotta ask customers if they need help. Bitch I'm here everyday doing the same thing everyday, don't you think I do this everytime? Do you have a brain? Oh aand when your boss tries to make friendship with you by talking about details…


I thought international men’s day was meant to be about men’s safety and health rather than simping for capitalism?


Now I feel everyone

Hey all, Just a small rant on work. I used to think that people over exaggerate the negatives of work and that it isn't all bad. Fuck off. Thats how Im going through it now. A quick background on what I do, im an intern in marketing for a pretty huge agency and im also in my final year of my bachelors. Yea ik everyone's gona say oh Intern & Marketing. You haven't seen shit. Just to describe it, most days there's no work life balance. Even when I'm in Uni I have to do pending office work cuz It just keeps going. On weekends I have to get shit done at times, sometimes at like 7.00am. Even after working hours they say “follow up with the client, this needs to get done”. And then they say “Oh you know, you have to do it. My hands are tied. Your…


manager scrutinises my ocd

Manager scrutinising my ocd compulsions in short, i have OCD. and it causes me to have a lot of compulsions that minimise anxiety, one of which is constantly differing with my thumbs and not looking people in the eyes. otherwise my real event ocd will take a massive hold of me, today i had a meeting with my manager which was about my bus being late previously and improving my performance. i was incredibly nervous, whag happened was i started looking around, not making eye contact and fidgeting, clearly distressed and not able to form coherent sentences (my manager didn’t know i had ocd prior) she tells me ‘xyz can you please sit still’ o told her i won’t be micromanaged. i have anxiety and if i feel anxious i will perform compulsions. it’s out of my control. to which she said ‘it’s as if you don’t care’. she said…


How do I tell management that I’m not going to do this shit anymore?

I work on a college campus and am paid by the state. I'm supposed to be working with others but am doing my job by myself. Nobody wants to work here cause the pay is way below the private sector jobs. I've been tasked to do the jobs of 3 others plus my job. I have to be a project manager, an accountant, and HR to manage my time down to every 15 minutes. I was hired as labor. How do I tell upper management that it's not in my job description to do the jobs of others who get paid more than me. I hate it here


Book recommendations

I don’t want a job, I want to live off grid, grow veggies and soak up the sun. I know it sounds like a far fetched dream, but I believe we’re all just beings on this earth and we should just ‘be’. Can anyone suggest some books on this topic? And how to navigate it? Or live without relying so heavily on capitalism?