
Ex-boss infected me with covid, had to cancel the field work he forced me to do. 10 days later, he rescheduled the trip to start on day 25. I almost lost my life and had just returned from hospital. He was kept up to date. He feels entitled to my time even though I no longer work for him.


How is it that so many professional jobs are severely underpaid by their employers?

I'm so frustrated with job searching because of how many positions want to lowball on pay. I just don't understand how any company can expect a professional to take a job that you can't afford to live off of. Why is it taking so long for pay to catch up with the cost of living? I see job postings like the one I just turned down an interview for because their non negotiable pay for a personal banker was $42k. That's $42k before you lose pay from taxes/social security/health care/dental/vision/401k/etc. So many job postings want you to have a 4 year degree and experience yet pay under $50k. How


Is there really nothing we can do? I am 20 and already tired of this.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I simply cannot fathom having to genuinely work for the rest of my life. This isn't right. And I have no clue how the generations before me has been managing this 5 day work week for decades. Growing up poor and with little financial security (single parent household), I used to think I'd sacrifice anything to secure a high-paying job. I used to think I'd make something of myself. But over the years, the education system has worn me down to the point where I would only show up 50% of the time for my classes during Secondary School years. Still, my teachers believed in me, that I would have a bright future, and I believed them too. I mean, if I were getting paid good money, surely I'd be willing to go to school. Turns out, I don't know myself at…


UK construction pay cut

First time posting here so hope it gets some good conversations. I am a self employed skilled carpenter working on a new build construction site. The builder contractor whose name rhymes with “ploor homes” has handed out pay cuts to all hands on workers with immediate effect. Mine being a 10% pay cut. Originally he asked for 15%. He did this because of “the housing market” but didn't back up his claims or make any effort to help anyone. Just straight up cut wages to all hands on workers, this means that all of his staff did NOT receive a paycut, and will still gain their Christmas bonus. The owner of “ploor homes” is a billionaire, and like most rich people, he didnt earn it by being a nice guy. He still expects us to work above a high standard of work, everything is mm inspected! He makes our jobs…


Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


I dread doing this

I hate this job. I hate this company I hate these people. I have literally anxiety before I get into work and after I get out. It actually turns my stomach thinking about all the things I’m gonna have to keep track of and probably fuck up. I hate putting on a pretend face and pretending I care and that I’m a good employee. I hate them tacking on more and more to my job every day. I want to get fired but in order to do that I have to be shitty at my job and the lady I work with is scary when I mess up. She’s mean and judgmental. She’s got some sort of power trip. I’m terrified of confrontation so I just put my head down and work all day. No breaks except lunch and sometimes at my desk so it’s not like I get to…


One of the best worker to the worst worker.

Based in USA. I used to work part time at a custodial job. For 4 years, I worked as a custodial for 4 years. I have never been fired in my life, before this event. When I started working, I wasn't perfect at first. I have received warnings, and criticisms, but after 6 months in, I was reliable workers. I even got this racist compliment from my manager, “you people are the one of best races I ever worked with.” However, my boss was retiring, and we got a new boss, a 50ish year old white woman. I got called lazy, as soon as I started working with her. She wouldn't even bother to call my correct name. I don't want to disclose my real name, but she would call me “Ming”, when my name is something like Dave Park (not my real name, but my name does start D,…


it’s been 20 days and i still haven’t gotten paid

Hey! Im a vis dev artist working at this startup animation studio and p much as the title says, pays have been late for the previous month and I'm running on fumes at this point. I neither have the energy or money left to keep on dealing with this and conversations with the boss always end in “you'll get it this week” only for it to be delayed another week. I'm furious and on the verge of quitting


Company forces us to take annual leave over Christmas

Based in the UK. I started working for my current employer back in March this year and on the whole, as far as employers go, they're pretty decent. My manager has explained to me in the past the office shuts down over Christmas, basically the week between the 24th of December and 1st of January. I didn't think much of it until this week, when I put in a request for annual leave in March and noticed I had three approved days of annual leave coming up: 27th, 28th and 29th of December. The office is closed, nobody is working that week, and I'm annoyed that they're taking our annual leave away over this without a choice. Is there anything I can do? I guess it's nice not to have to work over Christmas (I did at my previous job) but frustrated that it comes out of my 25 days…


I am dead

I have done nothing but worked for my entire young adult life. At age 16 I graduated early and started a fulltime job at taco bell to save money. I wanted to go on a roadtrip around the united states. I wanted to write story's and paint the world before I found a place I wanted to stay at and build my life. I wanted to build a life of love and adventure. I wanted to paint a world of brilliance, I wanted to draw the moon and the sun entangled in cosmic dance of hope. I wanted to create. Eager to explore the world at 17 I left home due to an abusive environment and moved in with my partner. But the stale reality hit. The money I saved prior quickly vanished with rent and cost of living. I started new jobs. Working for 5 months at each trying…