
Motivation when Current Job is Demotivating?

Sorry this is long winded. Lots of thoughts in my head. I can already hear some of you saying that I need to rely more on discipline than motivation if I'm going to accomplish my goals. And I agree. However, that doesn't stop the soul crushing experience of continuing to work at a job that's both unsatisfying and demoralizing. I try to do the typical mantras of “grateful to have a job, grateful to pay my bills,” etc. But it never works. I'm only at this job now because it pays more than my last one. It's just warehouse work. I'm not learning anything useful like a trade or computer skills. I'm literally just picking shit up and putting it down for 12 hrs. What sucks is that, even though I feel like my time is being wasted at my current job, I do nothing with the time I have…


Bc Forward Unpaid Wages

I had a terrible, unlawful experience with BcForward. I am not sure where to post this…but I hope this travels through the grapevine… I was terminated due to vocalizing unlawful billing practices.(allegedly) I have several several claims against Bcforward for unpaid wages. You may not even be aware of, because they failed proper record keeping. One specific example is regarding the sick pay (depending on your state law) violations. And off-clock work hours and deceptive billing practices. Also, possibly unpaid expenses for telework depending on your local laws (?) Did you ever receive any paid time off? Did your ADP stubs list earned sick time and accruals? Did you have to get a covid vaccine required by BcForwad but they did not pay you for that time? Were you not allowed to bill hours for talking with or completing any training specially for BcF? E.g. you could not bill those…


The older I get, the more antiwork I get

I mean do people really want to be Director of this or VP of that? Why? Just for more money and BS? It seems pretty meaningless. Isn't it all just a false motivator to keep us on the hamster wheel for the best years of our lives? And then what happens when we're 60 and too old to work? Doesn't society discard the empty shell? I am glad some people seem to enjoy their jobs. I feel like everyone else unwittingly signed up for a bad exchange that doesn't (in 95% of cases) allow for enjoyment of the prime years, just enough to feel “successful”, “productive” or an illusion of progress and survive until retirement – which is often short and riddled with health problems (are you going to climb annapurna at 65?). Is it really free will, if you have to work to survive? Had a friend die at…


The older I get, the more antiwork I get

I mean do people really want to be Director of this or VP of that? Why? Just for more money and BS? It seems pretty meaningless. Isn't it all just a false motivator to keep us on the hamster wheel for the best years of our lives? And then what happens when we're 60 and too old to work? Doesn't society discard the empty shell? I am glad some people seem to enjoy their jobs. I feel like everyone else unwittingly signed up for a bad exchange that doesn't (in 95% of cases) allow for enjoyment of the prime years, just enough to feel “successful”, “productive” or an illusion of progress and survive until retirement – which is often short and riddled with health problems (are you going to climb annapurna at 65?). Is it really free will, if you have to work to survive? Had a friend die at…


Y’all are amazing

The amount of posts I see on this sub from people who make more than a living wage truly baffles me. There are children being bombed and starving to death and y’all have the gall to complain about your kushy job that makes you work? Y’all have obviously never lived in poverty nor have ever done physical labor and were also raised on a silver spoon. Your family must be so proud.


Exactly how do you plan to live?

Genuine question here…. I’ve seen many posts here, and TikTok as well, about not wanting to work and just railing about not having time for friends, hobbies, etc…. Well, riddle me this. Just exactly how do those in that frame of mind expect to pay bills that will most assuredly be there as they make their way through life? And have a decent quality of life? Should you be able to just go stand in line and get everything you need to live and then just do it again the next week and so on and so on and so on? I know this is ANTIWORK but you do have to at least do enough to maintain your position in life, right? Shit goes on for me all the time at work and I am really looking forward to retirement in about eight more years but until that day comes…


Recently Got Let Go

Recently got let go from a brewpub in my area this afternoon. Already knew my days were numbered when they reduced my days from 4 down to 2 after I made complaints against a few of my former co-workers for their inappropriate behaviors, but it still pisses me off. Worked there for less than a year, but I busted my butt off for them with tackling ANY issues they needed me to do, no matter how gross, and this is what I got? Not cool. And to make it even more ironic, I was the only Pacific Islander there working at a New Zealand-themed brewpub, while almost everybody else basically wasn’t. Really want to do it, but thought I’d ask this here before I do it. Will leaving a negative and truthful review on Glassdoor on a company that just fired me have a negative impact on the potential lawsuit…


I was supposed to work 1 more week, but I think I’m stopping tomorrow. Need advice asap

Hey everyone. Im in my 20s and work as a project manager at a small company ~60 employees. My current company has fucked me over incredibly hard over the past 6 months. I have basically been the ONLY resource on every single project I manage, and the sales team forced me to speed up my original timelines that I created. That coupled with really subpar work from a few new engineers that I didn’t expect is making those deadlines impossible to reach. I’ve told my leadership team this, and they told me to “grind” to meet the deadlines or else they’ll lose important partnership relationships. I put in my 2 weeks last week. With the holiday coming up, my last day is supposed to be Wednesday. I have set up countless meetings to transition these projects, but was told that I need to stay on them until my very last…


How many people does it take to start a revolution?


Birthday Card from company that laid me off WTF

So some quick context, I was a grade finalizer at CGC for their upcoming Toys division. I uprooted my life to move cross country for this job. About 3 weeks ago I was let go. My birthday is in a couple days and after checking my mail today, I got a birthday card their HR dept. I'm not sure if this was intentional but this was so callous and cruel.