
Too many years / not enough years? Not getting calls

Too many years / not enough years? Not getting calls Everything I’ve read & was told by the resume writer last year was to keep my resume to ten years vs my 18-20 years. I’ve sent, probably 100 resumes with maybe a handful of calls. When I get a recruiter on the phone it’s always “omg, i love your experience / resume”. My role is in accounting, as an accounts receivable manager. Each job order I apply to I fine tune a resume to that opening; i.e. the role isn’t overseeing cash application , so I remove it from my resume. Then five minutes later the next job order I see on LinkedIn emphasizes, as an example, experience just in collections & billing.. so there I go customizing the next resume. On the skills a company lists that require, I make sure I add those to my strengths bullet points…


Any suggestions on how to get back at HR?

I heard that HR has decided to cancel Christmas bonuses for good and wanted suggestions on how to get back at them. It would be preferable to keep the job cause it's close but I've only worked there 2.5 years so don't have much to lose. Was thinking of a protest for any of the events they do like free ice cream or a free meal. Or leaving them a pile dog shit, I really don't know.


I’m being let go, but company wants me to tell them how to do my job. What do I owe them?

I’ve worked with a company now for two years and found out a little over a week ago that I would not have a job starting the week before Christmas. Basically, i’ve been working remotely on the other side of the US and made the choice to not move to the location where the company is based when they mandated a return to the office. My performance has been great and isn’t the issue according to my managers, the owners of the company just want people in office. While I think the decision is a poor one for them, that’s not what this post is about. In the last several days they’ve organized an 8 page document for me to outline everything that I have ever done with the company year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, and how they can move forward. They want…


I’m having an increasingly difficult time being at work with my racist & transphobic supervisor…

I’m in the USA/RI My mental health has nearly hit full stop. I started at this position in May of this year & over the past months she has openly read prospective employees resumes to our shared office space – mocking people’s (ethnic) names. She has gone on tangents regarding her anti trans opinions with like minded co workers…her training consists of a paper packet and diving right in – she paces around the office all day on her cell phone mumbling and completely disjointed to the point that when she actually talking to you- you have to verbally verify she is addressing you. She recently hired her teenage daughter to work in our office – we work in sales and she’s giving her daughter warm leads when the rest of our office cold calls…we received our monthly report last week and her daughter made 80% more commission than anyone…


Been fired from work based on false accusations (UK)

Hello, I feel this is gonna be a pretty long post so I hope someone will give me some help, sure enough that I am not the only one that had to go through something like this. So, essentially, at the end of the october I have been suspended due to some pretty heavy allegations made against me by a female member of staff that was also one of my colleagues. Everything started from a misunderstanding from her side, the misunderstanding was about me looking at her breast (which I never did) while I was trying to look at the tv behind her. In that part of the office there is a tv with Spotify on and we have dedicated keyboard and mouse to change or queue our own music, she was aware of that the whole time but apparently she didn’t care about the fact I was in charge…


i need help or advice

Hello. To make a long story short, I need a foolproof excuse to get out of work for a day. It can’t be “I’m sick” I need a legitimate excuse and I’m not sure what to do. The backstory is, a job I have worked at for a little over 2 years is not allowing me to take a day off that I absolutely need off. I requested it off 6 months ago, to which they denied. Now that the day is coming up that I need off, I don’t know what to do. I’m too much of a people pleaser to call out unless I have a legitimate reason. But I’m also frustrated because I’m always putting in extra hours for this company and I never have called out. I’m in school, so would telling them I just got hired for an internship work? I have no idea how…


TW – Boss disclosed my sensitive medical information

TW – Miscarriage . . . . . I recently resigned from a very toxic workplace. As I was resigning, my boss (who has been AWFUL to me) started to get angry so I interjected and said something along the lines of – I am incredibly stressed here as you know, I have been trying to get pregnant and finally did and had a miscarriage. I am not interested in arguing, I am resigning and I have had enough. (I regret telling her) She began to act nicer, asked me to stay longer until they find someone else which I did not agree to, she asked me to think about it. The next day I came to work and ended up having to leave to hospital as I was having abdominal pain and bleeding. After I returned to work she was on annual leave and I have not seen her…


My (F19) manager (M22?) sent me home due to an injury.

So, I work a minimum wage job in Long Island, New York. I work for a family owned business type of arcade. This guy owns 3 stores. Lately, business has been declining and he's been decreasing hours and raising prices. For context, I fell down the stairs in July at home and this has since been an ongoing issue. I busted up my right big toe, ankle and knee. I'm still in pain and can't stand for long. Since August, I've had a valid and signed doctors note, that my manager has, stating that I can't stand for longer than about 30 minutes and I'll be in a boot until stated otherwise. I'm currently working on finding out what's wrong still. So, I only work the weekends due to college and my injury. So I barely make a living and need money. I also pay my parents money every month…


Should I be getting paid to be on standby?

I'm currently working a casual role, paid hourly (contract says working hours are 9 – 5, but of course thats just general). However, there are multiple days where I am not given a task, or any instructions on what to do next after I have finished the previous task. I open my laptop at 9am every morning, and just sit around waiting for my supervisors to give me something to do. I cant even bring myself to leave the house for an hour during “lunch” time, incase my supervisors want to have an impromptu meeting during that time (which has actually happened, luckily I was still at home). I have also gone to the office, as it helps me focus more, but was not given any work that day until they called for a meeting at 2pm. So I wasted petrol and time driving there during peak hours, to just…


How to deal with a pack of Sociopaths?

The upper management group I work with is a total group of sociopaths, I’m looking for another job but I get tired of the constant politics gas lighting and throwing of shade. Nobody where I work ever gets ahead on their own merit, just how well they can perpetuate a clown show for corporate and throw shade on others. This has led to a toxic environment full of lazy people managing the place, and unmotivated people that have the misfortune to report to those same people. Any tips on how to beat these style of people at their own game?