
Killing children is wrong – I might get fired.

Throwaway account for obvious reasons. This is going to be a long'un so hold on to your hats. Please note: This post is not meant as political commentary. I consider myself an apolitical pacifist and I'd appreciate if this thread would not devolve into a flamewar, thanks. Remember: this event is regarding individual persons, not entire people groups. I got called into a meeting with HR last Wednesday. I politely informed them that Wednesday is my day off as this is the day I am a full-time dad to my 6 month old son. I was told that this was regarding an issue that needed to be resolved immediately, and that I was to come in regardless. A request for a video call was rejected, I _had_ to be in the office for this. It'll take me about an hour to come in, I told HR. I have about a…


I work in a hospital, and it sucks when i am sick …..

They won't approve sick leave unless you have a doctor's note. I am okay with that, what make it worst is that they only accept doctor's notes from my hospital or government hospital. We had a staff clinic, but they won't take anyone with fever or flu symptoms. It means I need to travel half an hour back to my hospital, go to outpatient clinic and wait for crazy four hours to get a doctor's note in order to have a pay leave!!!!!! But I can't just go downstairs and see a private doctor, they don't accept that. Usually the job is okay, but it really sucks when I am sick …..


Should I apply for an internal job transfer to escape a extremely narcissistic manager, or should I wait until I find a job elsewhere?

I'm in a data/ML role and unfortunately, my manager isn't great, both in terms of management and technical skills. I've been wanting to leave this team for some time. In our company, if you apply for an internal position, your manager gets notified immediately. The alternative is to reach out directly to the hiring manager for a lateral transfer. In this case, you don't need to inform your current manager until the new one agrees to take you on. Here's the catch: a few months ago, a colleague of mine applied for an internal position, and our manager confronted him aggressively, accusing him of betrayal. This led to my teammate withdrawing his application. A few weeks later, I discreetly requested a lateral transfer by speaking directly with another manager for the same job. Initially, everything seemed fine, and I informed my current manager. But then, for some reason, she decided…


secret shift differentials

my work just reduced shift differentials… but when I asked for documentation/info about what the new differential rates are i was told “they (HR) will not share” by my boss. just confirming this is…. illegal?


Nephews Work Threatening to Take Phones?

Hello everyone! I just had a quick question. My nephews job just recently said they’re going to start taking phones away because people are taking pictures of things that are dirty or gross and shouldn’t be (he works in a restaurant). Thoughts? Does he have the right to tell them to get bent? I’m assuming they just don’t want people to know they’re actually gross because they do decent business…


My job makes me sick to my stomach (rant)

Within 20 minutes of starting work, I always end up shitting my brains out with diarrhea. I have kept my diet consistent on the days I am on and off work to rule out food sensitivities. The only time I get diarrhea & stomach pains is when I’m working and it’s usually 2-3 seperate times a shift right after I eat breakfast & lunch. The only other variable that changes is my cannabis consumption. I smoke 24/7 when I’m off work so I thought that played a role in it. But that theory went out the window today. I’ve been off all weekend, having zero digestive distress and smoking a lot of weed. I noticed a Teams message about an emergency at work. I handled it remotely and then landed on the toilet with diarrhea within 20 minutes. So that rules out cannabis as well as any office environmental factors,…


Why does my job schedule me for the most random times

So for the purpose of this post let's say I work at uhh Not TJ Maxx (iykyk) So at Not TJ Maxx I work mornings where I usually work 7-3 8-4 and rarely 9-5. But for whatever reason sometimes they'll schedule me 7-3:45 8-4:15 or 8:30-4:45 Like does this really matter that much that you feel the need to schedule me overtime? I work both stock room and cashier but is an extra 15 minutes really that important? What you want me to take 2 more customers like that's gonna make a difference?


Be real with me

…..Do I need to go back to college to get a “corporate “ or “office” job? I am so tired of standing on my feet doing labor all day. I will definitely do it it if I have to.


Am I burnt out or giving up easy?

I work with a large organisation that has multiple locations across the state and I’m the sole social media manager there. Though I have the support of a larger media team, I’m the one who takes care of most social strategy. While I don’t create much content, I do all the posting, ads, report and providing advice to other parts of the team. I take care of 4 platforms, post over 40 posts per months + stories, provide support to other teams that do social media for their departments, do paid ads, report every week about performance and also try to create content/ideas where I can. Most of my ideas are not accepted as they’re deemed off brand and can’t be used in context of this organisation’s audience. I’ve proactively tried to push a lot of industry best standards but often the organisation gets lost in a few vanity metrics…


Work is good.

Work is good.