
Husband got a $3 bonus for 6 months of work

My husband worked on a project for 6 months, and when it was finally over and he presented it, he got nothing but praise. The higher ups decided to give him 300 company points as a thank you for doing such a good job. 300 points equals $3. Three. Dollars. The best part? You need $10 minimum to cash out.


I’m not supposed to be 1099

I left a toxic employer back in July, started a new job quit after 3 weeks and in august I started my current job. I really like the job I have. It’s 5 mins from home( in my area most decent jobs are 1hour plus away), not toxic and I can get off if needed. The downside is I’m 1099 instead of a w2. The problem is I’m not 1099 applicable, my tax lady told me my employer is basically committing tax fraud and that he is screwing us by having us pay taxes that he should be paying. I brought up us going to w2s and he said he would like to try to start w2 at the first of this next year. I will give my boss the benefit of the doubt because he did just start the business this year and it has grown rapidly this year.…


Imagine a world where paying your workers (in this case teachers) fairly is seen as newsworthy, out of the box thinking to solve a shortage.


My boomer ass parents keep guilt tripping me for staying home sick.

I can't get over this delusional bullshit. I've never been this sick in my entire life. I chugged NyQuil for 2 days straight because being alive was too painful. I'd take covid 20 times over whatever this is. Tested negative for strep, influenza and covid. I nearly passed out going for a short outside walk and nearly crashed my car going to CVS to get some Sudafed. I never had any illness completely drain the life outa me. But no apparently I should just kill myself making the money number go up. I can't wait to get my own place.


What options do I have if I don’t want to work a 9-5?

I want a schedule like 9:30 to 5:30 pm or later like 11 am to 7 pm if that’s possible. Somewhere it’s okay to be a little late or start late. I work in finance and sometime we come in earlier 8:30 am, I don’t see myself doing that


Job Hunting is Pure Luck

I used to get frustrated and angry about the job hunting process but have since accepted the fact that the world is not a fair, perfect place where the right person gets the job every time. In fact it's a very unfair place that is very biased, unfair, racist, non-sensical and discriminatory. Just like…………THE REAL WORLD! It's very much who you know and right place right time and the best candidate is usually never hired. If you don't have an amazing Linkedin profile with a beautiful picture of you smiling with perfect teeth, then the fact is you will be judged, harshly. There are people with jobs right now who aren't as talented or qualified with you, sometimes that person is even the boss or the one interviewing you. Human are inherently flawed, emotional, conflicted individuals, not robots, with all sorts of biases and beliefs built in. It is literally…


Corporate dismantling?

What’s to stop employees at certain giant box stores from purposefully discriminating against people so they can file lawsuits and get settlement money. That way after a metric ton of settlements will seriously carve into their reputation and profits. (Sorry I’m really stoned rn)


Opinion on my brother’s current situation: the contractor he was working for is refusing to pay him.

I already posted this on r/legaladvice, but I also wanted to post it here because I’m just absolutely livid. My brother took up a temporary construction job with a local company recently after getting laid off. He completed 47 hours of work at $50/hour total (which includes the cost of his labor, materials, and personal construction equipment). It’s been over a month, and the contractor has not paid him the $2300 he’s owed. For context on laws and such, we live in Texas. My brother has contacted the contractor several times to figure out when he’s getting paid. The contractor constantly has excuses as to why he can’t pay him, along the lines of “I’ve got kids and other companies I own, I haven’t had the time to write you a check”. The guy told him he would pay him this Friday, which ended up not happening. He then told…


Obvious safety issue. What can I do?

These car seats are piled sky high in this back room and last night some of them fell right before i entered the room including some random network switch. This could hurt somebody (not to mention obstructing the emergency exit) but i dont know what to do. Any suggestions?


I recently left the Worst Job I’ve Ever Worked, and am frustrated by my new workplace’s policies and practices, to the point where I’m considering leaving.

I worked a fuck-awful kitchen job for about 5-6 months. My previous workplace was so bad that it could have been on Kitchen Nightmares (and honestly… should be). So much workplace abuse, such unsafe working conditions, so much sexism, attempted to pay me significantly less than minimum wage, constant blame and shame from owners over their own negligence, fearing for my physical safety almost every shift, being spite-scheduled, having my hours cut drastically, endless mould: fuck-awful sums it up. After quitting I was almost immediately hired at a competitor business – both businesses are food/bev, this new job is with a franchise (vs the mom-n'-pop I worked at previously). I figured a big franchise may be better- chains of command that I can rely on to solve workplace issues, opportunity for growth and promotion, less owner-whim-demands with the food/drink because the menu has to adhere to the company specifications -…