
I’ve gotten my pay reduced twice in 4 months despite my “outstanding performance”

I work at a mental health facility in Arizona. I was originally hired into a salaried position for 32 hours a week, which I accepted because that allowed me to continue doing college. About 2 months after starting, they told me that they fucked up and the position needed to be 40 hours a week.. I told them that this was the schedule we agreed upon and if they wanted me to work more, they should pay more because that would essentially be a pay decrease. After some discussion, I told them I'd be willing to work 36 a week working 3 12-hour/shifts, without a pay increase, and they agreed. Recently I get pulled into HR telling me that my position doesn't meet the requirements of a salaried position by the DOL's standards, and they they would be switching me to an hourly rate. I've already done that math a…


how do i take a Safeway manager down without putting stress on my coworkers?

its messed up bro. she schedules a coworker for days that she KNOWS he has his kids. an old man that works with me has to catch the bus n he almost had to stay late past his shift end cuz NO ONE TOLD US THEY HAD A BIG CORPORATE REVIEW TODAY there was sm relief in his eyes when i told him to not worry abt it n let me close. there’s 2 old ladies that r so overworked n overstressed. there’s an old man that has to catch the bus home and he has to stay overtime so much and maybe miss the bus. yesterday he almost had to stay late again cuz no one told us we’d be having an inspection the next day and when i told him to not stay overtime and just let me close there was so much relief in his eyes. i…


My employer is preventing me from working [NC]

I work for a small photo studio part time. Going into the “busy season” my employer has blackout dates where no one is allowed to request days off [even unpaid]. The idea is that we are supposed to be too busy to take off and everyone would be getting more or less full time hours, whereas before most people are getting closer to 20 hours a week. The trouble is, that this can often leave one without shifts and unable to schedule work elsewhere. Even during regular times of the year, he historically puts the schedule only a couple days in advance of the week and it is not a fixed schedule, so it is impossible to predict what days you will be working. On top of this, we have now entered into the blackout period and instead of hours going up, they have actually gone down dramatically across the…


Can I be fired for emailing my representatives?

I'm wanting to make my voice heard, but I'm worried that my company may dislike my lack of neutrality on some situations. My company does some federal contracting, but I'm not directly involved in those ventures. Could attending non-violent protests and sending emails to my congresspeople put my job at stake? Or is this protected speech?


Hey if you work retail at all, Black Friday would be an amazing day to strike. Just saying. Let upper management manage the floor that day.


how to take a manager at Safeway down.

needed a job and she scheduled her for 4AM without even finishing her training. threw her in the deli 2 days early too because they’re so damn understaffed, ppl literally walk out without saying anything because the job is so bullshit and she wonders why. she gets mad when ppl call out sick. i got into a car crash n had to call out for 2 days so she cut my hrs. but she takes vacation whenever and isnt even there to help out the day before corporate comes in to check/inspect things. she yells at people for not doing things right but doesnt show them how to. she knows me n my friend commute 30-40 mins and knows we share a damn car and schedules us back to back shifts anyways. she schedules my coworker on days she knows he has his kids and can’t come in, MULTIPLE TIMES.…


Supervisors/Managers who…

… actually give a damn. They’re there and there’s hopefully going to be much more of them as time goes on. Been in the work force for 15 years now and have suffered under some bad bosses. But across the last couple of years, I’ve either been getting extremely lucky or there’s a growing number of supervisors who actually care about their employees. My current supervisors (one for my shift and one for my department) fought to keep me as an employee. Both are extremely happy with my performance, knowledge, adaptability, and general nature. Not a complaint from either one besides to do a little less. The only reason I would have been fired is points. (I suffer from anxiety and depression seasonally, the doctor that diagnosed me years ago is no longer a practicing physician, and only recently have been here long enough to qualify for fmla.) One is…


Number 4.


Getting charged $15 every time I go to the restroom

So this isn't the company I work for but it's the building it is located in. So it's like a little mini mall. It was called the bargain bazaar and was a flea market type place before being bought and gentrified into being a super expensive mini mall. The rules they have are insane. Every business has a stall that's smaller than a bedroom so we have no microwave, no fridge. We can't bring outside food or drinks and no food stall inside is under $20 for an entree, drinks and sides not included. They have these ladies that walk around with walkie-talkies that write you “tickets” when you do something against the rules. My store is open from 10am-8pm. If I open late? $15. Door is closed during opening? $15. Outside food? $15. During weekdays you have a designated time where you are allowed to close the door from…


Unpopular opinion. If I were to die tomorrow… I too would look for a replacement at my company immediately.

If I am gone, 10000, maybe 100000 people are at risk of losing their internet conection. Many of those are business customers, so there would be a domino effect on their customers too. Peoples lives get disrupted. People can't pay their bills, order food, at least not online. There are a couple of coolleagues who could jump in but they are not 1:1 replacemets. And if they took all my work on top of theirs they would be overworked. I don't want my colleagues to be overworked. Also there is a ton of pressure on me to keep things working. Yes, I am a network engineer. The internet stops and everyone is out of their mind. So yes. Replace me immediately. Because people kid of depend o me. TOO MUCH. The sad part really is… I die. There isa temporary blip in the internet(maybe hours maybe days), everyone panics. It…