
Whats your ideal work sencario? Id love to hear in a perfect world what would you see fit?


Interviewer: where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Me: in your chair, but asking better questionsđŸ€·


Can’t afford raises or to let us get our full 40 hours a week but…

We all got an announcement email that the company is buying out another company. And they want us to be excited. Sure, I'll be excited when I have more than 2 pennies to rub together. I'll be excited when I feel valued and compensated fairly. I'll be excited when I'm worth more than minimum wage to you. Pinching pennies with the folks who make the place run, and spending our potential raise on an expansion they can't afford. I hate it here. I'm trying so hard to find something else so I can get out and actually make a somewhat living wage.


Tired of interviews.

last week I went into a job interview and in the middle of the interview they basically told me that if I only worked 40 hours a week at this company, I wouldn’t be successful there
. I haven’t even taken the job or gotten a job offer and they’re already telling me how much work they're gonna overwork me. I swear so many jobs are just so unattractive to work at no wonder why people don’t accept the jobs. Life is already hard as it is but no one wants to hear about how you’re gonna make their life harder when they’re just trying to make ends meet.


I believe in hard work but this is ridiculous

I'm a 30 something elder millennial in America. I don't mind hard work and fully believe that everyone should work hard in one way or another for character development. However I got fired for health related reasons October of last year and I'm no longer even making enough to pay my bills and my health is only getting worse with age. What I hate is my health isn't bad enough to get disability but just bothersome enough to effect my work proformance mentally and physically. I'm exhausted, I've been working hard since I was 16 years old. I'm just now about to finally have some kind of insurance with my current employer (which by the way is shitty and won't help almost at all.) I've put in hundreds of applications with zero call backs. I've even tried adjusting my resume a few times that didn't help either. I've done some…


saw a employee, get fired because the boss found out she had an OF andni couldnt help her

last year I was the assistant manager at a restaurant & I saw one of our Best servers get fired, because turns out our GM found out she had an OF. I did my best to defend her and keep her in the team but nothing worked and I felt so helpless. I feel so bad because I know that she was only doing it for extra income because the job right now kind of pays like shit and no one is hiring. I hate the fact that when you’re an assistant manager, your manager tries to force you to be a horrible person, instead of caring about your staff and being a support system for them. We live in a society where people literally don’t get paid enough to live so people have to find new ways to bring an income. whatever you do in your personal life shouldn’t…


Lost and dismayed.

I’m confused
. Genuinely. I’ve done EVERYTHING people said to do. Get good grades, go to college, graduate with a bachelors, paid off my bachelors, got my masters in cybersecurity, continuing education, and more. I got a job making 65k a year working in IT, thinking ‘hey! This is enough for sure right? I can pay off necessities, and still be able to love right?’ Wrong. Every penny, every dollar that I make, if not being taken from the government, is sent to bills. Rent, car insurance, credit card bills, credit card debt, student loans, etc. And after all of this what am I left with? Choosing to either save money and go into debt or pay off my credit cards and go into debt. I WISH I could go out and enjoy my life, but I can’t. I have nothing to enjoy, or no funds to enjoy my life with.…


“Nobody wants to work” LOL

I keep hearing no one wants to work, but I have been applying for jobs for the last six months. it’s so disheartening. I have a friend who is a hiring manager and he basically told me about a year ago they started using AI to go through resumes and if you don’t have keywords in your rĂ©sumĂ©, they just completely throw it out. how the fuck does it take six months to get a job? I have amazing credentials. Everyone I know is looking for a job and trying to work but they just don’t want to work a job that it is horrible. That makes them hate their life and I don’t understand why that’s so crazy for people to understand.


i am so fucking tired

i've been lurking here for a while, but i'm at the point where i just need to rant to someone now. tl;dr i'm super burnt out at my job and not getting paid enough, and i'm scared my partner may get fired because of his disability. i (21M) had to drop out of college and work full-time due to financial problems. i started my current job (at a nonprofit, specifically a 24/7 facility within that nonprofit) in april of this year and my monthly take-home is about $2k ($16/hr with a little extra depending on the shift i work, with benefits/taxes subtracted etc.). that's the lowest end of the salary range i was told. their reasoning for offering the low end was that i am young (so therefore not super experienced) and don't have a college degree. part of me had wanted to argue, but at that point i had…


Sexual predatory boss

This one boss we had was a predator. He promoted based on who he wanted to have sex with, and it was obvious to everyone in the office because of who his targets were. He exclusively promoted young twenty something women who all had a certain look, and nothing on their resume, to be his deputies in the division over the experienced personnel, people with more than a decade at this company. He was literally giving fresh college grads supervisory authority with their own staff in some gross quid pro quo or grooming exercise. And then he wondered why HR was all over him. It was because he wasn't doing his job (canceling meetings constantly, late signing documents, dropping off the map on business trips so even his secretary couldn't get hold of him). And he believed that by making these young women his personal deputies, they would like him…