
I am a supervisor

I was called in to HR over an employee stealing/being let go. Whenever I am called in to HR, is it protocol to also have MY manager there as well?


This is my chair at work.

Job said we can’t have chairs as it slows production. So instead of having chairs every work station has a stepping stool.. Yes we sit on a stepping stool 12 hours a day.


Currently Remote/WFH, Might be Moving, Need Advice

Advice needed. I currently work a 100% remote role for a company that happens to have its HQ office about 45 minutes away from my home. There are a handful of employees in this same boat. I have been with the company 2 years, am a high performer, and am well-liked. There is no requirement for “locals” to come work out of HQ, though many do drop in one a week or so. I do not (with rare exceptions, like a holiday party or a baby shower) because I am infinitely more productive at home. No one cares that I don't drop in. My supervisor does care. My department manager doesn't care. Whee! The trouble is, my partner does not WFH and was recently laid off. He is job hunting and has reached the final round of interviews for a new position. It feels like an inevitability that he will…


Chinook Mall Parking


Whats the best method for finding a new job while working 7 days a week?

Im getting tired of being forced to work all my free time away… but at the same time they make me work so much i have no time for interviews… sure i could just quit and i have enough money to last at least a month… but im just gonna panic till i get a new job if i quit without anything lined up… makes me nervous not having a source of income i just cant stop thinking about what if i cant find one and i end up homeless over this


Is it possible to get a job at Walmart/meijar/target etc. if you are homeless?


A quick recap of contradictory articles on workers

I was hoping somebody might try to compile these headlines like this, and these are all from just The Wall Street Journal.


Boss made me use my vacation time to visit my Ma while she was having last-chance chemo

For starters, I recognize and appreciate that my (now former) place of work was very privileged with regard to benefits and pension, and it's understood that millions of people have far worse conditions. You all should have your basic needs met without being exploited for your entire existence. This happened years ago but I'll never forget it as an example of horrifyingly shitty leadership. For context, my parents live about 3000km away from me and my family. I worked at a middle management position and was open and honest with leadership about my mother's cancer struggle. She had previously been through treatment and her last scan supposedly came back clear. However, a few months pass by and her oncologist called to tell her that the scan was misread and she needed to have heavy chemo in order to survive this. I was struggling big time with this shock, but had…


I need advise how to react to the coming talk with boss

My boss wanted me to be responsible for a bigger project at the begnning of this year. I rejected due to overload I reported for 3 years and no pay raise. He kept brainwashing me that he wants to follow the flow to develop the business and I am in the future plan of company's development, etc, etc. The fact is that the company is losing money because he keeps dumping it to wrong guy in the hope of getting more clients when the business during Covid is 2 times before then pre-2019. There's only debt now. It's not possible to investing to upgrade the system to release more time for me to take that bigger responsiblity. So I started to send my CV to apply for jobs. I started to get the idea that I am currently underpaid. I get interviews to do in the coming days. Meanwhile, my…


(UK) I don’t care about anything anymore, I’d rather be unemployed on benefits than have a crappy job & crappy pay.

Anyone else feel the same ?