
When they have nothing to fall back on

I have a that they would struggle to fill if I left. I am the only one that does my job in the team, and the only one actually trained to do it as well. There is no back up. I work 6am-2pm Senior staff want me to work 8am-4pm instead Senior staff tried and tried to get me to change shift. Grumbling and complaining about it (them not me) Told them that the mortgage is paid of and my other half is the main bread winner and I can just walk away if they like. The change of my shift has never been mentioned again.


Great Work Culture…

It's not the flex you think it is. That will be a hard no for me.


Decoding the Emotional Undercurrent of Digital Text

So I've been ruminating on the nature of sentiment in text, you know, that subtle vibe you get when you're scrolling through a thread and suddenly you're hit with a feeling. It's like, you're reading a comment or a story and without anyone spelling it out for you, bam, you're laughing, frowning, or going “huh?” in deep contemplation. Take, for instance, a post that's oozing with sarcasm but is dressed up in a tux of formality. You can almost taste the irony, right? Or those feel-good stories with a sprinkle of wholesomeness that just make you want to hug your monitor. But here's where it gets tricky – what's uplifting for one person might just be a meh for another. That's the internet for you, a wild ride of emotions with every click. Now, I'm not just here to wax poetic about digital feelings. If anyone’s looking for a little…


Docked pay – wage theft? Advice needed

I am working a second job as a security officer for, say, $18/hour. I know they round time to the hour bc every paycheck is a nice, round number. That is not the issue currently. I went beyond shift time by 30 minutes due to an incident (that was documented). I checked my pay slip because I assumed these people would try and short change me; as predicted, the .5 hour was not included. I messaged my supervisor, who said he would fix it. I checked my latest pay slip and I have an additional 0.5 hours at $7.25/hour for last week. I texted him asking for clarification and he hasn’t responded yet. I assume he’ll try to pull some bullshit excuse. I just need advice / reassurance that if they are trying to pay me minimum wage for performing job responsibilities post-scheduled shift that this would be a form…


I’m over it. I’ve never felt so isolated in my life.

So I work in a 24 hour shop and I work 3rd shift. The group I work with is very clique oriented and I came in on a group of people who have been working together for years and I can tell I'm not wanted. Whenever I'm around they are all silent, they get on their phones and don't say a word I go away and they all start talking and carrying on. If I'm in the break room they eat their lunch in the other break room. I'm over it I work for a good company it's a union but because I work such a bad shift I have no social life. I never see the sun and I just feel isolated and alone I've tried being helpful finding common interests and they don't talk to me or they give one word responses. I'm currently trying to find a…


How to detach and not get affected from work?

I work in a creative field and my work involves a lot of writing. I love writing as a vocation. So whenever there’s feedback or too much back and forth, I get really disappointed and taken aback. How do I detach and just do what’s needed to be done and not care too much?


Supervisor Issues – story time

So I had this supervisor who I felt like always found a way to constantly add more work to my plate and yelled at me when I didn't finish it fast enough for her liking. I hated going into work because she was always finding something I “did wrong”. But she made my decision to quit easy eventually. I ended up getting into an accident on my way home from work one day (it's a 45 min drive home). I was going well under the speed limit due to poor winter driving conditions but even being careful my car lost control and I went into a ditch. Best part is I was in the middle of no where, wearing a dress and heels, and had a dead phone. I hiked up the ditch and to the nearest house but had no luck. Thankfully after 30 minutes a car at an…


After 10.5 years I’m finally quitting

After 10.5 long years of working for one of the major telecom companies in the USA I'm finally bailing. The pay is ok, $22.xx/hr in Louisiana, but I have to sacrifice so much of my mental health for this place that I can't take it anymore. I can't deal with management who will lie to your face. I can't deal with the constant backpedaling done on decisions just because a couple people “escalate” over a decision that is in policy that should've been enforced years ago. I can't stand having my image, my work ethic, my capabilities, completely ripped apart and made to look like a fool so that “leadership” can come in and say they “took care of the problem” and they're “going to make us revert back”. I can't stand being made a fool of by leadership and make it sound like I didn't hear anything right. Yes,…


How am I expected to do this for 50 more years?

I’ve come to realize that I’m just too lazy and unmotivated to live. I’ve only been in the workforce for about 5 months and I’m already done. There is no job out there that I’ll enjoy working. There is no “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps” talk that’ll work for me. Why is it so wrong to want to be happy for most of your life? Why is it wrong to not want to work away half your life? Every time I say anything about me not wanting to work, I’m just met with “Oh well, that’s just the way it is” “Stop complaining” and “You’re just weak and lazy”. I don’t know what to do anymore. I know what I really want, I want to be a stay-at-home mom, and not just cause I don’t wanna work a 9-5 I also just genuinely want kids. But every time I…


Is UBI Too Expensive?

To preface this: I'm not necessarily suggesting the method I'll mention below as a way to actually fund a UBI because I think there are better methods. I'm just laying out a case for why the idea that a UBI would somehow be too expensive is complete bunk. There is more than enough wealth for it, at least in the United States. The top 10% of Americans own 101 trillion in total wealth. There are about 258 million adults in the United States. Let's say there's a UBI of about 500 dollars a month. 258 million times 500 is 129 billion. 101 trillion divided by 129 billion is about 783. 100 divided by 783 is about 0.13. This means that a 0.13% wealth tax on just the top 10% every month (or a 1,56% wealth tax a year) could fund a monthly UBI payment of 500 dollars for every American…