
Nepo-baby boss driving everyone crazy: I’m the new target

I work as a Proposal Writer at a small Midwest engineering firm. It's run by the family, but has grown considerably over the last few years. Myself, and my other co-worker, are tasked with different parts of the proposal process. As I have a degree and more writing experience, I handle the writing of all proposals from start to finish while she gathers information. We work well, and I have a great relationship with everyone else at the company… except the new vice president. Lately, it's been quite awful. The former president suffered an injury, so he's been training his son to take over for him…but his son is an extreme narcissist. He thinks everyone is incapable except him. Gives information to us late, attends meetings late, and expects us all to be available to him at all hours. Schedules meetings right before the day ends to talk, pointlessly, about…


How would $600/mo UBI benefit you?

How would it improve your life if you received a “no questions asked” check for $600 on the first of each month?


Finally getting out of a shitty situation

Four months ago, after 6 months of rumors, our company was being “merged” with another company. I say merged in quotation because the reality is we were bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division. The new CEO came in and said there will probably be pay cuts when he integrates us into his existing organization. Some people were kept on, others let go. The people who were kept on found the company culture was totally toxic. They were kept out of important meetings. The few meetings they were included on served no purpose except to watch the CEO's employees tell him how brilliant he was and what a great play it was to buy us out. People who had supervisory authority at the old company lost all their direct reports and were made understudies to the new company's existing employees who…


30F — need advice about a former coworker (~42M) trying to sabotage me as I’m applying for new jobs

Hi all. Around 9 years ago, I started my first full time job at around 21 years old. I was living in a small town and am a very diverse woman, especially in comparison to the population I was working with. I was working in a Tech role with all men over 30 and had difficulty connecting with them. My boss also made racial comments against me. It was my first full time job ever and I honestly just thought all of this was normal. With that, I was pretty socially awkward on the team. The person they also had train me, sexually harassed me and would force me to hug him at the end of one on one meetings with him. I am a first gen and really needed this job to support my family so I just powered through all of this, but was notably depressed and quiet…


Pretty sure my boss pockets tips

I (F, 26) work at a bar a few nights a week. Upon getting hired, I was told by staff that the owners of the business split tips with themselves. We have a pooled tip system, and it has been evident that the husband and wife keep the tips for themselves on the two evenings they work, and also split tips with us on the days we work together. Is this legal? I’m pretty sure it isn’t but I don’t know how to go about it. In addition to this, they’ve been weird with our paychecks, venmoing our checks if they’re out of town (i ask for a pay stub). This last check, they didn’t pay me for a day i worked, and gave my other coworker all the tips I made that day. Now they have to withhold from his next check because of that error. Can anyone give…


I got fired yesterday… for very petty reasons

I got fired on Friday This past Friday, I got terminated from the company I work for. I was told that the reason was, during our most recent All-hands staff meeting that my comments in the chat 'violated the code of ethics'. I found out that 7 other people who also made comments that went against what the C-levels were saying at this meeting also got shown the door. Hearing from various people around the company, I found out that the people who had the task of firing me did NOT want to do it. They were told to read and stick to a script, not to improvise or to make any other comments, and to try and deflect away any questions that were asked by those getting booted out the door. Others greatly echoed the comments I made in the chat. Likes, hearts, agrees. I had DM's coming from…


Advice to those who don’t want to get stuck at a job, especially one that you hate.

This is going to be mainly towards the younger crowd because you will have more time to do this but the number one way to not get stuck at jobs is debt management. Keep your debt extremely low or at zero. You have more money to work with to save and you have less financial obligations. Cars and homes are usually people's biggest expenses, live below your means, especially after getting that fancy new job because the red carpet can be ripped under you at any moment. I have family that financed a new car and then was suddenly fired from their job months later and now they're still on the hook for the payments. Do not finance your dream car. Buy your car in cash after you've saved money, for some of us that may have to start off being an older beater car. When you buy a house,…


Technicians get additional $1.25 raise but I dont. Is this fair?

I work at a semi dealership. Im officially titled as the “porter” but in my 8 years there my duties have expanded to include transporting semis regionally, test driving service work, detailing trucks, generic “gopher” stuff, and general maintenance handyman. I do whatever needs done, and I generally enjoy my job. I have not been quiet about the last 3 years hitting my money so hard that I literally haven't gained anything. Every penny that came in has gone out. Checking account has sat completely still on the chart. Two weeks ago, the techs got together and brought forth an “informal” grievance to management about the performance bonus program. This program gives the hourly service personnel a monthly bonus based on what accounting expected vs what we actually got done. It has $50 tiers and is topped at 300 bucks. This past fiscal year, my shop beat the expectation by…


What’s the best excuse for taking a week off from work if you used up all of your vacation time?

Hi all, I'm in a little bit of a predicament. I totally forgot about a vacation that I planned a year ago with my friend group and was just recently reminded that it's coming up (don't ask me how we've gone months without talking about the trip until now lol). I have used up all of my vacation time and really don't have much other time off available to cover the week. What's a good excuse to be able to get a week off without them questioning? Any advice would appreciated! Thanks!


Does this sub hate work or greed?

Just want to start out saying that I completely understand hating work with shitty conditions. I've worked in retail, care and have been treated like shit by management who only want to see growth and don't give a fuck about their staff. I also understand that there are sectors that don't need to exist and the work is pointless. In my situation I love my job, I work in a sector supporting vulnerable people without which there would be noone to help them not fall through the cracks. So I see my job as valuable and worthwhile. When I look at this sub, alot of the time it's mostly shit companies taking advantage of staff like I have been in the past. So is it antiwork, or anti greed and arsehole management? (Doesn't quite have the same ring to it so I think antiwork is more suited)