
Family-owned business / Family culture

Can we stop acting like a family-run company is some sort of work culture to be sought after. I have had multiple interviews in which I pose the question of what your workplace culture is like. And time after time a place will boast about how it feels like being part of a family. All that tells me is that your workplace probably reeks of nepotism.


Boss gets mad that I can’t answer texts bc I’m in therapy

Sorry, English isn’t my first language so there may be some errors in my post. So, I’ve been working for this agency for a couple of months, I was weirded out by the fact that everyone stayed well past the end of their shift whereas I would leave as soon as my shift ended. A few weeks later I was offered a new position with a slight increase in salary. Mind you, I don’t have any benefits, no health insurance, no overtime pay, just my salary. I was required to work up to 13 hours a day sometimes and if I was busy with family stuff or just having some time for myself they would get mad. This past week was awful, a lot was going wrong and I was blamed for most of it, and I promised to do better. I really wanted to be the best. Anyways, today…


Considering not returning from lunch break

Got 10 minutes left on my break. Spent the last 2 hours sweeping leaves with a broom. Was told it was a part time job. Scheduled for 65 hours next week. Talked to a manager and they said that I would have to take whatever schedule they gave me until I worked their for a month. Should I go back in?


Scheduled outside of my availability

Thought this was the best place to post. I'm working a part time job that is usually good with my schedule. I changed my availability back in July. I had issues with them abiding by the new availability initially, but then the manager straightened out and I haven't had issues since. Well, until now. I'm scheduled one day outside of my availability. I've told the GM, AM, and various team leads. The schedule hasn't changed. I think I've exhausted things on my end.


Asda worker who took own life in store was not found for three days


Job posting in NYC


break room TV

I wish that my company didn't put a TV in the break room with cable. Now every time I go to the break room, the TV is on top volume and it’s always on some crime show. I may be strange, but I don’t want to have to hear about a rape case while I’m trying to eat my lunch. There’s nowhere else I can take my breaks. Who actually wants a Tv in the break room at work?


£100 deducted

So I’m a hairdresser and on commission at work. I take home 38 percent of what I make the salon in a month. But if I am off sick one day they don’t just not pay me; they take 100 quid off of me. I don’t get sick pay, just sick deductions. Is this standard in the uk or anywhere and is it the right thing to do/legal?


They wanted me to put my name on the bad document.

Now I know why this job came with a retention bonus and liveable wage. Nobody before me wanted to put their name on the bad document. They all had the same issue, that's why they were like “fuck it. I'm not doing that”. And that's why I was hired — to be the dumb ass fall guy. Yes, we have hotlines and ambassadors that are supposed to handle this sort of thing but that's how you get ostracized, that's how you get people to hate you, and worst of all – this company has been on the news for actually ignoring those sorts of things. So, I left. I just left. When I tried to call them out on their bs the time before – on a different project – they didn't back me. That older scenario was a sign of what's to come. They want us to toe line,…


HR demands to know what school my kids go to.

I was called into a meeting with HR after taking a day off to take care of my minor children because they were home from school sick. It was a Friday, so I only took one day. In my state, I have furnish a doctor's note after the fourth consecutive business sick day. HR called me into a meeting to demand that I tell them what school my kids go to so that they can verify that they were out sick. I told them to kick rocks. In what case would it make it okay for my job to stalk my children?