
Dollar General upset im not cancelling my thanksgiving

So I work in Dollar General while i go to collage. I made sure to put in a month ahead that I cannot nor will not work thanksgiving becasuse I was going out of town. Manager approached me yesterday saying “you will be coming in that day or you'll be written up. But because im nice ill let you decide between dayshift (7am-4pm) or nightshift (4pm-11pm)”. I explained I followed the steps required, I marked it on the callender and put as such on the app we use. She then responded with “thats not how things work here, now dayshift or nightshift?” I plainly told her “if you schedual me for that day and you're understaffed thats your fault because im not coming in that day, my life isnt work” (Apologies for grammer, english isnt my first nor my best language)


Things are bleak and I’m undeclared in college. Feel like nothing will work out

I am a current college freshman and I am undeclared. The world is kind of a disaster, I am passionate only about making it better but also need to survive and have jobs available. I have finances for undergrad and stability for grad school. im relatively smart but the last thing I want to do is perpetuate inequality or work for a corporation that makes the world worse. I have done every career quiz in the book and im between some sort of engineering or social science but those have bad prospects, are unethical, or are emotionally damaging. Wtf do I do?


Job has old poster up still…


Is The Wall Street Journal Okay?


Why do employers think that work is the ONLY priority in their employee’s lives???

I never understood the dire lack of empathy in workplaces overall, but the one that gets me the most is employers that think nothing else in your life matters. That they should be able to call upon you to work at any point within the 24 hours of the day, and you must be ready, willing, and eager to do what is asked without hesitation or excuse. Of course I am not saying all employers exhibit this expectation, but there are enough to make it problematic — and if you dare say you’re not available, or even that you simply don’t want to work on a moment’s notice, that’s considered a bad quality or even a demerit. Newsflash: THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN WORK. There are priorities greater than work, and, unless someone literally signs up for a type of job with a nature that explicitly demands you drop…


Incompetent Leadership

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. Put simply, incompetent people think they know more than they really do, and they tend to be more boastful about it. I thought others that also have experienced incompetent leadership in the workplace would appreciate this. It's astounding that companies have to be run into the ground before change is implemented.


I hate being a poor person…

I've worked at Wendy's for a couple of months now, and it's awful. First off, the wage is laughable, $13/hour, I work four 10 hour days, because it's the only way I can make decent money for myself, so I work breakfast and lunch rush, the customers are awful, especially boomers. We have one boomer customer who comes in everyday, he smells like a fucking barn animal, and he's creepy to girls in the restaurant when he's there. Also, they love to yell at us about price changes, like we did it. Like yes sir, we totally changed the prices when we heard you were coming in, and want you to yell at us, you got me!. Last week, I had to call off for a day because my grandma needed help with her car. I texted my boss 2 hours before my shift, she told me I needed to…


People who hate their jobs but can’t leave, what is your dream scenario of quitting?

I’m partial to maybe an “Irish goodbye” style. Just leave one day like any other day… and never comeback. Don’t tell anyone, just vanish, like I’ve been abducted by aliens.


Union-Shift change

Hello. I have a question that maybe someone can shed some light on? I've been working at this residential building (union job) as a doorman for the past 3 almost 4 years. Since my date of hire, atleast 7-10 new guys got hired. I am currently working 2nd shift (afternoon 3pm-11pm) My manager always mentions seniority when it comes to picking your vacation date and how important it is. Yet, when I ask for a shift change it seems like it can't be done. I'm annoyed due to the simple fact that some of the new hires have the morning shift when I feel like I'm entitled to that shift due to seniority and not to mention they haven't put in the same amount of work as me. That pisses me off. I personally feel like my boss just doesn't like me for some reason. Would I be able to…


My co worker made a threat and nothing has been done *rant*

I work at a methadone clinic. I work with a population that can be particularly volatile and violent at the drop of a hat. However, I work with someone that is just as unhinged as some of our patients. She is a gun enthusiast but is also severely mentally ill and an alcoholic. Those don't pair very well. She also got a DUI in July (got her license revoked obviously), crashed her car in October (got a summons for driving after revocation) and last Friday got pulled over by 4 cops and got another summons for driving after revocation (she was driving a rental car, she's not the brightest). In my state, I guess a summons is an arrest. Less work for the cops but keeps idiots out in the public. She's has it out for several of my coworkers and I and we have no idea why. We just…