
“Make sure you still try to get your shift covered, we’re busy today”

My manager when I call out with a FEVER and you can hear that I'm sick in my voice. I haven't been in retail in a hot minute, since when didn't a fever immediately mean don't come into work???


The flash of panic in his eyes was beautiful to behold.

I've been working for this company (a not-for-profit) since 2007. I've dragged them from the typewriter age to the 21st century, there is literally nothing and no department in this place that I don't “touch” on a regular basis, I write the grants making them $$$, can cover any position and answer any question about our field. YET, since this director started in '19 I've consistently gotten the lowest bonus amount (he personally decides the amounts) and only a COL raise (under the previous director I never got less than 8% + COL). His reasoning? I have a disabled adult son that I have had to take intermittent FMLA/sick days to care for, so I don't “work as much” as other people. I still work when at home, but that doesn't count. Anyway, I was recently approached by our major software vendor about a job. Not even a job really,…


When management gets bonuses and you get a pizza party.


I got fired because I dare let a parent’s death affect my performance.

Started a new job in June. In August my dad died. I buried him and came back to work because there were deadlines upon deadlines. My mom became unstable. And my extended family began harassing me (I was raised in an abusive cult). In September my MiL was paralysed. She is now living in a geriatric home waiting to die. In October a close friend died of a heart attack. It broke me. I couldn’t function normally at work and I couldn’t take a break either. Then my manager began picking on me for missing deadlines and “looking sad at the office”. I tried explaining I’m still struggling with my grief and was told, “you weren’t even close with your family why do you care”, “it’s been 3 weeks already get over it”, and “I have a mentally ill child at home already I don’t need to deal with your…


Dealership doesn’t honor employee pricing

I needed new tires for my car. They are pretty expensive with them being 19″ tires. I got them for $200 cheaper at Costco using my Costco rewards and had them install at the dealership I work at. I could tell from the beginning they were a bit hesitant since I was bringing tires I bought from elsewhere but they eventually went ahead with it. Fast forward the service manager found out and pulled me into his office to tell me i wouldn't be getting employee pricing AFTER the work was already done. In his exact words “If it looks like I'm upset it's because I am”. I could understand if they refused to put them on or even told me before hand that they wouldn't honor employee pricing. Instead he waited until the work was done to charge me full price


I need serious advise

I just moved from FL to GA, and transferred with a well known company that has the word verde in their name. I hadn’t even worked a new store for 3 weeks when I fell, at home, and seriously sprained my knee. Seeing an Ortho on Monday. This happened last Tuesday evening, went to ER next day. I informed my new manager the morning after what happened. I was scheduled that day. I don’t know him very well obviously, and he’s horrible at his job from the shape of the store, so I don’t trust him doing the right thing. He’s never expressed any concern for my injury. I’m a good employee, never call out. I plan on having Ortho do FMLA for possibly not being able to return on said date. I don’t even know if I can drive (possible MCL injury), let alone perform normal job functions at…


Monument attached to the Ohio Supreme Court building.


Am I stupid for planning to negotiate higher wages from my supermarket job?

I’m 19 and work for Sainsbury’s. (UK supermarket). I work 6x 4am-11am shifts per week and make £11 per hour. There are only 2 other colleagues willing to work these early hours which means we are doing the work of multiple extra people. It’s a physical job of loading vans, 30,000+ steps a day. It’s getting even busier as it is coming up to Christmas and so I want to ask for an extra pound or two per hour as an incentive to keep working. Am I stupid for even thinking of asking for more? There is a ‘driver premium’ (extra £2p/h) that delivery drivers get paid. I could ask for this so they don’t have to raise the wages of everyone else in my department… even though I don’t drive. Thanks for anyone who gives their time to answer!


Over scheduled?

Hey, im in highschool and i work a part time job. When i was hired i told them i can only work 3 days per week and they said they can do that. My availability says 24 hours per week max. Next week they scheduled me for 4 days , 35 hours. I told a supervisor this at the beginning of my last shift and she said she will fix it and i asked if she did at the end if my shift and she said not yet. The week that im over scheduled starts today and im scheduled tomorrow. She still didn’t fix it. What should i do? Could i get fired if i just dont go to a shift and call and tell them im not coming cause they over scheduled me? I live in Minnesota by the way. Thanks!


Manager upset that a former IC is spilling beans about management practices to other ICs. Wants the new manager fired ASAP