
just got this text from my boss, what the hell


This made me feel…. Like I’m going crazy


Didn’t get the bonus

I worked for a company that usually pops up more places for Halloween. They had this offer of an extra $3/hour for every shift you don't miss or call in for on certain days. Well, I don't really like to be useless while working, especially when no one else is not working as well. It feels like I'm wasting everyone's time, including company money. But I worked my butt off and worked a LOT of extra hours by coming in early and leaving later than scheduled if I could. One day a shift lead, NOT the store manager, said that I could go home early if I wanted to (on Halloween itself) bc it was super slow and they had more than enough people. Cue getting messages from the store manager at 8pm that same night saying I lost my bonus. After explaining everything that happened and why I left…


Sick policy BS

So… one of my jobs has a new policy. They are requiring a doctor’s note for calling out sick. However, they do not offer health insurance, PTO or sick days. We are not offered a master schedule and we are also not connected with any of the other employees so finding coverage is not an option. I told them I thought it was complete BS. If they don’t offer health insurance, what makes them think I’m paying $300 cash to be excused from a 2-hour shift where I might make a whole $35? Fucking laughable.


Back to 60+ hours a week

I hate this fucking world. Even if you try and carve out a spot of decency, start your own company, build it up until it can support people, even then, it's a never ending cavalcade of brutality. You'll never be free, you will always be fucked on a whim by people wanting everything from everyone. You'll watch as more laws get passed that favour larger and larger businesses at your expense. You'll fight in increasingly uneven fights, an infinite of goliaths await you. And for what? There's no retirement, no end to the toil, and at best, you managed to, for a brief moment, make an island of humanity. So, back to the 60-70 hour weeks, while fighting on every front to survive. Back to pulling out my hair worrying about the people that rely on me and my little shop, or the dreams that hang in the balance. And…


It’s very common to not have enough staff for me to use the restroom

I work a very very busy retail job. We lost a lot of people and they haven't re hired or replaced them, so we're all just overworked. It's very common to have a line of 100+ people and only 2-3 cashiers working at a time to move through the line. So for example if I really urgently have to pee and have been taking customers for the last two hours but it's only me and one other person, I feel like I can't take a pee break. And the managers will get pissed if we leave only one register for a full line but it's not our fault they staff like this. It's gotten to a point where I dehydrate myself at work on purpose so I don't have to pee, but that obviously isn't healthy. The company is very unfriendly towards any accommodations (most disabled employees or the like…


Abandoned my job because they overworked me, didn’t trust me, and wouldn’t hire anyone new.

Quick acknowledgment that I am using talk to text, and I apologize for the minor grammar mistakes, I hope this is readable. And let me tell you I feel better. No joke I was burnt the hell out. If you don’t want to read my massive vent, I’d like to at least have you read this part. If a job is working you more than you can handle, fuck what they think, fuck it if they think that you’re lazy or that you’re not a hard worker, because they are not walking in your shoes, they do not know what you go through or how your body works or how your mind works, and even if they think that they’re not overworking you, and that you should be capable of doing what they expect of you, if you know deep down, it’s too much for you, or that it’s just…


I was very interested in this job but this is massively off-putting…wtf kind of language is this?


Should I ask for a raise? Look elsewhere?

Hello everybody here is the context: So I work for a bank as an advisor. I got the job April 1st this year with an annual salary of 56k a year. My company has annual reviews of salaries in June every year (they use pay scales that every employee has access too) but seeing as I had just started in April I did not get an adjustment as I was still in training. I have now just about completed my 8th month at the company and I have been very successful with several key sales and discoveries for my specialists not to mention being asked questions from people who make more than me in other positions. Had I been hired lets say say November-December 2022 and arrived where I am now I would definitely be seeing an adjustment and I don't think its fair to stay at the minimum for…


got an email that employees will be getting holiday bonus early… then found out i’m not included in the bonus

why send out a mass email to everyone if you know certain employees aren’t getting one? got my hopes up that i’ll be able to have a good christmas dinner for my daughter and i. then i found out (from someone else who does the same position as me) that we’re the only ones who don’t get a bonus