
Remember: even the coffee machines work for the man


(Rant) Older Generation Coworker vs Me, a Millenial

So this 50+ year old man interviewed amd got promoted into my same position after being an order picker in the warehouse for 5 or so years. He's now an inventory specialist and he is struggling. I honestly am looking at my manager sideways because I often wonder what questions she asked that made her think he was the best candidate out of 6. He's not even that old, but he acts like he's 70. Side note: I was pretty content with my job until he started. He barely knows how to type. Doesn't understand Google. I gave him suggestions to watch YouTube tutorials on how to use Google, file management, checking emails, etc. But he doesn't want to do that because that's his free time. So he expects me or our manager to hold his hand the whole time. Our whole job is investigating inventory discrepancies in the warehouse,…


2-week or 3-week Notice with PTO?

I’m early in my career and spent my first year and a half out of college working for a small tech company (less than 35 employees). The company itself is ran by an egotistical/narcissistic CEO. Its safe to say that the company is NOT profitable and the leadership has no idea how to make it profitable, let alone run a company. We can’t keep employees or customers. This company is all I know. I have well rounded knowledge of multiple aspects of the business. I’m the only one who understands how to publish stuff on the website since that was my first role at the company and they fired everyone else in marketing. I handle so much crap outside of my current job scope, procurement. So now since you have some background…I was just offered my dream job after working hard at interviews for months. I’m FREAKING OUT about leaving…


How a toxic boss’ sarcastic advice changed my life for the better

I run a high end carpentry business. For several years, I’d been exclusively working for a single general contractor. The guy was my (perhaps still is, have not yet explored) friend before we agreed to work together. Given the nature of the business relationship, he became my “boss”, as essentially he was the client. Over the years, he crossed my personal boundaries a few times. I let it go, as I was aware that often these behaviors were caused by stuff going on in his life. This slowly changed to where he felt comfortable being unreasonable with expectations and language. He started treating me like an employee proper, not an independent contractor. We had a blow up after he provided incorrect instructions and angrily apportioned blame in my direction. I told him I was taking some time away, until Thursday of the following week. He sarcastically told me I needed…


Amazon walking back RTO policy?

So about a half a year ago or so when Amazon began rolling out the RTO mandate, the tone seemed pretty clear: Amazon workers either comply with the RTO or lose their job. I'm reading media reports now that say Amazon will possibly prevent promotions for people who don't comply with the RTO policy and that managers are given the green light to fire employees who don't comply. Is Amazon walking back the strictness of the consequences for not complying with the RTO policy? Or did I simply misread their initial position of “comply or leave”?


Cease and Desist Letter

I just received a C&D letter from my former employer asking me to stop contacting their customers and having them switch over to my new company. The problem is that I'm not contacting them, they are contacting me because the old company's office personnel aren't answering the phones. The customers reach out to me after failed attempts with the office and that's when I notify them that I am no longer with that company but that I am with a different company. That's usually when they ask if they can switch to my new company and I tell them that it's up to them. Also, I do not have a non compete from the old company nor did I sign anything stating that I wasn't allowed to communicate with former customers. Should I be worried?


Boomer Logic: we dont wanna pay off student loans. Meanwhile bailouts, police lawsuits

Boomer logic always wants to NOT help the younger generation. I’m happy immortality is not real, cause these fucks ruined it all. They’d have us living like Hunger Games if they can live immortal.


My nephew got electrocuted at work, due to faulty equipment, almost died and now the company is blaming him

My nephew is 25 and works in a factory. At the end of September he bent down to unplug an electric forklift and was severely electrocuted. He was rushed to the nearest trauma center, where they stabilized his heart rate, and pretty much told him that time would tell whether he was going to live or not. With the amount of electricity that ran through his body, they told him that he only had like a 15 percent chance of living. Luckily he survived and hasn’t sustained serious damage to his heart or other vital organs. He’s making progress but has some pretty severe ptsd, memory loss, and gets easily fatigued but it’s slowly getting better. MSHA which regulates the factory, investigated and found that the accident wasn’t my nephews fault, it was a faulty battery bank, that had been ignored by the company. Fast forward to last week and…


Supervising solicitor caught me working in a a bar


I love America, But at the same time I hate America