
What are ways to cheat the system?

Title Few I can think of off the top of my head 1) Get suuuuuper lucky and win the lottery literally 2) be born to rich parents 3) get a sugar daddy/mommy 4) get suuuper lucky (dont wanna sound like a dck but hear me out) and get inheritance, like, a loooot of inheritance


Unpopular opinion: the free food is the bait and we aren’t paid enough not to take it.


Boss vacation

My Director takes her full allocations of vacation every year (5 weeks) She oversees a team of 10 . I have seen 2 of my colleagues take some vacation this year every else none or maybe one or two days. It shocks me


I think I interviewed with a cult

I have been interviewing for a receptionist position at a physiotherapy clinic. The first meeting was just a chat with a receptionist and a tour of the offices. It was maybe 10 minutes. Then I got scheduled for an interview a week later. I show up to the interview and am lead to a room with 3 people who proceeded to interview me. I thought it was with one person, but ok fine. I get texted later that day asking if I'd like to come to lunch later that week to meet some more of the team. I went to lunch, there were 8 more people. We all ate some food that one of the girls cooked. Then we sat around in a circle and played a word game. It was the longest hour of my life. Not once in any of the interviews did anyone ask me any questions…


Capitalism Broke My Brain. This ‘Alabama’ Song Helped Me Fix It.


Manager requested off for thanksgiving

Ok so basically I work somewhere that is open thanksgiving eve and thanksgiving day. The whole team is scheduled to work 10-4 on eve and 830-4 the day of. Everyone except the manager of my department, who requested off for thanksgiving day. There is no holiday pay or bonus. Just thought I would share and see if anyone else feels this is wrong. I just think managers should have to be there on holidays if everyone else does


Saved up 90 hours of PTO this year I can’t access

They told me that I could cash out my PTO once a year at any time. I have saved up a little over 90 hours of PTO this year, and planned to cash it out for my Christmas shopping. I was really excited about my financial decision to use this PTO money to have an awesome Christmas this year. I just called payroll to cash it out and she said she would send me the forms, then she called me back 5 minutes later and told me that she reread the policy and I cannot cash out my PTO because the company requires I keep 80 hrs of PTO “in the bank” just in case. I asked her why that did not have to do with my LTI insurance and sick time hours. I pay extra to have the companies buy up insurance things too. I have all that crap.…


Saved up 90 hours of PTO this year I can’t access

They told me that I could cash out my PTO once a year at any time. I have saved up a little over 90 hours of PTO this year, and planned to cash it out for my Christmas shopping. I was really excited about my financial decision to use this PTO money to have an awesome Christmas this year. I just called payroll to cash it out and she said she would send me the forms, then she called me back 5 minutes later and told me that she reread the policy and I cannot cash out my PTO because the company requires I keep 80 hrs of PTO “in the bank” just in case. I asked her why that did not have to do with my LTI insurance and sick time hours. I pay extra to have the companies buy up insurance things too. I have all that crap.…


I am leaving my terrible job!!!

I have posted about this job on here before but I put my two weeks in on the 6th so Monday the 20th will be my last day!!! But I don’t have work there Monday so technically today is my last day. The last work event I will be doing for them. My last hurrah. So, just some fun stuff that has happened that makes me overjoyed that this will be my last day: 1. For weeks I have been told a certain time frame for this event just to find out now at 6 am HOURS before that it is actually 1 hour earlier than what I was told which changes everything 2. The event is longer than what I was told which changes the pay and I sure as HELL hope that is reflected on their side 3. Equipment that is necessary for the event has been lost…


Managers are toxic

It’s amazing to me how managers can’t see that the better the employees do the better the company does. They shoot themselves in the foot by trying to maintain an appearance of control because of a low self-esteem and admittedly a ridiculous pressure from above. I would run through a wall for a boss who displayed any kind of support instead of acting like a ‘roided up football coach who thinks tearing someone down is going to motivate them. Positive reinforcement has been proven to get more results yet managers can’t see that loyalty comes from positivity rather than threat or emotional abuse.