
Feel really anxious about WORK help :(

I've been going through chemotherapy for cancer, and been taking days off I work in a corporate job with high respnsbility, last week i fetl so shit i took 3 days off my manager said rest up see you next week but im worried i will get fired i still have sick leave to me but its just stressful and im worried i hope someone else was able to finish my work' i knwo its a bad mind set health/life is more important thatn work but im anxosu


Can’t keep going on

So, I’m a truck driver and have been doing various truck driving roles in the same company. I started off doing multi drop and was working 6am to 7pm most days and decided I needed to change to tramping thinking it was going to be easier. It was easy at first but didn’t like the nights out and sleeping in the cab (I’m a light sleeper so anything wakes me up). I’ve just recently went from tramping to trunking (night work which involves going from the main hub and going back to the local hub). The first week I start at 7pm and was hard but was manageable due to doing the late run which means I’m literally the last one to come back after waiting three hours at the main hub and not finishing until 7am. The following week they decided to give me another run which was half…


The restaurant industry is killing me

I got back in FT after a 5 yr hiatus. Have been at my current job for 16 months. We hire guys mostly out of prison or restaurant lifers. I was originally going to go back PT but my FT job fired me for a stupid HR blunder the same day I was supposed to start this job and so it became FT. At first, it was exciting, fun, working nights and weekends again, all the action. But it is a total dead end. I make $21 an hour as a very experienced cook/chef (17 years). I can handle any station on a busy night. I feel held hostage because if I leave, I know they will not be able to replace me easily. I have been friends with the head chef for about 10 years and that’s why I came back/stay. But I have no life, no peace of…


(Rant) My debit card got declined trying to put $10 of gas in my car so I could complete my sales route.

For context. I work for a large beverage (alcohol) distributor. I’m directly responsible monthly for over $300k in gross revenue. Recently they ended their fleet program which provided us a company car/gas card and went to a mileage reimbursement with your own car program. We were told we be given a flat rate and a secondary variable rate based on miles driven and could purchase our fleet vehicles for well below market value via a no interest loan that would be deducted from your paycheck. Month 1 no issues. Miles driven, gas spent, wear/tear all aligned with reimbursement. Suddenly, when month 2 reimbursement comes through, it’s more than half less than the previous month. Weird. What changed. Daily routes the same. Mileage almost identical. Reimbursement 40% less. “Oh thanks for your inquiry. We’re actually not going to be paying for your commute so the first and last leg of your…


just saw my latest performance review

“you don't really do a lot extra to help out the team or work different days”. i really do be bringing a big “i prioritize work-life balance” energy to work that bosses aren't fans of. want extra? pay me extra but i absolutely will not give up my days off. i've been on night shifts for 10 years now and those days off are where my entire social life lives.


Greedy company wants us to “earn” our Christmas bonus

Received a work email stating that they want us to earn our own Christmas bonus. As long as we work all of our scheduled shifts as is, on time, from now until December 26th, they will give us a whopping $100. For more context, this is basically a retail store for a large company. When I started last year, we had over 30 employees. After cutting hours and several people leaving due to mistreatment and poor working conditions, we are down to 12 people. You would think they would treat the ones that stuck around well… But no. They cut hours again. 3 or 4 people left in the past month alone. And then they have the nerve to send this email. I'm done. There's nothing they can do to talk me out of leaving at this point. And I don't blame anyone else who chooses the same path.


Work makes it almost impossible to schedule PTO or have sick time

So this is mostly me complaining and, who knows, maybe this is normal. Let me know if it is. So to use PTO, it has to be submitted 30 days in advance. In the employee handbook, it says a month in advance but the actual paper says 30 days. But, per management, all PTO request have to be submitted by the 10th of each month. She makes the schedule a month in advance, but honestly she just copy and paste the same schedule, because we all work 8 to 5. I know she copy and paste because the third Monday for the last 4 months have been half days for me. I only needed the half day 5 months ago. BUT if the week is the end of one month and half the other, your not suppose to be able to take those days off. (ex. I asked for Nov…


My boss got fired and stuff is awkward

I was just promoted in a huge way a month ago. I don’t want to get into a whole bunch of details but my boss was the BIG boss of our branch of the company. For them to be fired is a big deal. Main corporate company people are around. I feel like I’m being watched. Staff are going nuts gossiping about the why, who’s a spy, what’s going on. I was promoted by this boss (with the corporate peoples input) and now I’m scared my job is on the line. The whole firing seemed very planned.


Why is my ex-boss stalking me on LinkedIn?

I quit my previous position around eight months ago. Since then, my former boss has been viewing my LinkedIn profile with increasing frequency. I don’t pay for premium; they just creep my profile so often it has started showing me every time they view, the last time only four hours ago today. I left on meh terms, not bad but not great. My boss was a super douche and I let them know that when I left, but I was there for years and put my heart and soul into that company and I think that was realized, unfortunately after the fact. Are they praying on my downfall? Or hoping to cause it? Waiting to see if I’ll come crawling back? What good would come from looking at former employees’ LI profiles every week for almost a year after they’ve left?


If working for the benefit of others makes you a machine, what makes you human?

What does your life look like if the fruits of your labor were to go straight to you? You are an artist but your art does not get produced on command for someone else. So what art (work) would you produce? I think these are good questions to ask ourselves in order to discover what makes us uniquely human in a world where we are accustomed to the tradition of working in similar fashion to machines.