
How do I survive the rest of my notice period?

In NZ it’s common practice for employees to give 4 week’s notice when quitting. Same generally goes for when an employer wants to make an employee redundant. This is usually after a certain period. Most least 3 months. If it’s before 3 months, you only have to give 2 weeks. I didn’t even last a month at this job before wanting to quit. They mislead me and basically catfished me. But I wanted to leave after the holidays. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I planned to give notice sooner so that my last day would be the start of December. Made the mistake of telling an employee that I reeeeally don’t trust that much these days. My bad. I mentioned that I was quitting to go back to uni. We’re a three person team, the other person is quitting too lol. Like at the same time as me. So…


“We are having a hard time finding workers so now your work doubles.”

Literally can’t make this shit up. 4 absent owners, and 3 managers appear to be draining profits so much that they can’t afford to pay well enough to find workers, and so my new job description includes another position. No one wants to work.. for scumbags.


Terminated after 8yrs 10mths over a simple mistake.

Yesterday morning I was terminated from my IT role at a company I was employed by for almost 9 years. In my time there I have never received a review that was less than “meets expectations” and my last review at the beginning of this fiscal year was an “exceeds expectations.” I had received multiple awards, bonus payments, and pay increases outside of our standard yearly merit increase due to my performance with the company. I had worked for 4 CIOs and 6 direct managers and none of those people had ever seriously reprimanded or disciplined me in any capacity. After my last manager resigned in August our IT director got the team together both individually and as a group to assure us multiple times that we were all in good standing and he was proud to have us on the team. He shared a particular story regarding work I…


Just got 2nd degree burns at work

Our equipment is old and needs to be replaced. It was the deep fryer for our chicken that acted up today. I was pulling the chicken out the same way I have hundreds of times before, when it suddenly started bubbling and spat out a huge amount of oil, most of which landed on my hand. I dropped the basket and ran to the manager’s office to get first aid. His response? “It’s not that bad.” He was actually more mad that I lost the chicken. Now I have a huge burn on my hand that hurts like hell. I have pictures too, but I don’t want to post them because they’re pretty gross.


Locking the food pantry so the teachers don’t utilize it

Three months ago I started subbing which turned into full time. My new school has a food pantry that is available to students and teachers except no one really uses it so it’s always overflowing. I’m basically rebuilding my life from ground zero after my soon to be ex husband left me at the hospital during my stillborn delivery. His parents were our landlord who owned the house and they removed all of my belongings including my cat while I was still in the hospital. I have no help and no support. Feel free to read my post history for more info. I live in an apartment that is too expensive for me to afford but it is the only available place that has security on premise, which I need. I'm saying all of this to explain why I don’t have money for food. I get $45 a month in…


Quitting because of a single manager

I need to vent because I've been working 70-hour weeks, which will include tomorrow morning. I'm quitting as soon as I can get my accrued vacation (a lot) and I don't need this job but I gotta take care of my guys. I'm a contractor rather than an employee, but I work for a third party and I'm always there, so I guess everyone assumes I'm an employee. I had a top-level manager surprise me on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON (while I was busy) to demand to know why I'm quitting. I haven't put in my notice yet. How does he know why I'm quitting? Well, his dad knows me and I guess word gets around, since his dad works there. There's this obnoxious “management style” where you become aggressively stupid like Michael Scott from the office, and it needs to stop. So apparently they're worried about me. No problem training…


Performance review upcoming

You know the standard corporate bullshit. “What have you achieved, what goals do you have for yourself” etc etc I’m at a point where I’ve all but quit my job, as it makes me miserable. They have treated me terrible for years. I am just 1 of 5000+ employees and we’re ALL treated terribly. In the past I’ve been bullied by management, had my hours reduced from discrimination over my health and even been refused to return to work because my manger had given my hours away to other team members (even though I had been medically cleared to return) leaving me without pay. So that said I don’t feel bad at all from taking advantage of this place. I now exclusively work from home and they’re damn lucky if I put in even half the hours I should. I get ‘enough’ done to not be noticed. I’m just keeping…


Homeless teen girl with 5 little brothers,a newborn baby sister and my mom


12 years and nothing

I've spent more than a quarter of my working life giving my all for my present company. Evenings, week ends, you name it. I was there. It has been my identity. I'm so sad I can rain man style recall projects from a decade ago verbatim when the server goes down, no problem. I know more about the business than the owners do. It's only in working my notice I truly understand how little they think of me. All those times I fought the corners of my team, saved client relationships, literally kept the business running during the pandemic… Nothing. I've tried so hard and worked so many unpaid hours without recognition and just had a “leaving do” my managers didn't even turn up to. Never felt so professionally worthless. Just a rant I guess. Call me gullible, but I'm the guy who will go the extra mile, be on…


We Need to Stop Talking About Tipping Fatigue