
How do you deal with being in a maneger role, but not being paid or acknowledged for your role? Any advice would be appreciated!

To go into the details… I've been working at this company for a little over two years. Initially I was out of work for a while so there was some hesitation as to if they should hire me. Initially I came in excited to prove my worth. I did exactly that… atleast I believe I did. Not that this confirms it, but I'm always getting praise for the work I do. Given the nature of my personality and being someone who is performance driven, and always looking for the opportunity to understand something in depth… I get a lot of new task assign to me. Which I like. It prevents work from getting boring, and allows me to challenge myself in different ways. Those are not bad things. The problem is that in those two years that I've been here I've had exactly 0 promotions, my work load continues to…


CFO Talked to me like a child causing a PTSD Panic Attack

Pretty much as the title says. I (30F) got chastised at work trying to regroup with my CFO (50ishM) after an online meeting that got heated over peoples tones. Granted the whole office has been stressed lately and tensions are high across departments. I have ADHD, that comes with Anxiety & depression, TBI from 2 past severe head injuries. The PTSD is a combo childhood and from a domestic abusive relationship. All of this was disclosed at the point of interview before I was hired 4 yrs ago. During this conversation he stated my tone was defensive and I was getting high pitched. As I was trying to explain my side, he rolled his eyes at me. I asked what it was for. Thats when the flip switched. He snapped at me that I needed to just sit down and listen. That i need to keep my mouth shut and…


Has anyone with kids tried actually telling them the truth about why they need to do their homework?

I was listening to the daily screaming matches between my brother-in-law and his 5-year old about doing her homework. “Why do I have to do homework? I don't want to do homework! I already did enough homework! I HATE HOMEWORK!” -crying ensues- “I don't care what you want, you need to finish this NOW!” etc. Literally every day. The 5-year old also brings up some good points, like “Why can't I just do this in school and not take it home?” Pretty much every tactic has been tried. Throwing away toys, giving them candy, taking away TV, explaining that doing the homework will help them learn, telling what what they'll get to do when they're done, doing the homework piecemeal and letting them play with their toys in between problems, etc. Nothing works. But has anyone actually answered the “why do I have to do homework” question honestly? “You have…


Work is making me wear a v neck, is this legal?

So we have a new work uniform. I work in a jewellery shop and they've given us V neck tops and blazers to wear. I have said I don't want to wear a v neck top as they make me feel uncomfortable. I'm aware I'm weird but I don't like to show my skin. I don't have big boobs and it's not so low you can see them but I've always been one to hide away, no bikinis, high neck tops only kind of girl. And basically they've told me I've got no choice. I just wanted some advice is this okay for them to do? Their stores in Italy are allowed to wear crew necks but not the UK.


I was given an ultimatum to maintain my management position

This is a long one, but I am really at a loss and have a big decision to make by Monday. Using a throwaway because I plan to discuss this in detail with people who I know have Reddit and I don’t want to expose my main account. I am a low level supervisor at a day center for elderly adults. We have been very short staffed since I was hired in early 2021 and have consistently struggled to get quality staff in the door. The resumes I am given from our HR are absolutely atrocious and we have had countless people accept the job offers, then not pass the physical or background check. It seems like a no brainer to me that offering better wages could potentially increase both the quantity and the quality of our pool of applicants, but there has been zero feedback regarding this despite it…


I work 60hrs / week

Just a quick breakdown of my situation. Clinica lab Scientist in the south working 7 X 12hr shifts every other week 3 X 12 hr shifts on alternating weeks Total avg hourly comes out to around 38hr Total yearly with 2880 hrs / year roughly 105-110k/yr My degree and education cost me 80k with multiple degrees and life choices(1,300/month) I also have 30k credit card debt(1,000/month), 180k mortgage(1,400/month), 15k car loan (450/month). Health insurance 650/month. also a wife and 2 kids with myself being the only breadwinner. Sad part is I need all these hours to just get by with all the expenses we have and loans to live a “normal” life now. I'm thankful my job isn't physically demanding so the hours are doable but I hate the feeling I'm never home and I'm not even making any meaningful dent in our loans. Just wanted to give my situation…


Manager violates HIPPA laws

So I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit for this, but think of this as a rant/advice related to the workplace. Also, I am on mobile: Preface: I have been at my place of employment for almost 2 years. I am considered a higher-up and I train new hires and work directly with our owner, manager and assistant manager. My coworkers and I all respect eachother and get along well (we are all women). Around 2 months ago, we hired a new center manager. Let me list a few things she has done and said: • she calls us “bitches* and whores jokingly as if she was our friend (NOT!) • She spanked one of my coworkers' ass “playfully” • She talked shit to us about our assistant manager saying that she was a whore, slut and sleeps around because she had a cold sore and is newly…


Why GM Workers Narrowly Passed A Record-Setting Contract

Thought people should know about this.


What other Jobs/Industries are very hard to get fired from?

As we have seen, a lot of people are getting laid off in their office jobs and in tech. I work in the travel industry at an airport and I'm seeing coworkers get fired too. I'm wondering what jobs and industries have the better retention in employees, more job security. For example I know that the healthcare industry is one of them, CNAs, nurses, NPs, doctors etc aren't being turned over like crazy, maybe the receptionist but they are easily replaced so I could see why that could happen. What do y'all think? What else is out there that it's hard to get fired from? Self employed is also one of them if you aren't willing to fire yourself.


Restrictions around PTO during the holidays are stupid

Citing the need to have “holiday season staff” for an office job is stupid. Having the manager that denies PTO then take 10 days off during the holidays is stupid. The company will be paying us to sit around because we will have nothing to do, and that’s stupid. Employers are stupid.