
I put in my resignation today

I put in my resignation today. I have had PTO on the calendar for 2 months and it starts on Monday. I was told that we have a policy to not allow us to use PTO during our resignation period. My boss told me that she would see me on Monday so we could talk about a seamless transition. I pushed back as someone else left 3 weeks ago and used PTO during their resignation period. Eventually, the policy she was referring to was produced and it says nothing about not being able to use PTO during that period and instead says that you can not schedule unused time. Needless to say I will not be coming into work on Monday.



The company I work for is about 2 years into being owned by a “capitol investor….” Aka corp now. We were asked to take an assessment to help “create a benchmark” for future candidates. Well, that was a lie. The assessments are also being used to assess all of us. I tried very little to give accurate answers so I’ll either be fired or be looked at for a position i want nothing to do with! Corporate america sucks. That’s all. Rant over


Working on Black Friday

I work in a call center in healthcare. This is a temp job and they told us we have to work Friday. I’ve never had to work the day after thanksgiving. Like I’m sure no one will be calling in so what is the point? And since it is temp we don’t get holiday pay.


Boss takes away profit share due to employees discussing wages

Quit whining, you are literally the business owner and your employees are pissed that they are not getting what was promised. Honestly, the fact that they have a “no discussing pay” policy is a bigger bunch of bullshit. I asked about why my bonus was cut by 50%, because one of my coworkers, who missed more attendace points than me got their entire payment. And after getting massive attitude from HR, who reiterated the “no discussing pay” policy, one of the managers pulled the coworker out of range of the cameras then berated and verbally abused him, telling him he wouldnt be getting his next bonus because of it. Just for this message to come from the boss the next day. Im a hard worker, and i thought this company respected it's workers. Clearly i was wrong.


Just found out we don’t get paid for Christmas break

I've been working for ABC company since April. It's an office job and it's alright. Better than my previous nightmare of a shit job. Regular hours Monday to Friday, pay is decent, and no hassle when requesting time off. Typical office BS but better than retail. I learned that we get a week off for Christmas, which is good. However, I found out 4 of those days are unpaid, with the exception of holiday pay for Christmas and New year day. Also, no bonuses either. I've worked for companies where Christmas break is paid or we worked those few days between Christmas and New years or bonuses were given. Luckily, I have a freelance job that supplements my income but seriously? This company can't shell out at least an extra $100 on our paychecks around Christmas?


Avoid this company

Hi everyone, First I (43f) need to apologize as English is not my first language. I am originally from eastern Europe. I don’t know if the following actually story/rant fits here and if it’s truly antiwork or if its just a rant. It is also a Throwaway as I have to be extremely careful. The company (which I name at the end of this rant) in question, is a small company and their social media team is 24/7 on a hunt like bloodhounds in order to crush anything negative as soon as possible. The company has just over 1000 employees’ world wide. It is in the fashion industry and I used to work at the Warehouse packing and shipping customer orders. It was an exhausting and not rewarding job at all. The reason why I come forward now is because, while I do not want to hurt my former colleagues…


Invitation to Participate in Workplace Surveillance Technology Study

Hello! Researchers at Tech Solidarity Lab at Carnegie Mellon University ( are currently researching how workers across different sectors and industries make sense of and share their experiences of workplace surveillance technologies (an under-considered topic by researchers and policymakers). To build deeper insights, we are currently looking to conduct interviews with workers who have experienced workplace surveillance and are comfortable discussing how they’ve made sense of and responded to being monitored on the job, as well as how they leverage Reddit for support. The interview would be about an hour and can take place over phone or video conferencing software (e.g. Zoom, Skype). With your consent, the interview would be audio-recorded. It would need to be conducted in a private space so that the voices of non-participants won't be accidentally recorded. We would aim to protect your privacy by removing any information that could link back to you and by…


Recently started a new job. It’s fine. I know the tasks well enough. Two questions. 1. Why does management always come to me in pairs? Always 2 of those fucks. 2. I feel like I am being “assimilated into the collective”. Can I not do the work while being myself?


Amazon or Lowes

I got offers from both lowes is a lot closer but more hours while Amazon is only a few days.


Am I the weird one?

Recently I asked my new supervisor about getting a day off. He said yes but also added that he has concerns about how much vacation time I’ve been using. Am I weird with believing Vacation is an earned benefit I should be allowed to use without it being a “concern”? Especially when I have and am expected to continue working the occasional weekends(4 times so far this year with possibly more to come next year) and after hours unpaid? Also, it’s unpaid because I’m salaried, so I’m not eligible for OT.