
Discovered a glitch at work..

Not entirely sure if this is the right sub or not… I work for a large healthcare facility. While at work I got bored (happens often but I act my wage and do nothing more) and stumbled upon what I believe is a system glitch where I could view hundreds of employees pay information.. information that I would’ve thought I should not have access too. All I was trying to do was view more information about an internal job. I reported this to my direct supervisor but I’m afraid that I’m going to get fired for even viewing this information. Edit- I’m also worried that my supervisor will not report the glitch appropriately so it is no longer accessible.


I have not received my final cheque from my employer. What can I do? (Texas)

Hello, I recently worked at a local business. I have received two payment cheques but my third has not been sent to me. It's been over a month. She fired me last month. Since then she has made excuses s to why she can't pay me. (Ran out of blank cheques, busy, etc) I try to contact her and management, my messages are left on unread. As well as no response to emails sent to their main account. It's between $70- $80. The money will not sink me, but it's the principal of it. Thanks if you can help, I'm thinking of calling the Texas Department of Labor. (I never signed any tax forms, I guess I'm a contractor legally speaking) I am set on getting my money. I definitely don't have funds, or the resources to go to small claims court. I don't want to ruin my life over…


Terminated after a month

They told my recruiter it was ‘lack of funding’ but I feel like it was because I wasn’t kissing ass. The position I was hired for didn’t even seem long term and was pointless. They can all kiss my ass, my recruiter asked them could they give me 2 weeks before it was done and they said they don’t have the funding to keep me for an extra 2 weeks and have to terminate immediately. An international company at that lol my lousy $22 an hour was too much money to be dishing out. This is why I also don’t give notice when I quit a job I never gaf. You are disposable and easily replaceable. Stop giving two weeks notice and just leave (if it’s terrible)


Your Yearly Reminder: You DON’T Have To Get Your Boss A Holiday Gift!

Last time I made a post like this people bitched that it was unnecessary, only for the sub to later fill up with posts seeking advice on how to handle the situation. So, with the holiday season fast approaching, I figure it's time again to post a reminder. It's great if your job wants to do a holiday party or gift exchange, and if you enjoy your job and your coworkers and want to participate, that's awesome for you! However, there are some rules of office etiquette (and general human decency) to keep in mind. This comes from a great Ask A Manager post about it which you can certainly reference in your own declination. Bosses shouldn't expect their employees to give them gifts, nor should coworkers be pressuring you to give towards a gift for the boss. The power dynamics and differences in pay make this a really icky…


When ethics meet the desire to save more money ?

Would you think that it's okay to be a CEO who doesn't want to buy a camera to his employees when they have to take pictures to report a technical issue involving hardware or software used inside the company just to avoid a violation of data protection regulation followed thoroughly by all the employees ?


Dudes, start investing

Trust me, you'll be rich without mininal effort. If you're on monthly social security, dump half of it into a fund and wait for returns. If you act now ie 29th nov, first day of January will be a good payout


I have a work contract, and they’re not paying me for Thanksgiving or the day after even though the business is closed, and I cannot work.

Sorry to vent. First off, I know in advance, 100% my fault for trusting a company of any kind. When I signed up with them, my recruiter told me over the phone that it I cannot work due to the company's choice (they send me home early, they're closed that day, etc.), I will still earn the full day's pay because it wasn't my choice to miss work. I literally don't have to option to work. This has proven true times I was sent home early. I was still paid what they call “guaranteed hours.” Apparently, this does not extend to days the business is closed. Well, my previous placements were all at places where this never came up. I was always able to work, work from home, or didn't work on a holiday anyway. Now it has come up, and when I emailed to confirm I would be paid…


My husband just got fired for refusing to forge a document

I'm going to avoid a few details because this guy is too rich and we can't afford to provoke him. The CEO's son asked my husband (a designer) to create a fake document for him. My husband obviously refused, and a few months later when his boss came back from chemotherapy, they called him in a room to say he was fired and it wasn't anything to do with his boss or anything, that it was from the higher-ups so it was indisputable and that it has been decided months ago. Oh, and then they started telling him it was the quality of his work and how much he delivered (but he was actually praised by everyone he worked with by his high-quality work and work ethic.). Even his boss praised him. We had just gotten a loan because I've been fired twice this year already (once because they poached…


Has Consumerism desensitized us to the exploitation of Others?

When we order something online, it's all about speed and convenience, right? But behind that speedy delivery is a long chain of human effort, often under less-than-ideal conditions. Are we, as consumers, indirectly contributing to this cycle of exploitation by valuing convenience over ethical considerations? Our global economy thrives on consumerism, but it often seems to benefit a select few while leaving many behind. This inequality isn't just about money; it's about the quality of life and basic human rights. Are our buying habits reinforcing a system that exploits the less fortunate? It's easy to ignore what we don't see. Products arrive at our doorsteps, but the stories of the people who made them often remain untold. How can we become more conscious consumers and think about the human impact of our purchases?


Denied Vacation Day because “Too many people already on calender.”

For context, i put this day in a whole ass month in advanced. It was unsuspecting due to one of my wifes family members getting really sick and basically being on their deathbed. So i really only had a month to put in. Didnt tell my manager the reason because i believe they dont need to know as its personal. Ive only told him about the request to keep some sort of management in the know. But now he messages me saying that there are already too many people who requested off that day. I dont blame my manager, hes just doing his job, and maybe at my job you have to request way way earlier. But i just want to see how i can proceed. Maybe i should just call out? Or talk to him about why i need the day off?