
Severance VS unemployment – any hard and fast pros/cons to either? Or are they not mutually exclusive?

My company is reorganising our department and my role is going from 40% in-office and ~6 business trips a year to 100% in-office and ~20 business trips a year. With a baby on the way and my office about 2hrs drive away, that’s not going to pan out well for me. My boss is a decent guy and feels for my situation so is suggesting I can either keep working with the new situation til I find something else or leave with severance (the details/amount of which have yet to be determined). I’m obviously not quitting so I’m wondering, if it comes down to them firing me or me taking severance, is there any hard and fast rule to protect myself and get the best solution to this situation? For example, does receiving severance preclude you from also claiming unemployment benefits? If it does, is there ever a situation where…


Fuck this shit job

I’m out. I just got a client that called me to scream at me for something I have no control over. This is the worst job entire life. Done. I will grab the last check and be done with this nightmare job with shit pay and no hires and no room for growth and shit clients. And shit team and shit manager.


I can’t ask compliance anything without everyone in my office finding out

*sigh* My company is having all their staff onboard onto this text-messaging application for all client calls & texts. Makes sense for those that deal with clients… but I'm supporting staff and don't talk or text anything business-related on my cellphone because my personal time is my time. Once I'm off the clock I don't talk business or with my coworkers. My boss tends to work at all times of the day even while he's on vacation. The new guy is no different and so is the other supporting staff… Like I get it the job is chill and you care but damn. I'm not one to sign up for an extra workload when I'm guilt-tripped into it with the possibility of better pay… the raises are not worth the number of clients and extra work we do. So I do my assigned responsibilities and help where I can. My…


Cease and Desist

Hi all I was just served a cease and desist from my former company who fired me months ago. Saying I have been making untruthful comments and false statements about them. Which is not true. I have had a bunch of my old accounts follow me to the new company I am working for because they wanted to work with me. “In light of “company name”’s legal claims, you are directed to retain and preserve unaltered potential evidence related to “company name”’s claims against you. This demand for the preservation of evidence applies to any tangible “company names” materials that you have retained, as well as any materials and information found on your personal electronic devices, such as home computer, laptop computer, mobile phone, and external data devices including, but not limited to text messages (including between me and a former coworker) they reflect any and all communications that may…


Help protecting myself and coworkers

Hi everyone, I need some advice from those of you who have organized in the workplace before. Even in non-Union ways. Many details coming but I think they’re all mostly relevant. My company is currently in a tumultuous time between lawsuits and other nonsense in the far upper echelons of management that we don’t see down here at all. Myself and 3-4 other make up the production crew that makes literally all of the product that our company sells. We’re not a huge company, but we’ve cleared multiple millions in a months sales in the past for an extended period of time. COVID and other factors have dampened that pretty significantly in the last few years, but we’re still profitable and in the process of turning things around as I understand it. Nobody on the production team makes a living wage, most or all of us clearing under 30k last…


Is it legal for a fast food establishment to force employees to pay full price foe their meals? (New Jersey)

I came in to work today after being off yesterday and have been informed that because of missing product EVERYONE has to pay full price for meals. I have never, nor has any of the regular staff to my knowledge been disciplined once when it comes to missing product. We're not paid much and this seems incredibly immoral in an industry where all of the employees are struggling. Am I the one who is wrong here?


Management performance should be measured in employee satisfaction

**WARNING – HALF BAKED THOUGHT** We all can safely assume our managers probably receive earfuls from their higher ups when their Dept/Location/store fail to increase numbers (however that's measured), thus creating a vicious trickle down effect. I think this is one of the many reason our managers are slowly asking us to come back to the office. So they can see EXACTLY how every minute is spent while working in hopes to increase productivity to make THEIR superiors happy. I strongly believe a managers success should be measured by employee satisfaction and retention first (assuming the location is not losing money), followed by department performance. I think if management's main goal were to focus employee retention & workplace satisfaction rather than maximizing profits, it would lead to better overall performance in the long run. Happy staff = good work. I'm not sure how realistic this would be. I'm also sure…


Just watched my Roommate let the company he works for steal money from him to re issue his paycheck that they themselves lost, with proof mind you, a paycheck that is now 4 weeks late.

Long story short Big poultry company (that I can't name or they could fire the person in question (lmao)) had someone cover paycheck distribution or filing and failed to get my Roommates check to him. They even left a weird note about his check like he requested a new one, he never did. HR thought it was weird and of course tries to say it's my roomies fault and you should have your check, case dismissed. I recount his checks for him, verifying that he indeed did not get his fucking check. Still doesn't get his check, a week later he tells his boss, HR says “I'll make a note for Monday” Guess what never happened Monday? God fucking damn if it wasn't already obvious this is pure venting at this point. You'll never guess, he didn't get his fucking check, he talks to them today, they tell him to…


Is there even enough ‘real work’ to go around?

With advances in technology, A.I., and what-not, the only jobs I deem that involve real-work are literally blue-collared jobs. With while-collared jobs, maybe 50% of them are redundant and outdated? Like I don't think there are enough hours to go around to give every citizen 20-hour work weeks let alone 40. Idk, society seems messed up to me.


Just graduated from cybersecurity boot camp and have my security + and Aws cloud practitioner. Unable to get a job because a lot of places require clearance and I have a criminal background in Virginia. Have no experience and I don’t know what to do I am 28F and my criminal past is from when I was18

When I was 18 a senior in Highschool I was not very mentally stable from some SAs that happened and I got into some trouble with the law from stealing from macys with a friend. It was my first time getting in trouble and it was my friends second time. I thought i was being a good friend by taking the whole trouble when we got caught. She was 17 and I was not very bright then as I stated I was not in a good headspace. Anyways, I live in VA and here anything over $200 is grandpa went and both of the stuff we both stole together amounted to $1,200, my friend also had a pair of baby scissors in a purse and those were considered possession of burglarious tools, both felonies. I went through a long process of legal hearings and finally took a plea bargain deal…