
My company finally fired my useless coworker, and now they’re not being replaced.

I've worked at this company a long time, and so did this coworker. She started a few months ahead of me and seemed to think this meant I had to do whatever she said. I work on a team and most of us work really well together, happy to lend a hand when needed or bounce ideas off each other, but she was allergic to work and hostile if you dared try to get her to do anything she hadn't been strictly instructed to do. Which didn't make her a great teammate. I'm really big into workers rights, but whenever I had to work with her, it was a misery, and unfortunately our jobs overlapped the most. So I was desperately hoping she'd find a job somewhere else. But she didn't, and she'd keep finding new ways to make the rest of us (mainly me) do her work, and I…


Found at work, is this Mold?


I was given an assignment I’m not even allowed to do

I am a substitute health aide. My job is to assist the nurse in the office and administer first aid, document, take vitals etc of everyone who walks in, sign sick kids out and make sure they go with a guardian, give any instructions etc (yes, I have training in cpr and first aid) I use a specific app to book jobs, as well as accept jobs through my dept. please note, I do not work for any schools. I work for a specific dept called special services. They pay me. Schools do not. My pay comes out of the SS budget, not any schools budget. Anyways, I accept a job on the app because it popped up, and I go to work like usual, wearing scrubs and all because I’m suppose to only be working in the nurses office. Well, I get there and find out I’m going to…


Help me spam this Desantis RSVP list

I’m from Iowa and I want these fuckers to know we are here. The text I got: Hey (name), this is Governor Kim Reynolds. I'm joining Ron DeSantis to open his new office in Urbandale this Saturday and I want to see you there! Doors open at 8:00 AM. RSVP here >> Reply Stop to Stop


How Fascism Serves Capitalism | FULL DOCUMENTARY


3-year hybrid work schedule ending because of … “Department objectives”

Since COVID, my workplace has allowed hybrid WFH. Last year they limited it to 2/5 days a week and did some job share for some positions. It sucked, but I accepted this. It did get me socializing more often, I guess. However, I just got notified that my application for hybrid this year was denied because of “department objectives”. Other departments get job share, hybrid, and even some full time WFH still. But me, who has 80% of my workload in a computer based scenario, doesn't get hybrid anymore. Hybrid improves my physical health because I take walks at lunch time when I am at home, which is when I also walk my dogs. I also have a treadmill desk. This means I also get some crucial vitamin d and sunlight at a time of year when it's pitch dark from 5pm-9am. I also get to sleep in an extra…


We all can relate to this


So sick of the made up excuses of collaboration and referrals as a reason to make me spend 10% of my income to come back to the office. I don’t collaborate with anyone or send referrals I do administration only. But still they refuse to tell me the REAL reason I need to be here.


Not necessarily anti-work, but anti-“everyone is being overworked”

So first of all, I actually love my job. It's meaningful and I won the lottery in terms of boss and coworkers. HOWEVER… Even if my own job has tons of upsides, there's no way not to be affected by the massive understaffing and scrambling to function in absolutely every industry around us. Example: Lately our printer ran out of ink. We've been putting off replacing it as long as we can because the price gouging is INSANE (printer company takes measures to actively stop users from buying any other brand of ink). I finally ordered it, but it is on backlog. Then it finally said “delivered”, but we didn't get it, and it was signed for by someone whose name we don't recognize and doesn't work here. I called the delivery company (which is different from the company I bought the ink from, which is different from the manufacturer…


Suspended without pay, after telling boss im struggling financially

So I’ve been having some major car troubles, and its been extremely hard to make ends meet. I currently do not have an operable vehicle, nor do I have the funds to repair everything all at once. I asked my supervisor if I could switch shifts and remain on dayshift for an extra week, so that I could catch a ride to work with my dad for the week. (He works 5 minutes away in a separate factory) They said yes and now the following day, my supervisor came up to me out of nowhere. He told me I was “suspended without pay pending an ongoing investigation” He then asked for my key fob, and escorted me out of the building, not letting me change out of my steel toe boots, or even take my uniform off. He didnt even let me grab my fucking jacket. I stood outside in…