
My boss always singles me out for everything, blames me for things that happened when I wasn’t even at work, and sends me passive aggressive texts on my days off. I finally snapped at him. He treats me differently than everyone else at his store and I don’t know why.


Autoworkers ratify contract with Stellantis, on track to approve Ford deal


Bleeding money

When you’re looking for work, companies act like hourly wage is going to make/break the books. Then you get in and see how many hours are wasted on outdated processes and technology and you realize the money is there, it’s just not for us. I’m watching these people mull over tens of dollars/month to have PowerBI workspace and shared reports, while the lack of the insights costs hundreds/month in time and inaccuracy. So hourly workers take the hit for ineffective management. The money’s not available because it’s blowing out the windows


Can I complain about the smell of a manager?

My work recently got a new manager. We work retail and we share a break room. This new manager we have is a smoker. None of us in the store smoke except for him so this is the first time we have had to deal with this. Every break he takes he uses it to smoke. He goes to his car to smoke between 15-30 minutes three times a day. Every time he comes back in he smells very strongly of cigarettes and then takes his jacket off and leaves it in the break room. After each of his breaks we can all smell cigarettes on him very strongly for about an hour. The break room, unfortunately, will smell very strongly of cigarettes the entire day. Multiple employees have complained to each other about it. Some of us have tried bringing spray but then it just smells like febreze and…


New bosses put up new signs

I added one of my own


Coworker who has been with the company quit. Most of the workload has gone to me.

He’s been with the company 20 years. We had 5 people in my department. We used to have 3 people during day shift and 2 night shift. Now it’s just 3 of us. I’m mostly alone during day shift. I’ve only been with the company for a couple of months. I also have really had ADD and while I try, I’m not nearly as fast at performing task. I work in a warehouse. I’m also a pretty skinny guy. I’ve tried to gain weight but I don’t put it on easily and I’m also very busy with work, kids and trying to study to better myself. I struggle a lot with lifting a lot of the heavier stuff which means that i move slower. The last week has been hectic and chaotic. I’m worried because I haven’t heard anything about them hiring any help. Also, my boss keeps recommending me…


I can’t believe this shit.

The manager who put this up will, of course, not be working on thanksgiving.


Employer wants my personal auto insurance info

Have no idea if this is the place for this but I frequently read things here and it’s not entirely off topic. My current employer is asking for a copy of personal auto insurance info. We have two work vans that I haven’t driven in months. I’m not planning to perform any future tasks that require me to operate a company vehicle anyways but what kind of shady things is she doing with insurance that would lead to me being liable in a traffic incident? I’m in Florida by the way.


I worked for a retail chain as a computer programmer and quit in anger

The company had an old computer system to run the cash registers at 110 stores. The stores were in Florida to California. I worked with 2 other programmers for a while, but the company allowed my coworkers to start up a new project. In addition to the legacy system I had responsibility to maintain the accounts payable system. I am good at my job, but this meant I was on call from 7 am to 11 pm for the stores and had another job {account payable} as well. I told my boss that things could not go on like this. I told him things were going to break down and just one person could not maintain it. The bastard told me that God made 24 hours in the day and I should just suck it up. I quit right then. I heard that after I left they had to hire…


Workplace changing sick time policy next year.

California recently passed a law that starting next year, workers will be entitled to 5 days of sick time, up from 3 days. My job was pretty generous with sick time, at the start of the year you would be allotted 3 days off the get go to use throughout the year. No sick time would rollover you would just restart with 3 days. Fair and simple. There is talk now that our head of HR is changing the policy where we accrue 2 hours each check and have to save to get the full 5 days. So that’s roughly 4 hours of sick time a month. God forbid you get sick early in the year during winter. Obviously none of us workers that are aware of this are happy about this proposed change. It hasn’t been officially announced yet but the talk of it has worked its way down…