
Brand new CEO abruptly forces RTO, has IT delete employee-made petition from everyone’s inbox and block petition website

My spouse’s workplace, Orion Advisor Solutions, got a new CEO a month ago to replace its founder. Prior to this, they have been fully remote since 2020, announced that they would stay remote, and had plans to shut down several offices. The new CEO assembled a group of employees to gather feedback and put together ideas to encourage people to come into the office. The CEO then sent out the survey about preferred RTO schedule to employees, with all options for less than 3 days a week in-office removed, and no mention of any proposed incentives such as childcare. It became clear the survey and employee committee was bullshit, and employees were going to be forced into the office a minimum of 60% of the time regardless of what employees thought. After the obvious backlash, an employee sent out a company-wide petition. Ten minutes later, the petition e-mail disappeared from…


Feel like I am being targeted at my job

Made an account to post this. On Reddit all the time without one but needed to complain, and can’t complain to coworkers. Will be long, tl;dr at end. As title says, I feel like I am being targeted (discipline-wise) at my job. Have felt like this for awhile but today was the last straw and I am going to be looking for new opportunities starting tomorrow. I feel like the management at my job has been purposely/unfairly targeting me the past few months. Meaning they have been trying to discipline me, and only me, for things that everyone else I work with also does. Today my district manager was at the store, I’m assuming just to have this conversation with me that I will explain. DM asked to talk to me. Said ok, have before about other things. Turns out it was just to try to discipline me about stuff…


Boss stole my accrued sick time back when covid relief was in effect.

I won't name the place I work for obvious reasons, but our state basically mandates that companies of a certain amount of employees gives up to 5 days of paid sick leave for those employees. Cut to me coughing my lungs out, getting a positive covid test and then self-isolating for 5 days. I called in sick each of those days, then provided the note on my return. They didn't offer me any paperwork, which I thought was odd. I went about working as per usual, and a week later I get my pay stub and notice that the sick pay was deducted from my state paid medical leave. I asked the HR person why they deducted from my paid medical leave, and they basically told me not to worry about it and “We'll handle it.” I just realized that attorneys and court fees are too expensive and time consuming.…


Just got to witness a C-suite member replace our department with his “mates”…one by one

I have just been made redundant. And while it's hit me real fucking hard on a personal level, I know this company had high turnover and I should have seen the red flags growing. A 50+ year old in the C-suite had begun ejecting previous leaders and started bringing in his mates, one by one…I had already been given a backseat to an older guy who shared my skill set who was self-admittedly “a friend from uni”. Sorry I can't compete with your mate. Mind you, this same C-suite member had boasted to me about how he'd participated in corruption at a bank to increase his share values, so we're not talking about someone particularly classy. And when I needed to hire someone a few months ago, he told me he knew “just the guy”. “The guy” being someone who had no experience whatsoever in this role, he was just…


How do I answer questions about a job I only worked for 2 months?

I'm getting ready to get another job after almost a year of not having one. My last job I only worked 2 months but it was valuable experience in my field. I had to quit (but was fired for quitting) because my boss paid me a different rate every paycheck, held my checks for an extra week before giving them to me, and refused to pay me overtime. I had to get the DOL involved. I know I'm going to be asked why I only worked there for such a short time and I don't know how to answer that without being harsh about my former employer. This was the first time I had been employed for my position on my own. Not as an assistant but actually holding the role. I've seen some of you guys come up with really great ways to word things and I implore your…


Company keeps extending contract on a weekly basis.

Hi all. I started a contract position in a company that was supposed to be 6 months long. Things were going well until the end of my contract. They said they were interested in keeping me but they needed more time to decide on a final decision. So they gave me a 4 week extension. Well 4 weeks have passed and they still haven’t decided. They said they will give me a one week contract extension as they need more time. This is all so frustrating. If I reject these contracts I won’t be able to collect unemployment. But on the other hand I’m tired of being strung along like this. To add insult to injury these people will send me these contract extensions on the last possible hour on my last day at work. I’m feeling trapped. Is there anything I can do?


It’s not that I don’t want to work, but that tax accountants are often abused

I'm a tax professional and our industry is horrible. We are often left working 50 hour weeks during the tax and extension deadline without any support. I left a company that paid salary while I worked over 45 hours a week from January until May with no reflection of this in my paycheck. I left that company just in time for the extension deadline season and was wooed by a small CPA office where I was told I would be a tax manager, working hourly and was thrilled. I turned down a better paying position with the promise of more tax planning and less compliance, only to find this not to be true. They mailed my laptop to the wrong address, which was on me to fix, although i provided them with my correct address more than once. There was zero training on their policies or their software there was…


My Manager Wouldn’t Let Me Take Off Work

This isn't serious or anything at it worked out in the end, but this was just so insane to me that I had to post it. So I had to take this Saturday off. I tried to take the day off in the app my employers use for scheduling, but it was a blocked day, meaning people couldn't take off for that day. I asked the manager in charge of scheduling why it was blocked, and he said it was because the only other restaurant in our chain in town was going to be closed for renovations. I thought this was weird, because they would be renovating for like two months, so I don't know why only that day specifically was blocked, but whatever. I just said okay and went about my day. I assumed that when I asked that it was implied I needed that day off and that…


Would You/Should You admit to the boss that your performance is substandard?

After 19 years of success at my current employer a new boss came in and now my work products and customer service has moved from great to awful. One of the things he does not like about me as an employee is I will never admit that my work is bad. I am convinced he is just playing games and my work is still good. I can't quit because I have to hold out for 11 more months to get my full vested pension, so I can retire in late 2024. My boss tells me nearly every day that he would give me a break if I would just look him in the eye and admit I am a fuckup and work on a plan to turn my work around. I ask for specific details and he gives me lies and generalities. When I repeat to him my belief that…


My wife has been working for this company for 5 years (technically 6 since she worked through the pandemic from home). She’s been at $20/hr for 3 years but, is everyone’s back up. They make up to $45/hr

This is all they gave her for all her hard work and long hours. She thought she was getting a good raise because, her boss said they had a “surprise for her”. She’s quitting Monday