
Pressured to give feedback then…punished for giving feedback

I was talking to a colleague about how we don’t feel comfortable giving bosses constructive feedback because of the power dynamic and potential for retaliation. Despite all the corporate PR about how feedback is a gift. Low and behold their boss harassed them for months about feedback and when they finally gave it, the dynamic shifted for the worse. This feedback thing where you can’t win is really a labor torture device. How have you navigated it?


B.C. announces minimum wage and other labour protections for app-based gig workers.


Just called out, and it felt so good

I recently changed jobs, and I hate my new job. It is way more corporate than what I am used to, my managers both are mediocre at best. I work in food service, and I have known multiple 19 y.o. who are better leaders than either of these 30 something's. Well plus side to it being corporate as fuck? Calling out leads to no consequences, and I literally just call an hr person, not even my boss. I am actually sick, at my previous job I wouldn't have called out yesterday or today, but this place will survive fine. The kicker is, my friend I work with also won't be able to go in today, his car is being worked on and we were going to ride together. He is also happy.


I wish more employers pushed people to take their days off

How far have we really gone from happiness? How have we gotten so far to the point that being home doesn’t matter. I feel like I pay so much money for a home just to never be in it. I wish that employers would be like. “Hey, you have five vacation days saved up you should really use them and enjoy yourself” instead of keeping them from you.


Underestimating the power of “appreciation” when criticism is inevitable and easier?

What are your thoughts and experiences with appreciation in the workplace? Is there often a lack of appreciation among criticism? Humans have a negativity bias so criticism is obviously easier but appreciation is perhaps more evolved, requires more effort and bravery to truly put aside ego and recognize proper efforts.


Fuck chat GBT and automation

Several of my friends were work from home before covid even or did simple data entry at the office. It was a good job that provided decent pay for them and their families. This week alone 5 of my friends lost their jobs to ” restructuring” or chat GBT how is this fucking legal. I'm scared for alot of my other friends.


why is it like a crime to be unambitious?

i don’t want to work any more than i am. i don’t wanna move up. i don’t even wanna change jobs. if i had it my way, i would work here until i retire. better yet, not work at all.


New job, already hell

I've been at this job a little over a month and I've already spent a couple nights rage scrolling indeed, which is pretty much a new record for me, but today takes the cake. There are a million things I could complain about (coworker hostility, lack of management support, 8 hour turnaround times between shifts) but the one thing I absolutely don't tolerate from a job is messing with my pay. I've received three checks since I started this job. The first one has no issues – I was still training and had only worked day shifts so no real issues. The second check felt a little light but I thought I was imagining it. Then an HR rep sent me an email informing me they didn't give me my pay differential (I had started training graveyard shift and should've gotten an extra 50 cents an hour for those shifts).…


A victory for fast food workers

Fast-food jobs are among the lowest paid in the nation and also have some of the lowest rates of union membership. A labor law to take effect in December will make it easier for workers to organize. We dive into the issue in our latest Watchdog newsletter.


Anyone want to be my reference for work (2 people) for $30/pp on CA?

I’ll send a script of what to say and your job role & ill explain my job roles and responsibilities. Once you complete the interview and they lmk I got the job, I’ll send each $30 on cashapp asap. Pls help a fellow citzen in help. I have no one 🤧