
It’s my last day at my banking job and I just spent 10 minutes educating my 55yo boss, the person who fired me, on how to export an excel sheet as a PDF file and where it was after downloading.

I just can't. Here I am, 32 years old and with triple the knowledge and double the qualifications but getting fired because “I didn't hit the targets this trimester” (mind you, the targets are almost sadistic and on purpose at that in order for them to not pay us a measly 50€/54$ “bonus”at the end of said trimester if you hit the targets). Can I just please step out of this ride


Who would’ve thought that would help?

These employers think it is a privilege for us to work for them and continue living below or barely above poverty line.


job hunting after a year of getting my chain pulled

i don’t even know if this is worth posting about, but i’m just frustrated and want to vent. background, homeschooled 26m with no GED/college, been working various customer service and sales jobs since i was 17, most recently and most profitably was a furniture sales guy with 3 years on the floor, but i fell into a bad way and hardcore drug use that put me into a tailspin mentally and emotionally. i’m 2 years clean with no intention on falling back into old habits. i’ve been working as a part-time employee at a major theme park for about a year and a half now. pay across the board is alright, all of us got a pretty decent raise earlier in the summer, and hours are usually pretty easy to pickup. despite us only getting scheduled 8-12hrs a week by our management, i’ve been picking up and working 32-40hrs a…


I made a last straw mistake and I think I will get fired

I was promoted 3 months ago into a leadership position and it was hard for me to do the job, I stared to have anxiety and scared to take any kind of decision. This is my fist job and I'm in my 20's with direct reports older than me, I started to miss my old position because of the workload and I stared to make a lot of mistakes. This month a made one mistake and then another, my boss was not happy about that, specially beacuse I have a bad communication and I don't mention the mistakes unless he asks me. So this month, my boss told me we can not offer permissions to our workers because we need to make overtime and the next day I allowed a worker be out of work because of the dumbest reason ever. I ask my boss to see if we can…


Goddamit I’m tired of doing all the hard physical work on Fridays.

Perfect way for an employer to keep you from having free time on the weekends is to work your employees hard on Fridays but not Monday thru Thursday. Fucking tired of this bullshit


Can I be sued?

I work for a large company that has hundreds of plants around the state and country. The plant I work for is fairly small with maybe 50 employees. Hypothetically, if I were to win the lottery and gave all 50 employees enough money to retire, and they all quit by their own choice. Could the company sue me? Assuming that the plant would be shut down and take a massive loss with production and profits. No contracts are involved with employment.


Questionable Christmas Dinner

I walked into work today and saw this. Thoughts?


Any company that lets you go after a week because they’re prioritising staff who have been their longer should be publicly shamed So here we are.


Millenial antiwork rant

I'm a millenial and have been working for 15 years on a 9-6 office job. I've heard and read about the younger generation complaning about long work hours and unreasonable employer requests that result in burnout. I'm definitely feeling Gen Z and agree that work today is very different then what it was say.. 15 years ago. This is especially noted for office workers and especially the tech sector. 15 years ago, the work environment was very different. When i was first hired as a junior, i just needed to know a couple of softwares, and email or face to face meetings were our form of communication. Internet wasn't super fast then and that meant work deployment was much slower. Today, we have communication softwares like whatsapp, slack, teams and so on which meant communication was much convenient, faster but it also meant that work is getting piled on quicker…


Why does “taking time off” have to include “doing something huge” like travel? Or catching up on important stuff, but you can’t use it to relax?

I have no idea why my parents especially seem to be wired this way. I told them I was going on a trip for a week. Spending some of it with the girlfriend and the rest relaxing. When I told them I was spending the rest relaxing they just kind of gave me the side eye. I told my coworkers I was taking time off and their reaction was “Oh cool what's going on?” (asking if there's an event I'm going to) then seem disappointed when I said “Oh I'm not going to do much”. Like I'm sorry I'm taking time off to give my mental health a HUGE break. Sometimes taking time off to go on a big trip just adds more anxiety and stress. You want the trip to go so well that even if something does go wrong for even ONE day it kills my mental health.…