
While a lot of the posts are valid some of the posts in here re looking for a no effort wfh job are ridiculous

A lot of the posts – particularly about low wage workplaces or workplaces that deny entitlements or engage in unfair HR practices are so invalid. However it is actually so shocking to me how many people want high paying remote work jobs where they have to do very little. Even with the most perfect planning work ebbs and flows – the attitude of I work my scheduled hours and not a minute more – yet also slacking off while working is bizarre to me. I think when the work is slower definitely take the downtime while it’s there and workplaces should encourage that, but when people with the attitude of quiet quitting act like they’re persecuted bc they need to work an extra hour here and there during a busy period, or go into an office once a week – it feels a little hypocritical.It would suck to work in…


At a loss as to what to do/How to help someone in a horrible working situation

Good Evening, I’m just looking for advice or thoughts on a situation that my partner is currently dealing with. I can’t explain a lot of details due to wanting to conserve privacy, but I will do the best to lay out the situation. My partner is currently a General Manager at a fast food restaurant (U.S. Deep South) and they are being treated abhorrently at their job and it breaks them and me to see it happen. The situation is fairly complex, so just up and leaving is not likely an option as this job covers just enough to pay their bills, and there is nothing else in the area that will pay better with their skillset/experience. Every single week is 50+ hours, mandatory unpaid overtime (they are on a fixed salary where they are paid for 40hrs/week and are ineligible for paid overtime due to their job title being…


Maybe employers are waiting until after the holidays to hire

To save on Christmas bonuses and paying for the day off. Wishful thinking?


To everyone who whines that they cant work from home anymore calling it unfair, too damn bad be thankful you got it as long as you did. From a blue collar labor worker who had to go in to work everyday on site in mask, bumpcap, steeltoe boots and safety glasses for 3 years.

I said what i said. I keep seeing people complaining that they have to go back to work and yet countless people in the trades, manufacturing, retail and many other professions that if we didnt go to work alot of things people are dependent on would crumble. So we stood there in discomfort for long shifts with no option not to work or to work from home. So stop whining, please! you arent that hard done by.


Is it appropriate to ask for an old reference?

been at my job for 3 yaers, my old manager who loved me left and went overseas so i canat use a referene if i apply for a new job and need 2 references waht do i do?


I need a nice way to tell people they are supposed to tip on major holidays

So I work at a winery. There is somewhat of a gray area regarding tipping. We aren't really bar tenders or waiters so some people (I assume) just don't know to tip? Some days are better than others but over all I'd say about half the people tip. I try not to take it personally. BUT the last 2 years I've worked Thanksgiving and received $0 in tips both times. I'm working again this year. I need a way to tell people that YES you are supposed to tip. You are supposed to tip WELL when people are working on major holidays. I'm taking time from being with my family to make sure you have a good time. Like some line I can casually drop so they will get the hint. I've even considered printing something out to give with the menu. Something like “We hope you had a great…


Possibly getting fired for caring about my employees

I work as a manager in retail, and our store got robbed this past Sunday, taking a bunch of clothes and running. Now it’s company policy to simply let it happen, stand back, do not engage, do not pursue. One of the girls working at the time took off after them into the parking lot, and even though I tried to stop her, I couldn’t, and ended up walking out the door to try and get her to come back (note I did not run after the robbers). I did all the right steps of contacting who needed to be contacted, and thought that was mostly the end of it. Well today, I get pretty much interrogated about the incident, why I left the building, etc. I admit I completely botched the interrogation, but now I’m faced with possible termination over stepping out of the building because my employee ran…


Mom is in the hospital and they won’t let me see her

I signed a contract that's until the 31st of January 2024. Visiting hours for the hospital are when I work (in my country, at least.) I am doing online job training for 8 hours and i called them today. They said “I’m sorry about what you're going through but you'll have to be there exactly at this time in this videocall.” They also said I'm not allowed to call anyone or not pay attention to the person talking to us about what our work will be, and they hope I'll cheer up because there are fun quizzes at the end of the call. My job (when I'm done with training) is to check I.D cards and videocall new users that signed up to this company with a smile on my face and be excited for about 8 hours. I'm losing it. I am aware that I'm facing the consequences of…


Can’t Tell Me Not To Apply Anywhere Else

What is wrong with recruitment leadership, I swear. You can't string along someone during your onboarding process, yet straight up expect me not to progress with onboarding elsewhere. Do you want me there or not? Make up your mind. You can't tell me you'll only offer PT hours, but get offended and pissy if I elect to clock hours at a seperate place. You can't seriously expect me to freeze my life across an entire month in hopes of a maybe, might be, let's see. Then, have the sheer audacity to demand I pay for some of your bureaucracy steps out of my own pocket. Before seeing even a single hour worth of any paycheck. That's crazy, you're crazy. If onboarding isn't actually finished? Then I'm not about to risk my livelihood, food purchasing, credit card bills, and keeping a roof over my head. What? Am I expected to pray…


My fiancé was written up

These companies are totally wild. He does estimating for a general contractor. He’s been there for a couple years. Pay sucks, no benefits, no flexibility. A sales rep texted his personal phone (he wasn’t provided with a company phone) and he didn’t answer because he was stressed out. The following day, he got called into someone’s office to be “written up”. Never an oral warning. The WRITE up stated it was an oral warning… an ORAL warning in WRITING. Hmmmm He refused to sign the write up. I’m just absolutely baffled at how anyone would think this is okay.