
I applied for a job position 7 months ago several times. They changed the name of the job, said I applied for it, then said they found a candidate for it. Application gaslighting?

This is a slight vent post, maybe does not fit in antiwork, but here goes… I applied for a position that requires an applicant to speak 3 languages. I speak all 3. I have 9 years of marketing experience. They require the applicant to have 5. The job title I applied for said “Marketing Lead.” I applied 4 different times, trying my hardest to get to an interview with them. When I got their response today, it said Thank you for applying for Institutional & Strategic Initiatives. This is what I see when I search for the same exact job position that the HR mentioned in my inbox: one response in email. Only from them and no one else, sent to me today. Conclusions: 1. The job position that I appliied for is still listed on their website to this day. 2. I've seen the position posted on other websites…


It’s holiday season

You would think it’s the time of the year when the employees get bonuses for working so hard all year. You thought wrong. I don’t get a Christmas bonus or a end of year bonus or a quarterly bonus. Everyone that works in the company corporate structure does though. Big checks being cut for them while taking credit for our hard work. My company gives out Christmas boxes. Guess what’s in the boxes? Extra cash? Vacation days? Gift cards? Free Company attire? Nope. It’s a box with snacks worth about $20, honestly probably $5 since the company is so big. You thought you were getting extra money to buy a thanksgiving ham or to buy your kids some toys? Or you know, to keep your lights on? Nah here’s some fucking Oreos, skittles, and a nice letter from the CEO (it’s most likely written by some intern and edited by…


New job, boss is a raging narcissist but can’t leave due to insurance

I started a new job in September at a major university. I transitioned from teaching public school to a federally-funded college prep program, and I love the work. I get the best of teaching, like interacting with students and providing help and advice, without the drawbacks of being in a classroom. However, my boss is out of her damn mind. Like, actually a sociopath or most likely a narcissist. She makes every day I have to be in the office miserable, which sucks because I really like my colleagues. They all feel the same way about her, and everyone who's quit this job quit because of her, which I found out after I got hired. Here's a short list of her bullshit: She has NEVER completed anyone's work. Ever. Not even a lackluster “good job.” There's always criticism, and the best anyone can hope for is disapproving silence. Everything has…


My workplace is a massive trainwreck

That is if the trains are carrying tonnes of horseshit. I work in a kitchen in a castle in Ireland. I immigrated here from the US to be with my love because of visa issues that prohibit him from coming back to America until were married. I desperately took a job as this place and a month into work I knew it was a bad place to work…unfortunately I am locked in by contract and if I quit I can't work in the country for five years…so I put up with it for the past 9 months. Shit is hitting the industrial fan now. To set the scene, this is a corporate, expendable-employee, short-staffed, “we must hold THE standard,” sort of place. I applied as a senior chef de partie and its been an exhausting hell. In my first 2 months eight people had quit the pastry kitchen. Now a…


Tired of the COVID scapegoat

When I stay in a hotel, I can't get daily maid service because… Covid. When there's a skeletal staff and further reductions just to stay afloat… Covid. When a skeletal staff means reduced service… Covid. When the prices on things are insane… Covid. When housing prices and interest rates go off the chart… Covid. When prices remain high… Covid. When profits are excessive but my pay hasn't increased at all… Covid. ​ It is exceptionally frustrating that corporations and even government agencies can run amok because 'Covid' yet tell us we have to return to the office because 'Covid is over'. How long will we allow these institutions to use Covid as their Catch 22?


I sometimes think I want to be in a coma so I don’t have to work and can rest for a long time

So I’m not planning on doing anything to myself so don’t worry but I’m just so sick of working to not be able to afford anything. I’m a Nurse in the UK and I’m autistic as well. I only work 30 hours rather than the 37.5 but honestly I’m not living comfortably with what I make. I could leave the profession completely but that would mean even less pay. I actually love my job, but the lack of staff and the abuse we get continuously means I’m essentially being bullied by patients (I work in psych) for 12 hours a day. If we had a bit more staff we could rotate who deals with the abusive patients over the course of the day to lessen the burden. I did extra hours one day recently on the nurse bank and got £46 for 4.5 extra hours of non-stop bullying. I’m burnt…


I work in a skilled nursing facility. Last week all the department heads were missing for a day because they had “meetings.” Turns out they all went to topgolf and while they were there they had a discussion about how to communicate better with the employees.

This outing came one week after a mandatory all staff meeting about “employee morale being so low” and “how can the administration show appreciation” …. The chasm between administration and employees that work the floor, employees that make the money for the company is just ridiculous. I told my boss today that I thought that was bullshit that I get bitched at if my productivity goes below 85%, ( just got an ass chewing for 78%) but they can take the entire administration team and go play top golf for a day (literally gone 8 hours for golf a meal and a discussion). He said well it was a meeting about communicating with eachother and showing appreciation. Well ya want to know what they came up with, at this golfing event, to show appreciation? Everybody's getting a pumpkin pie for thanksgiving. Fucking amazing, I feel so appreciated. I asked my…


Silent Promotion

Not sure if maybe someone has any recommendations or I can at least. There was an org wide promotion email and 3 people on my team were promoted to senior in their roles. I am happy for them as they totally deserve it. Then my manager followed up with an email to just my team explaining the new senior roles and respective responsibilities. There were 4 people listed, I was surprisingly one of them with a senior title, however I did not get a promotion. I am not sure how to handle this as I felt a bit awkward since I was the only one in that email that didn’t get a promotion but had a title change to senior and role expectations. Side note: I know I am the highest paid on the team, so it feels petty to complain and if our small team only got so many…


Every inferior is governed by its superior, and powerful men conceive it no way irrational. We are forever losers; forever up against the evils of their omnipotency. Losers can’t revolt. I abhor this.


how normal is this

came to work at 9 30 am , and left at 10 pm . get a message from the boss on the way home to come back and finish the work for UAT (I'm a junior ) . stayed until 1 30 am. next day . came to work at 10am. then was forced to stay until 3 am. couple weeks later. forced to stay until 12 am. . like what the fk is this?. am I being a coward if I want to quit this dog shit of a job? and NO, all of that overtime is unpaid . since its software engineering. we don't get paid overtime.