
Working 80 hour weeks, only paid $356. Wtf bros

Insurance company, get license. Get paid garbage, working so many hours that I feel sick. Started smoking again. After a year of odd jobs, I fucking tired bros. Wrote $3000 of insurance policies bros, I'm going to kill myself. Wtf


We deserve to able to live off 20 hours a week.


Just happened to my friend in Indiana. Any recourse here?


Warning for talking about wages

So I work at a coffee shop an I’ve been talking to a couple of coworkers about how little we get paid ($12/hr), and how we don’t have any benefits. Now I did talk about this on the clock if that means anything. Well today I was pulled into a meeting with two of my managers for a ‘conversation’. This conversation was about how they know that I’ve been talking about this and they talked about how they’re actually generous for paying us $12/hr plus tips. Then it ended with them telling me that this serves as a verbal warning, since customers could hear this and that it may mess with morale. Since this was only a verbal, I don’t have anything in writing, BUT when I started this job in July, I signed a paper stating that I could not discuss wages with other employees. I called the NLRB…


“Ultra Commuters”

I absolutely love this subreddit and have followed it for a while just under a different username as it’s one of the only places I’ve found true solidarity with other people who hate work as much as I do lol I’m a vtuber who offers social commentary on various issues – one of them being the current shit show that is working life Here’s a recent reaction vid I did to this unbelievable article on commuters. I’d love to hear more on what you all think on this issue – if you think the article must be planted propaganda as I do or disagree with me completely! Lmk in the comments 🙂


Got f*cked, so they’ll get f*cked harder…

So, I was let go for a non-visable disability. human Resources asked for an accommodation request to be submitted because I mentioned that the issues they were still having sounded like my disability's symptoms. I was going in for a change in medication and seeing a counsellor over a traumatic event that happened a few months prior, so I was fine to get the paperwork also filled out by my doctor. Well, a week after I get a call for a meeting and to bring a Union rep. I panicked a little because I wasn't able to get my anxiety meds until the up coming pay day, but I managed to calm down thinking it was just to let the Union know what accommodations I'd be getting approved for. (I only asked for people to email any extra tasks and to wait until the afternoon to bother me unless it…


OSHA Reports

We’re in Illinois. My brother-in-law was telling me about how he feels like is company is not safe for respiratory reasons. Metal and steel dust all in the air. Poor ventilation, his lunch and dinner taste the same with hint of metallic taste. He doesn’t feel safe. I can’t seem to find on the OSHA website if he can stay anonymous if he reports. Cal/OSHA says yes, but isn’t that only California?


“Hiring multiple candidates” for my job?

A couple of weeks ago I discovered a posting on Indeed for my job which included my office address. I asked my boss about it and he said they’re looking to hire more people. The listing now says “hiring multiple candidates” I’m still feeling suspicious because there’s not much space in the office. My boss also didn’t say whether or not my job is safe. After becoming a contractor in July, they gave me a contract for one month which was supposed to give my company time to figure things out. They extended me three more times but I didn’t get a contract for this month. They have not said whether or not they will extend me again or convert me to a permanent position. The job posting has a pay range that is way less than what I’m making now. The company has no medical or retirement benefits and…


California state scientists STRIKE for pay equity – The first civil service strike in the state’s history


Why do people suggest the BBB?

It is my understanding that the BBB or better business bureau is not a government agency, they hold absolutely no power to do anything to any business when it comes to choices they have made. They are basically an early version of Yelp, where businesses could pay to be a part of thier reccomended businesses list, and consumers could file complaints that could then be seen by anyone curious. But beyond that they are useless. They can't get you your job back, they won't help you take your employer to court, they won't cover your bills if you're wrongly terminated. And not a single modern consumer even bothers checking them before making a purchase. Hell a bad Google review has more power then the BBB. At least this is my understanding. If I'm wrong I am totally open to learning and I don't mean this post as a put down…