
I was living the dream… Now I’m back on earth

The dream was working from home as a developer, I was doing from 8 am to 5 pm with 1 hour for lunch every day 5 days a week. No overtime, no stress, great team, paid the right amount. A lot of paid holidays. And I was actually doing everything they asked me on time without any issue, but of course I was also able to make some bread, cook my good quality and really cheap lunch etc… Simple things that I could do while working in break time to enjoy life. It was too good to be true. Yesterday they asked me to go there for one time only (they said), turns out that's not true, they want to transfer me to another team that will require me to go there for at least some weeks. And they will ask me to work from 9 am to 6 pm.…


No Shit Sherlock

Had to think about all you guys when I read that article, hope it is alright to share. Who would have thought paying people decently and treating them like humans could solve problems?


Does anybody else love learning and wish you could try all kinds of professions but dislike the working world? How can we reimagine a society that maximises learning but minimises work?

Hello all, I currently have been thinking a lot about work and how generally the working world and rat race has contributed to my misery even though I actively participate in it. I think back to how I was always was very excited to learn since a young age-I was fascinated by so many things: geography, drawing/art, writing, science, etc. When it was time to pick my major in college, I was stumped what I wanted to do: I really liked medicine so thought about being a doctor, but also thought about journalism, economics, materials science and computer science as possible career choices. I literally struggled to pick “one” thing and finally settled when I got into a healthcare program (not medicine) in college. I wasn’t happy in my program at all-I was excited about the content in my program, but I didn’t see my profession as a personality trait.…


Might get fired…oddly fine with it.

I shouldn't be. I'm homeless, I need all the money I can get. But…they made me take a week off mental health leave last week and I've called every day this week sick because my brain is still too fucked up to deal with the abusive customers now that I've had a chance to realize how messed up this job is. I always knew I'd quit this one. I'm tired of working for a legalized scam center. I'm calling out tomorrow. I'm calling out Friday. They wanna fire me, so be it, they'd be doing me a favor.


Working six days straight in a row. I’ll be on my third week next week.

I don’t understand why my job keeps doing this to me. I literally don’t have any time for anything anymore. I know this is TMI but sometimes there’s days where I can’t even shower because I’m too tired and I can’t even do my laundry because I’m too tired I end up just crashing. I only have one day off and this week it’s only just Friday And I just sleep I literally fall asleep around like 6 PM because I’m too tired and I don’t even make that much money. Anyway I only make like $15 an hour and my team lead is only making $18 an hour and they’re not even there most the time, they never call in saying that they are sick. But yeah if I tried calling I get yelled at I did get documented about me calling off because they’ve been working me too…


Draw this at work today !!


Regional Manager had houseless man’s van impounded

I work at a supermarket chain in the Midwest. There has been a van parked in our lot for literally years (I’ve been there two, coworkers said it’s been around for years prior). It belongs to a guy who lives out of it. He has his own car separate from the van that he uses for a pizza delivery job, he comes back to sleep in the lot. Never got a parking ticket, it’s so far out in the lot I’ve never seen anyone parked further away than him, so he’s not even taking up a spot. He came in sometimes and bought stuff, never stole a single thing (they followed him). No one ever gave a shit about it or bothered him for, again, YEARS. On Monday we had a visit from the regional manager who asked about it. By the end of the day he had security call…


Toxic CEO on Glassdoor

Not sure if this belongs here but wanted to share. Left this tech startup sales job about a month in because the CEO would come down and physically/verbally abuse us for being incompetent. Within 3 weeks of me working there 7 people quit. These are some old screenshots of him name dropping on anonymous Glassdoor reviews.


Seasonal Warehouse Job at TJX

I got a seasonal job to supplement my freelance work and it’s gone horrible. I was supposed to have two days of training, then four days of work the next week, but we all (temps) have been sent home four days in a row after the first day of training. Is this normal for a distribution center? I think I’m just going to stop going.


How To Not Enter the Workforce

So i’m a 20f in community college and I am dreading entering the workforce. I’m getting an associates in cybersecurity and to be honest I do not care about the field at all and additionally I’m only attending college for the financial aid refund checks. But to graduate I have to get an internship and I’ve been putting it off because I don’t want to work , I have zero desire. I’ve only had one job when I was 16/17 and it was fine I guess?? I’ve just been thinking about alternatives and how I can maybe another path to make money. Anyways I really hate capitalism and I don’t even know why i’m posting because I will have to work my life away just like everyone else.