
He previously stated that this was a full-time position :)


Do you enjoy a work place that pays well, but have not enough work for everyone, and there’s politics?

should you stay in this place or should you look for other jobs that might be a lot busier but pays you some more money.


FMLA- Here are my issues. Which one is best to use?

Hi all, I've been struggling immensely with anxiety and depression for years, but I always manage. Somehow. This past year, my dad was in the hospital with heart failure, I was his caretaker, my brother was in jail, I bailed him out and he lived with my for a while, and on top of this I suffer from PMDD (worse when I'm stressed) , I developed stomach issues (big surprise) and now take meds for it, I've lost weight because I could eat, etc. it's just non stop. My company is a huge healthcare company. I've used my PTO by now since it's near the end of the year. I was learning about MLA and it sounds like I would qualify. But for what? All of these issues tied in or? I have a therapist I meet with virtually once a week, and a nurse practitioner who prescribed medicine every…


Boss threatened to fire

So i work at a grocery store and i work on a few set aisles. I was working on an aisle and left the cart of product i had further down the aisle so my boss comes up to me while there are a few customers around and started saying she would fire me for leaving my cart on the other end of the aisle because it leaves opportunity for customers to shoplift. Ok i get it, but to threaten a termination over product abandonment? How likely is it that a boss will get fired for threatening termination over something small like that?


How did you stop working?

Since this group is for anti-work people how do you/did you manage to stop working and how long did it take? Was it savings, lifestyle changes, work changes, etc that allowed you to get to this place?


I get burned out and quit/get fired around 6 months into a job

At around 6 months into a job, when I’m fully trained, I start to get extremely depressed. I work and try so hard to fix this, but it seems inevitable every time. My performance starts dropping, and I start spiralling about this because of my past experiences. I go to therapy, I try my best to maintain a work life balance but work takes over eventually. Then I either get fired, or have a complete breakdown and quit because I feel I have no other option than quitting. I’m open about my mental health in work to make my managers aware of the situation and why my performance is dropping. My last job I was royally screwed over by my manager and this has caused so much work anxiety. I don’t understand how I can get out of this pattern when it’s been happening for 6 years. I feel like…


I got hired for a new hotel front-end job, but they want me to pay for the uniform to work??? Homeless.

I ran into tough times the end of 2021 and ended up homeless by end of march 2022. Being out here in small town Kansas, since I lost my previously place it has taken a long time to find any job openings as jobs don't care about the people at rock bottom. Despite what many think most shelters just do bare minimum and throw you at the wolves without much real help, and being that towns here are spread out I'm confined to one place. Maybe this might be different in a Megacity like Chicago but not here. HOWEVER, after persisting I was finally fortunate enough to find on my own a job that took 2 tough weeks to get through the interview and background processes, but I was finally hired and I finally got a job to help me get back on my feet. But it turned out that…


This has to be a typo


Management treats everyone differently.

Management at my work place seems to be treating everyone differently. Allowing some to get away with things while others are on a tight leash. For instance I wasn’t allowed to attend my uncles funeral. When I gave them more than a weeks notice that I had a funeral and wouldn’t be able to come into work they said they didn’t have the coverage and I’d have to work. But another coworker called out yesterday for a funeral (the day of) and they were perfectly fine with it. No write up or anything. Which don’t get me wrong I don’t want them getting into trouble but when I called out because I had to take my partner to the hospital for BREAKING HIS LEG I was reprimanded and written up.


My boss told me that talking about pay is “not good workplace etiquette” and proceeded to ask me questions about how a different co worker found out about my raise

I live in the US and work at a large food chain. Me and my coworker both received a raise while another co worker in the same position didn’t, reasonably that co worker was upset. Me and the co worker who received a raise were both texted last night by our boss saying quote “how come _____ knows about your raise.” Along with this she proceeded to tell all three of us it is not good work etiquette to talk about raises with other employees because “it causes discord between workers” she then also told us that “it puts me in a hard position.” I responded to this by saying it is legal for me to talk about my raise and wages, which seemed to make her more mad. After I reviewed the NLRB’s website it says that it is illegal to interrogate conversations between employees about discussions regarding wage.…