
What do y’all think of this?

A email was sent out to all employees that our managers told us to disregard, but I read it and there’s lots of truth to it. Here is the email: CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. “Hi all fellow line workers, I overheard a meeting with the bosses Mark Juraschka and Ann Hall. They are planning on cutting our staff by 80% with automation!!! They want to replace all of us that have been here and are making over $16.00 an hour with a new $13.00 an hour people to run the new machines that do everything from making, filling , packaging and shipping products. We have been lied too for too long how Curaleaf cares about us but its a straight up lie. The moving of our jobs…


Haven’t got paid since October 22nd

So I got let go from my previous job last month. My last paycheck should have been Oct 22nd but I didn't receive anything. I reached to them and they said “oh didn't realize you didn't get paid, we will look into it. I haven't received any response from them, I have left several vm's with 3 different people at the company and have emailed them. I even even messaged them on FB with no response. Dept of labor won't get help. It was a remote job with no offices but everyone in the company is local to Tampa Bay. What should I do? Reddit help me!!!


Has Anyone Here Hired an Attorney to Review a Severance Offer?

What was your experience if you did?


anxiety ridden/adhd at job

hi, I work at a bank doing data entry of mortgage documents. Last year they wede extremely they were they backed up from covid. They are caught up now. They still have these documents coming in but a lot less. I was told I would have to start doing another kind of document which has many more check lists for compliance reasons. I have adhd/anxiety and given the complexity of these check lists I asked my manager if I could do the other documents which I knew really well. She said no that I had to learn the other documents. However I still have trouble entering these documents. Today I emailed the head manager asking if I could return to doing the easier . I am sure I will be told no. I will have to put in my notice as the stress is way to much. My husband is…


Dealing with petty corporate managers as a young person at work

First of all, this is my first ever experience with corporate, so you can imagine how taken aback I am by this frankly terrible culture. But lately it's just been getting on my nerves. My supervisor put me up to a task on this project, which involves a lot of work (she never explained the details and intricacies of the expectations of this task and expected me to just know them, but that's for another day). So today, I put up a query to her, letting her know that it would be nice if everyone in our team could help gather all requirements for this task (since requirements require analysis and I'm not paid enough to analyse, I know where to stop) so I can take those to the client and work with them on it. And just to clarify, this task does require inputs from EVERYONE. But she didn't…


Taxes haven’t been taken out for months

Just as it sounds, I started a new position in February of this year and recently caught that they haven’t been taking federal taxes out. When I called hr, they confirmed my w2 was filled out correctly but cannot provide a reason as to why they are not taking taxes out of my check. They are completely demeaning and keep advising me to contact my tax representative even though it is clearly a company issue, not a me issue. When I push the matter, they just pass me between hr and adp. I really do not want to pay back taxes because of their mistake. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?


Spit on at work.

I work construction and working on a remodel and renovation at a high-school. I was walking into the building and a kid leaned out the window and spit on me, landed on the back of my neck. then threw a bucket of water onto us. I brought it up to my supervisor and he just make jokes about it. I feel like I've been assaulted and my company isn't doing anything to protect its workers.


I can’t tell if it’s me or if it’s the job

I (25m) work in local government, human services. I am basically a social worker for families with children with developmental disabilities. I graduated in 2020, so I guess I don't have that much experience. I'm coming up on 1-year. I make 50k. I work remotely 3-days out of the week. Govt benefits. Union. I know on paper I should be having a great time and that I'm privileged. I still somehow feel like this job is killing me. Astronomical caseload, no training, having to “fake it until I make it” every single day. Strict expectations about meeting state regulations in my work. 3-4 new cases each week and it's not going down. All this fake urgency to pile more and more cases into a system that CANNOT contain them. Families waiting for months and sometimes a year for services that could benefit from them, and I'm still expected to be…


Boss angry when I eat at work

So whenever I take a 10 minute lunch break to eat a sandwich or something my boss will come in the breakroom and say something like “Yeah… keep stuffing your face.” And “oh she’s back there stuffing her face again” to my colleagues. I fluctuate between underweight and healthy weight and I really don’t eat outside of that time. What should I say/do? I have anxiety about eating now, my stomach was on fire from hunger. I’ve also had anorexia in the past. I just hate my boss so much.


HR recording passed onto boss without permission

Hi, so I recently made an informal complaint to our HR after my boss cornered me and shouted in my face following an argument with my colleague. For context he is a grown man and I am a woman under 5ft. I had a massive panic attack afterwards and it just made me feel awful. I offered them an olive branch by flagging it and not putting in a formal complaint. I just wanted it recorded with HR incase it happened again. Got context I've seen this happen to others in my work multiple times. I was very formal in my email, I copied over the company handbook where our guidelines and the companies promises had been breached. I was very thoughrough. I explained in the meeting that followed with HR that I was worried about being penalised for whistle blowing but I just wanted to make sure changes were…