
Don’t college degrees mean a high income any more these days?

TLDR My father's dying of Glioblastoma Multiforme. Hopefully he'll survive but… I won't get into details. His wish is that I complete my Bsc Psych degree so I can become a pharma rep and earn a high income for financial security, coziness. So does my mother who's healthy fortunately. They are boomers. I am Gen Z. These are different times. Don't certain college degrees secure you a high income by default any more? Sorry if this is a weird or stupid question


Everyone at work run away from me, ignore me or are rude to me.

Im a 27 years old man with health issues, I feel estranged by them. I don’t have any family or friends neither, but I spend most of my time at work and nobody really get along with me. Sure they would talk to me about the work or something like that, but when we go in pause time, they make sure to let me alone, to not be seen with me, and stuffs like that. For some reason, I have a heavy presence, I don’t know how to explain, but they actively ignore me while actively often looking in my direction. I feel like they are purposely are ignoring me that it’s clearly obvious it is intended. They would just say comments like someone like me needs more silence, one of my coworker recently made fun of the way I walk imitating me to other coworkers. Even coworkers who coached…


That’s enough internet for today


Got fired. Should I negotiate the severance package?

I got laid off on Monday effective immediately. They sent me a termination letter stating that I will get 2 weeks of pay. I looked it up only found information through one source ( It seems like it was a mass firing event and everyone got offered only 2 weeks of pay no matter their tenure. Although I'm not sure how reliable this source is. So I was wondering if it's worth it to try to negotiate my severance package and how I should negotiate it?


How Did layoff affect your lifestyle and perspectives about saving!

First of all, my husband’s layoff made us feel humble and appreciate about little things we were taking for granted such as health insurance and steady incomes and etc. even though we were saving before, we had a few splurges like expensive purses and jewelry and eating out and nice cars. Now since he got laid off, I’m in search of health insurance and more conscious about spending. We appreciate each other more and the kids are more calm and understanding more about wise spending. I’m planning to save more and live more frugally than before and try to invest and have more passive income for the future.


How do you do it, knowing your work will never make you happy?

I have to work 8 hours a day staring at a computer screen at a job I hate. At the end of it I’m just exhausted, and I barely do anything at home but get ready for the next day. I’ve gotten two degrees and neither career fields have been fulfilling. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even enjoy weekends anymore because it just leads to Monday again. I’m in my 30s and my life is flying by and I’m starting to hate every second. My problem is the things I would love doing is probably what everyone else in the world would love to do, work with animals, or plants outdoors. The problem is those jobs don’t pay because everyone wants them. I really don’t care about money at all, I just want to enjoy my work, because I’m spending the majority of my life doing it.…


I was a victim of modern slavery in the United States of America

Now I am deemed worthless and unemployable since I have worked for many years in the IT industry. I think many similar people in the IT and tech industry who came to the US are being exploited by their employers by giving them low pay and wages. I may see it as my own misfortune or foolishness to stay in the company for 8 years without realizing the impact that could have on my career. Now I am deemed worthless and unemployable since I had worked for many years in the IT industry. I think many similar people in the IT and tech industry who came to the US are being exploited by their employers by giving them low pay and wages. I have tried reporting to the Department of Labor about my case, but I was unfortunate because I have passed a few months for the complaint to be…


Hr is mad at us because they used the old email they told us to stop using…

Hr sent us some thing we were supposed to sign, sent to our old email… thag they told us to stop using… than sent multiple follow up emails reminding us to sign it. The dumb part? They sent the reminder emails to our regular email that we use every day…


Work 4 jobs and you too can pay off your debt in no time!

This is late stage capitalism.


Just got terminated

I lasted a year. I wasn’t the top performer but I wasn’t the worst. I did everything I told to and then some, I participated in all events, I made sure everyone was attended to. This afternoon I got a notification on Microsoft teams to go to HR. Suddenly I was in a meeting with my supervisor and was told my position was being terminated effective immediately with no reason. I tried to ask why they would not tell me why. I said “understood” turned in all my stuff and went home. Here I was thinking I’m safe cause everyone at the office liked me but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. There is no such thing as loyalty in the corporate world or even consideration for other human you are just a number with a task that…