
You are worth one scoop of icecream

My partner's department decided to throw them an ice cream social. Even put up a flier that said, “Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts.” They've been short 5 employees for at least 6 months now. Some people have been pulling 12 hours shifts 6 days a week. Filling in swing shift from day. There was literally no one on the help desk one day due to call outs. This company makes over a mil a day. It's so disgusting and disrespectful. But nobody wants to work anymore! /S


New Peaceful Revolution

Can you imagine all the happiness, the peace, and the bliss we would all experience if we all quit our bullsht jobs and worked together as a community. We can’t be so individualistic anymore as we now know that we are better in larger groups of people working together towards a common goal. We need land to build a community of farmers, building better housing, shared resources if we want a better future. The children will be taken care of. Even if we do not own land and lived in houses, there’s gotta be a way where we can rely on our neighbors for help. The government and Elites and Politicians and rich people are having so much power because you guys are giving it away so easily. We need to be ready for anything. We need to work together. We cannot be individualistic but we need to all thrive…


People you work with.

Truly, the people you work with make a big difference to your eveyday work experience. I just left a job with a manager that responded like a 10 years old kid when faced with something what he didn't want to hear. This and the myriad of other problems forced me to quit without having any other alternative on the horizon right now. End of the rant. Pretty scary situation but extremely liberating.


Is my employer required to pay me for being “on call?”

Every month we each have one weekend where we’re on call. We don’t have to be on-premise unless we’re called in, but we are expected to make it to work within one hour if we are called in. Given the restriction of how far away from my workplace I can travel, whether or not I can you know…run errands or do anything else on the weekend, should I be entitled to some level of compensation?


I’m really good at what I do, and I’ve gotten functionally negative raises for the past two years.

I've been doing this job for a really long time. I'm really good at it. Everyone says I'm a joy to work with, am a team player, good at moderating conflicts (despite my constant sarcasm). We do get a raise every year, but with the current level of inflation and the rising cost of healthcare, 4-5% doesn't keep up. My take home pay will be less next year than it is this year, due to the health insurance deduction going up. Therefore, I do less. I'm “super busy” right now and I'll get to your task when I have time, in about two weeks. Everyone I work with is burned out. Upper management pushes harder and harder to get projects out faster and faster. Basically, I'm doing bare minimum to keep from getting fired at this point. Good thing I'm super efficient.


Minimum of 72 hours per week


“Nobody Wants To Work Anymore” – My Most Recent Job Interview Experience

It's unbelievable how unprofessional organizations are these days. I am extremely qualified in my field and this was the treatment I recieved. Thank you, next.


A “Nobody wants to work anymore” meme


1) Work a semi back office job for $5 an hour, M-F 8:00-5:00 pm low level stress 2) work an appointment setter job, for $7 an hour highly stressful 4 x a week from 10:00 am till 10:00 pm, Saturday’s are a must and possible working extra time and day(5 days a week) schedule changes every week.

The higher paying job also requires you to schedule minimum 35 appointments out of 70-90 calls daily…an also no work-life balance, if they need you a certain time or date you have to comply. Is that worth $7 an hour?


I Work in a Nursing Home/Rehab Nightmare

A few months ago I was hired as an activities assistant for a nursing home that also has a rehab program; so we're a rehab and a nursing home. I really do like my work for the most part, the stuff I do for the residents to make them smile or give them something to occupy their time is really cool and fulfilling. The problem is basically everything else. I’m going to try to be semi-vague. My boss is awful. She's incompetent at her best and outright hostile at her worst. I'm pretty sure some of this is due to the management above her but a lot of it is her attitude in general. She’s the activities director but seems half the time to be disdainful of people having fun. She’s more concerned with getting paperwork filled out properly than actually doing the practicalities of the job, keeping residents entertained…