
Tips for switching from salary to contract? Writing a contract from scratch

Hey guys. I'm looking for tips on how to switch from a full-time salary worker in the USA to fully contract, as I'm going to be moving out of the country but still working for this same company. We decided this would be the easiest way to continue the employment, but now I need to convert and create myself a new contract and I need help. I realize that the benefits I got as a full-time employee (401k match, for example) don't translate as part of the salary so I could try and work those in, converted to $$, if I were looking for the exact or similar compensation package. Do you guys have any recommendations, or things I should make sure I include in there? I have never designed my own employment contract before, and I don't even know where to start. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!!


My boss keeps fucking with me so they’ll have no one to fuck with

So ive been working as a porter for a residential building and since ive started working they’ve been changing my schedule often. Even changing my shifts to be on days that i had off and used for dentist appointments or doctors appointments that i would then have to reschedule. Since im also the newest worker everyone having years under their belt, whenever someone calls out with no stand in i get left their responsibilities essentially having to do 2 jobs and basically forced to work overtime. I have also developed a fungal infection because this job sucks on my feet. But yesterday i got a offer to work with an architecture firm with a job thats less labor intensive and pays more with better hours. I start that job monday my current job will have a busy holiday season short staffed


Supervisors making up rules, now I’m calling them out.

We have certification programs through Google that are offered to all the employees, I work for a really big insurance company. When I asked if I could take the course in email marketing I was refused on the bases that it didn’t align with my current or future career. After pointing out to her that it clearly states these courses are for any employee who wants to take them regardless of any current or future roles she clapped back with the same rhetoric and I went to her sup who told me the same thing. I have requested the information they have given me that is accessible to all employees bc they are giving me direct opposite information that I can obtain. Guess what, they can’t provide it. We’ve been going in email circles for a few weeks and now they want to have a meeting for the 3 of…


My essential distrust of the Economic-Political system intellectualised through a Jungian archetypal model

Hi, all. This is a reel that I made primarily exploring the 'Hero's Journey,' and 'Sacred Space.' Yet, this section dives in deep into how political, social and economic systems are able to manipulate individuals en-mass that do not harbour strong spiritual and mental frameworks. I mostly use Jung and psychology here, but I think you guys may resonate with this a little. Please let me know your thoughts!


Am I entitled to pay for time spent in airport terminal?

I'm an hourly employee working for a trade organization with around 30 employees. Everyone is traveling from Ohio to our annual trade show in Vegas. In the past, we've been told to record our hours from the time we arrive at the airport to the time we get to our hotel, but this year the Director of Operations wants us to only record from when our flight leaves. I know this doesn't seem like a big change, but I have had my flights delayed before on trips and spent extra hours in the airport. I have been working really hard despite my anxiety to set boundaries at this job, as its one of those jobs where its an unspoken thing that sometimes you have to take extra work home that you do off the clock. I am trying to find another job, but the current job market is not making…


When Antiwork meets Antipay


Programmers is this normal?

I work in a job where we maintain applications. My boss expects me to solve issues quickly. Issues they have spent years debugging so they know all the ins and outs but I don’t yet. It’s literally like trying to find a needle in a haystack though because there is business logic in every layer. There are like page long sql queries APIs, and front end and import code and you have to check the data each step of the way to find out what’s missing. It just feels so frustrating working on this code and hurts my brain but then I think maybe I’m just a bad programmer and should be able to debug through 3 sql views and API logic with ease.


Fired 8 days before my wedding and now my manager tries to reach out while I’m on my honeymoon

long rant. TLDR; at end I worked for a trucking company hauling metal roofing materials and metal coils. Our new trucks have a collision sensor on front that was extremely sensitive. You could be slowing down at a stop sign and the truck would think you weren’t slowing down fast enough (even if you were) and then slam automatically on the brakes to avoid an accident that wasn’t going to happen. On a good day, this would just damage thousands of dollars worth of product and damage company equipment. On a bad day this could cause the metal we haul to break free of it’s straps and go through the back of the cab, killing the driver (something that almost happened to two of my other coworkers on more than one occasion). After about 5 events where I was nowhere near getting into an accident and calling my boss and…


F this crap

Dude, how do companies expect us to stay motivated at work? We give away a majority of our life to places that could give 2 shits about us. Pay is always bullshit,it’s taxed to fuck then we have to pay taxes on everything else and can’t even Make ends meet. It’s almost December and I have no way of buying oil for the house we rent, haven’t had insurance on our cars for like 3 months and can hardly feed my family let alone afford groceries and gas to get to work. When I say this shit is depressing it’s more than depressing it’s absolutely DREADFUL. Half of the time I couldn’t even go to work without getting picked on or harassed. Most days I don’t even want to wake up. I’m on depression and anxiety medication because this fucking world and it’s greedy money hungry elites. I’ve contemplated committing…


‘They’re treating people as not human’: Tesla employees frustrated over bed bugs in South Buffalo factory