
What’s a reasonable hourly wage for a part time manufacturing employee?

I have been working at my Manufacturing job for about 2 years. I don’t have a college degree nor any certifications, but they have chosen to put me in a training roll for mechanical engineering. it doesn’t feel like training as it kinda just feels like I’m figuring out whatever they need done. I am currently in charge of building a test wall which will run our newest pumps, i conformal coat pcm boards, and I’m helping build a new robotic cell. On top of those three main duties, i do whatever is needed; i have learned to solder for them among other skills. Considering i don’t have a degree, how much should i be getting paid? My current rate is $16.80 and my yearly review is coming up. Should i ask for a raise?


Year long PIP …

I was written up back in April of this year due to poor performance. I admit I wasn’t doing my best and made sloppy mistakes. They extended it twice due to being short staffed and I personally think they need me until they can hire and train someone else. I’ve improved drastically and have had minimal complaints or made any of the original mistakes but it was extended again until after new years. By now, I’m the only remote person while everyone else has switched to a hybrid setting. The bits and pieces I’m gathering is that I’m missing training and that the new hire is being flown out to meet the rest of the team. I’ve been looking for jobs and had a few interviews but no follow ups but I know how it’s going to end. I can’t quit due to my financial situation. can I request my…


Is 62 cents more an hour worth adding 20% to my workload?

My new job was getting myself and a new training class excited about their incentives program. Every quarter everyone gets a bonus. The tier of bonus is based on your metrics. Your tasks done each day on average, your attendance, and the number of mistakes the audit team catch. The better you do, the better the bonus. The 2nd best tier is where metric goals are, so doing what's expected which pays out $900. The tier above requires perfect attendance, perfect 99% or better on your audits, and 20% more tasks than expected of you. That tier awards $1200. I did the math and per hour in a quarter, busting my ass that much harder, would award me 62 more cents per hour than if I just do my job normally. I feel inclined to just work my wage, thought you all would find this a little humorous.


Sweden’s Tesla blockade is spreading — Starting Friday, dockworkers in all Swedish ports will refuse to offload Teslas, cleaning crews will no longer clean showrooms, and mechanics won’t fix charging points


A friend’s post. Worth it?



The new mantra for the working class

We have always been told that hard work pays off (yeah, right), that it is noticed (so they can pile on more work) and appreciated (but don't you dare ask for a raise). This needs to be the new mantra for the working class; It is not my job or responsibility to compensate for the fact that this company hasn't hired enough people to keep this company/department running and I will not sacrice or destroy my mind or body to do so.


I actually love my current job, but I rarely know my schedule more than a few days ahead of time, am I being foolish?

I won't go into too many details, because like I said, I love this job and want to play it safe. My job is really fun and rewarding, stressful often but they pay is competitive, well and fair. My benefits are awesome, the hours aren't too long, I always get a break during my shift, etc. The trouble I'm having is that our schedule for the next week often isn't posted until a day or two before the week starts. Once in a while we get our schedule a whole week ahead of time, but rarely and never more than 7 days ahead. I am expected to work holidays and weekends, and I'm okay with that sacrifice. However, I'm not okay with not being able to plan anything ahead of time. I cannot request days or even parts of days off because we are always understaffed and most dates are…


The cycle continues

My 7th grader filled out this “Career planning” work sheet as part of some kind of career/personal finance consoling thing through his school. The idea, I guess, is to introduce kids to budgeting etc. After selecting their career, the students are given these numbers to plug into a a worksheet to see what their budgeting would look like in real life. Some highlights: Job – Architect Degree – Bachelors Salary – 120,000 Montly housing – 600 Monthly cable – 30 No mention of debt(s) needing repayment. Remember – these numbers were not made up by a 7th grader, but given to them. Fortunately, this did allow us to have a real discussion regarding finances. If this is what children are being taught to expect/aim for, then there is no question they are being set up to either fail or see themselves as a failure, just so they too can get…


Shift scheduling craziness

I work at a retail store and my shift hours have been insane. My hours have me working until 5:30pm and then the next day I am scheduled to work the 5AM-9AM merchandising shift which always starts with a 30 minute Dale Carnegie style speech. My company is obsessed with that 60's style teambuilding. I just want to scream “can we stop talking and just start opening the boxes, we are already behind.” You have to be there ready precisely at 5am which means getting there early to prepare. The break structure is weirdly regimented to where there are one-on one-off breaks where everybody sits alone for 15 minutes in the breakroom. Going to the bathroom involves announcing over the radio that “I am going off the floor and I will do a bathroom check”. What really got me was the “mandatory holiday meeting”, this was to introduce us to…


Looking for ways to get me re-started with my career after a long gap, as I’m in a dire need!

Hello fellas. Long story short, I left the vfx industry after facing a long battle with toxic environment and working with a bunch of people who neither cared about the team nor the mental health of a person. Although the last thing that I expected was going through another rough phase personally as well right after leaving the industry, which shattered everything. Currently I am trying to get started again with the jobs, on an urgent basis as there is an extremely dire need for money, but having lost all touch with the software and the skills, I am unable to find any work and on top of that the long gap is another added bane for me, though I have started to revisit the tutorials and the possible resources I could find online. I was a compositing artist using Nuke as my primary tool to complete the tasks. I…