
Job market

This damn job market sucks.


I know we all have to work but gosh it’s so tiring being in bs place

I hate my line of work. I was only doing this to pay my schooling. It’s not what I thought it would be. I’m depressed I cry everyday because of how frustrated I am. I bought a house, I have a family, some people’s dream. I just hate my career aspect and being stuck in the house mortgage. I do too much for back breaking up work. I cry and I hate how I cry in front of my family because they start asking why are you sad? How do I get this under control. I can’t just quit my family depends on my income too it’s not one household income. I feel like my sanity is breaking


Advice needed. Does talking to your boss about a hostile work environment always result in someone getting fired (either you or the other employee)?

Looking for advice. This is my first real job since I graduated college and I have been employed for 10 months. This is my first time dealing with an issue like this. A coworker has been spreading rumors about me and I really want it to stop. I’m so anxious about the whole thing and it’s really affecting my mental health. The problem is, I don’t think I have enough concrete proof that she’s the one spreading rumors. Most of the conversations I had with other people about this issue were in person and not over text. I’m thinking about talking to my boss about it because I’m so scared the rumors will spread further. However, I’m terrified that it will backfire and I’ll be let go instead, which leads me to my question. With an issue like this, is there any way my boss could talk to her, without…


Part-Time Hospice Chaplaincy Job is Peak Labor Exploitation

This hospice chaplaincy job in Pittsburgh requires applicants to have an advanced degree and experience, and expects them to take on a heavy full-time workload (including uncompensated work travel) and have on-call night and weekend availability, but offers them only part-time pay with no benefits and no guarantee of a future salary and benefits. I posted this in r/chaplain and was shocked to discover that some chaplains feel that this employment situation is acceptable (ostensibly because it is normal). It seems like they've been gaslit into thinking this acceptable and they're trying to convince me it is. They simply won't be deprogrammed. I'm not crazy, though, right? This is clearly exploitative, right?


Shower thought: the reason management and executives dislike remote work

It is not about about productivity, or profit returns, or not even about the sunken cost of having a nice office that is being unused. I think it is much more visceral to the human nature. Each person has their motivation to get out of bed in the morning. For some are their kids, for other is the dream of a better life, others are their church/community, etc. But one big invariant for most (all?) life motivations is the need to build fulfilling relations with other people: one wants to be love by others, or respected, or accepted into a group, or feared or the likes. Rich bosses reason to wake up in the morning is no secret: it is their work. They “work” for 12 hours a day and brag about it. It is obvious they don't see it as chore like the rest of us, they can do…


I keep saying I’m just about done

Today a staff member SIQ (staff in question) who I manage responded to my observation that they were handling raw chicken unsafely by getting verbally belligerent and squaring up with me. I complained to my boss. This is nothing new. I've been receiving belligerent harassing treatment from SIQ for a year and a half, and I'm a manager. We work with vulnerable people. I legitimately have to ask how SIQ treats people who can't speak up for themselves when she's willing to treat her manager like that. I've complained and asked for intervention, and all I really got out of it was a meeting where she was just allowed to unload on me and there was no addressing of her belligerent behavior. When I complained to my boss today he said in his judgment he doesn't need to do anything about it and if I feel unsafe I should talk…


I was living the dream… Now I’m back on earth

The dream was working from home as a developer, I was doing from 8 am to 5 pm with 1 hour for lunch every day 5 days a week. No overtime, no stress, great team, paid the right amount. A lot of paid holidays. And I was actually doing everything they asked me on time without any issue, but of course I was also able to make some bread, cook my good quality and really cheap lunch etc… Simple things that I could do while working in break time to enjoy life. It was too good to be true. Yesterday they asked me to go there for one time only (they said), turns out that's not true, they want to transfer me to another team that will require me to go there for at least some weeks. And they will ask me to work from 9 am to 6 pm.…


No Shit Sherlock

Had to think about all you guys when I read that article, hope it is alright to share. Who would have thought paying people decently and treating them like humans could solve problems?


Does anybody else love learning and wish you could try all kinds of professions but dislike the working world? How can we reimagine a society that maximises learning but minimises work?

Hello all, I currently have been thinking a lot about work and how generally the working world and rat race has contributed to my misery even though I actively participate in it. I think back to how I was always was very excited to learn since a young age-I was fascinated by so many things: geography, drawing/art, writing, science, etc. When it was time to pick my major in college, I was stumped what I wanted to do: I really liked medicine so thought about being a doctor, but also thought about journalism, economics, materials science and computer science as possible career choices. I literally struggled to pick “one” thing and finally settled when I got into a healthcare program (not medicine) in college. I wasn’t happy in my program at all-I was excited about the content in my program, but I didn’t see my profession as a personality trait.…


Might get fired…oddly fine with it.

I shouldn't be. I'm homeless, I need all the money I can get. But…they made me take a week off mental health leave last week and I've called every day this week sick because my brain is still too fucked up to deal with the abusive customers now that I've had a chance to realize how messed up this job is. I always knew I'd quit this one. I'm tired of working for a legalized scam center. I'm calling out tomorrow. I'm calling out Friday. They wanna fire me, so be it, they'd be doing me a favor.