
I’m fairly pissed off I didn’t get my end of year bonus today as promised.

6 weeks ago we got confirmation from our county judge that the county employees will get a bonus this year (today. November 15, 2023) of $1,500-$3,500 depending on our years of service, attendance, and performance. Well it was a shock today to find out that instead of our bonuses, we just our regular paychecks and we're told that our quorum court were holding our bonuses hostage until they got to the bottom of our county judge approving the bonus without going to them first (which isnt required btw). INSTEAD OF SOLVING THIS ISSUE TODAY AT THEIR EMERGENCY MEETING so we could at the very least get these bonuses before black Friday. Quorum court spent 2 hours in their emergency meeting bitching and complaining about how the judge “DiDn'T cOnSuLt ThEm FiRsT” Mind you, I'm a 911 dispatcher. I work, 24/7/365. So do the other 30 employees that work with me.…


Employer taking advantage of my courteous nature. (Bit of a rant)

I was up most of the night sick but still came into work as there was a site job that needed to be done. I told my employer that I'd be heading home after the job was finished as I was unwell and that I only came in as a courtesy. The plan was to head over after smoko, do the job (roughly an hour), drop the gear off at the workshop and then go home. After smoko i was told that, the site needed a heap of information. Information they hadn't needed for our previous visits and to do a site orientation. (Also roughly an hour) So the information had to be found and sent off for their approval. In the meantime I was to continue working away in the shop. Lunch came and went, still no approval. So my employer is now saying “looks like tomorrow.” Problem is,…


How to say “cool story bro” /s professionally in an email?

Might not be the RIGHT place for this but y’all get it. I really want to tell this big corporate company “cool story bro” and “fuck off” in an email. Think sarcastic, you’re not even worth my fucking time vibes. Professionally though. I’ve seen this group do this kind of magic before. Hoping for it to happen again.


Am I a little bitch?

I work inventory for a small nutrition company. I enjoy my work for the most part, and my coworkers. I work from 9-6PM and travel about 40 minutes each way. So, really it's 8:20 to 6:45 5 days a week. This I loathe. I have no time to be creative, be with my husband and dog, breathe, etc. because I’m still overcoming health issues so that long of a day really beats the life out of me. This is my first job after being unemployed for 11 months due to severe health issues. Although my health isn't where it should be I still work hard, and I'm confident in that. I just want to know if this is as bad as I think it is…. I was trained for a total of 3 days, and it was minimal. My main boss is a micromanager, and it's starting to get to…


Got fired for the first time… what do I say in the next interview?

I’ve been working food service for the past 9 months, and just got fired. I was having a bad day, a customer called me a “disgusting human being” and I snapped back, and now I’m out on my ass. Obviously it was “unprofessional” and I get how I fucked up, and I’m going to do a better job of keeping my cool at work in my next job. The thing is, how do I get my next job? My first job with Amazon I quit after a year and a half. My next two jobs were contract based. (Maybe ironic that I could handle working in an Amazon warehouse but not front of house customer service.) I’ve never been fired. Obviously, people get fired from jobs and go on to new ones all the time, but what do I say about it? I can’t very well tell an employer “Yeah…


Can I file for unemployment while receiving severance

I live in California and I'm getting severance. Can I file for unemployment? Also, how soon after termination do you need to file? Thanks in advance!


Just realised the company I registered with is a scam

I'm in NZ and this is an Australian based company. It's to be noted that all the jobs currently available in my area are first clean for a regular service and are for 2 hours. So I would work for 50% of my pay in my first week. I also just made a dumb realization that the cleaner is expected to make contact with the client and arrange time to discuss what needs to be done. Cleaners are to use their own vehicles and wear their own clothes. There's a fuck load more work done outside the cleaning hours. Luckily I'm not tied into anything and I don't have to accept any jobs. How should I tell them to go fuck themselves?


Javilina having a hard time with inflation.

Tax the rich


Theyre trying to casually make me agree to be a stand-in manager

My work recently had a manager in my area retire, so they posted the position. My boss at the time encouraged me to apply for it, as currently I'm the best qualified for it. He also warned that if a suitable manager couldn't be found, they would probably ask me to fill in anyways. So I applied. Long story short, they found an outside candidate that is extremely qualified, and I didnt get the job. I'm not upset, I honestly didn't really want it because it's more administrative work that I'm not really interested in. I'm already a lead for my department under almost the same exact circumstance of there being literally no one else quakified for the position. I was already doing the work, so I applied and at least got paid for it. Now for the rub. My boss sat me down to let me know they had…


such a great deal!